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Index abuse/harassment/victimization, 3, 10–11, 21–24, 26, 60, 202, 291; complexity of, 12; of gay men, 89–90, 294; and health care risk, 65; and intersex individuals, 298; legacy of, 98; police response to, 207–8; and privacy concerns, 27; rates of, 89–90; and stigma, 23–24; of transgender individuals, 21–22, 188, 204, 207, 209, 242, 298. See also discrimination; violence Accord Alliance, 277, 278 African Americans, 10, 98, 134, 164, 211 ageism, 5, 12, 86, 93, 132; and health care services, 25, 98; and homosexual culture, 85; and lesbians, 136, 153, 155 aging, 61, 93–94, 229, 300; and community , 92, 107; and concealment, 4; definition of, 5; demographics of, 6; economic influences on, 12–13; and functional status, 8–9, 96; and historical cohort, 201; and HIV, 97, 227; and illness, 7–9, 138; and life course, 13, 202; psychological aspects of, 142–48; psychosocial aspects of, 5, 9–12; social aspects of, 1, 12–14, 99–100, 142–48, 174, 216; in sociohistorical contexts, 280; and stigma and discrimination, 242; successful, 18, 87–88, 92–93, 135, 143, 144, 145, 146, 202, 216, 242; as term, 84, 85, 131. See also older persons Aging with Dignity Initiative, 117 AIDS. See HIV/AIDS aloneness/isolation, 9–10, 77, 107, 110, 114–15, 133, 143, 239 Alzheimer’s disease, 7, 8, 10, 17, 133, 237 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 275 American Gerontological Society, 243 American Psychiatric Association, 147, 165 Asian Americans, 134 Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 182, 183 bisexuals, 68, 147, 182–83; as caregivers, 61, 63, 64, 73–74, 95–96, 292–93; children of, 67, 178, 180, 293; and cohort effects, 3, 20, 163, 164, 172, 176; coming out by, 67, 162–63, 165–66, 168, 171–72, 175–78, 180; and community, 183; concurrent, 170–71; and death of partner, 178, 179; definition of, 166–72; disclosure by, 66, 67, 135; discrimination against, 61, 105, 115, 117; diversity among, 162–64, 169–72; and end-of-life and palliative care, 21; and families, 67, 175, 177, 178, 179–80; female, 19, 60, 95, 100, 136, 139, 142, 165, 166; and feminism , 165–66; and friendships, 67, 174–75, 176, 293; and gay men, x, 165–66, 168–70, 175–76; and health care, 60, 142, 170, 180–81; health of, 16, 19, 59–60, 139, 180–82; heterosexual identification by, 165–66, 176; and heterosexuals, 168–70, 178; historical, or lifetime, 170; and historical events, 163, 164–66; homosexual identification by, 176; identification as, 169–70; as immature vs. legitimate, 20; and intergenerational relations, 180, 182, 300; Latin, 171; legal issues for, 180–81; and lesbians, x, 165–66, 168–70, 330 i n d e x bisexuals (continued) 175–76; life course of, x, 163, 174–75; life experiences of, 162, 169–70, 295–96; majority perceptions of, 24–26; male, 19, 20, 95–96, 100, 142; and marriage, 67, 163, 166, 167, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 293; and medical decisions, 180; and men and women as opposites, 167–68, 296; and monogamy, 173–74; and nonexistence belief, 166–69, 173; and polyfidelity , 171; population of, 18, 62, 132, 166; sequential, 170; and sexual desire, 168–69, 172, 173, 296; sexual patterns of, 173; situational, 171; and Social Security, 180; spectrum of, 296; stereotypes of, 168, 172–74; and stigmatization , 2, 20; and substance abuse, 11, 60; and support networks, 100; suppression of, 291; transgender individuals as, 220; transitional/experimental, 171–72, 176; and victimization, 23, 60; violence against, 11, 23; visibility of, x, 2, 166 care/caregiving, x, 9, 220, 237–38, 292–93, 299; and abuse, 3, 11, 12; cost of, 8, 9, 10; definition of, 61; and discrimination, 77; and employment, 69; experience of, 95–96; and families, 10, 61, 63, 64–65, 66–67, 292; fear of abusive, 202–3, 237–38; financial barriers to, 60; and gender, 64–65; growth and development through, 96; in home, 63, 72, 116, 154, 229, 232; informal, 59–77; need for facilities for, 10; outcomes for, 73–74; prevalence and types of, 62–63; privacy in, 232; respect and equality for, 76; strain of, 73; support programs for, 116; time commitments for, 73–74; as unpaid assistance, 61. See also bisexuals; gay men; health care/medical treatment; lesbians; transgender individuals children, x, 9, 16, 63, 114, 213–14, 228, 230; adoption and fostering of, 112; of bisexuals, 67, 178, 180, 293...
