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abortion, 87, 92, 106, 107, 208–9, 215 AIDS, 38, 176, 181 altruism. See service to others anemia, 175, 177 Asclepius. See Hippocratic medicine: and Asclepian cult Aum. See Hinduism: basic concepts of authority, greater: collaboration with, 40, 203; relationship to, 33, 35, 37, 39 autonomy: acknowledgment of, 51, 84, 88, 111, 164; definition of, 52; with Jehovah’s Witnesses, 178– 79; respecting, 179, 210, 212, 213, 216, 220; threat to, 29. See also under spiritual assessment Ayurvedic medicine, 4, 73–74 Bacon, Francis, 13 Basil of Caesarea, 7–8, 10 Baxter, Richard, 8–9 Belmont Report. See research on patients: regulations beneficence, 52, 84, 106 bhakti yoga (path of love), 69–71, 75–76 Bible, Christian. See under Christianity blood transfusion: avoidance of, 29, 177–78, 179– 80, 184; risks of, 176–77, 181. See also under Jehovah’s Witnesses Browne, Thomas, 3 Buddha, 115–16, 118, 126 Buddhism: and contemporary medicine, 123–24; and death (see under death); ethical living in, 117–18; faith in, 120–21; Four Noble Truths of, 116–17; history of, 115–16; and living well, 121– 23; overview of, 115–18; and rebirth, 124–25; suffering in, 116–17, 124 Cabot, Richard Clark, 226 Caesarea, Basil of, 7–8, 10 caring: for Buddhist patient, 122–25, 127; for Christian Scientist patient, 160; for Eclectic Spirituality patient, 142, 145, 147–50; for Hindu patient, 74–75; for Jehovah’s Witness patient, 179–81, 182–84; for patient’s spiritual need, 38 Catholicism: and chaplaincy, 227–28; and hospitals , 15–17, 39, 216; and public health, 12; and Vatican II, 16 chakras, 73, 74 chaplain: collaboration with physician, 219, 229– 31, 232–33, 235; as consultant, 40; referral to, 36, 37, 112, 210, 213, 235; relationship with patient, 231; roles of, 229, 230; as teacher, 231 chaplaincy: accreditation in, 228; in addressing conflict, 231; in Buddhism, 121, 126; in Christian Science, 160; current structure of, 228–29; history of, 227–28; and moral distress of patient, 34; practices of, 234 Christianity: and abortion, 107; and baptism, 98; and the Bible, 96–97, 106; and communion, 98; core beliefs of, 97; and end-of-life, 108; and eternal life, 102; on goal of medicine, 104; and “good works,” 100, 113; and Hippocratic tradition , 6–8; and humility, 112–13; and medicine, 106–8; and original sin, 99; overview of, 96–99; practices of, 98–99; and resurrection, 102–3; and suffering, 101–2, 106 Christian Science: becoming practitioner of, 156–57; and contemporary medicine, 158–65; divine laws in, 153; and fear, 164, 165; on healing and suffering, 154–56; on inoculations, 166; on living well, 156; nature of God in, 154; Index Page numbers in italics refer to figures and tables. Index 257 nature of humans in, 154; nurses, 157; nursing facilities, 158; overview of, 152–54; as preventive medicine, 166; on purpose of human existence, 153; and surgery, 159; testimonies, 161, 164 clergy in medical setting, 227, 245 cleric and physician: dual role as, 4, 8, 53; separation of roles, 11, 12 clinical pastoral education, 226–27 clinical relevance model for spirituality and religion , 26–41 cognitive behavioral therapy, 37, 116, 130, 193, 194 complementary and alternative medicine, 17, 142–43, 217, 232, 234, 244, 251 confession, 10–11, 34, 206 Conrad, Lawrence, 13–14 consciousness: in Christian Science, 162; cosmic, 63, 69; in death, 125; definition of, 136; in Eclectic Spirituality, 134, 136, 137, 143; evolution of, 62, 63, 72, 142; of health, 143; human, 72, 134, 137; lack of, 136, 139, 142, 144; of physicians , 241; of self, 17, 63, 72 contraception, 87 cure: desire for, 40, 141–42, 145, 163; physical, 90, 232, 234; physician’s role in, 14, 154, 210; promise of, 207; spiritual, 10, 234–35 death: in Buddhism, 116, 124–27; in Christianity, 101–2, 105, 108; in Christian Science, 155, 159; in Eclectic Spirituality, 137, 138, 149; in Hinduism , 64, 67; in Islam, 81–82, 83, 90; with Jehovah ’s Witnesses, 172, 173, 182, 185 decision making, medical: for Christian Scientists , 160–61, 167; for Hindus, 75; for Jehovah’s Witnesses, 179–80; for Muslims, 88 Descartes, René, 12, 13 determinism, 60, 64 dharma. See Hinduism: basic concepts of disease: in Buddhism, 121; in Christian Science, 155; as different from illness, 188, 190; in Eclectic Spirituality, 135, 140, 142, 145; experience of, 27; inevitability of, 164; in Islam, 82; as sign from God, 8; as spiritual rebirth, 16 Eclectic Spirituality: and altered states, 147; basic concepts of...
