publisher colophon


Page references followed by “fig” indicate illustrations

Abington, Fanny, 68, 73, 78, 253

abolition of slavery, 269, 276–78, 280

absolutism. See despotism

Adam, Robert: Derby House and, 86–88

Fête Champêtre and, 45, 47

The Maid of the Oaks and, 65–66

pavilion of, 54–55, 56fig, 58fig 61fig, 124, 160–61, 391n19

Addison, Joseph, 7, 305

Adolphus, John, 297

adverse incidents (Reik), 353

Aeneid, 289, 291, 293, 324–25, 334,

Alcina (Handel), 335–37

Alfred (Home), 141, 232 alienation, 220

Allen, Ralph G., 66

Almon, John, 12

alterity, 256–57, 278–79

alternative future, 181, 183, 247. See also future

American War: anxiety and, 92, 123, 257

auratic tradition and, 25

The Duenna and, 126

entertainment and, 2–3

Fête Champêtre and, 62

gender and, 35–36

Handel Commemoration and, 308

Inkle and Yarico and, 276

loss of, 265

newspaper factionalism and, 14–15

patriotism after, 36–37

sexualization of English/American relations, 34

The Task and, 20

Thames Regatta supper and, 122–23

theatrical reaction, 141–42

amusement, 2

ancien regime, 32

Anderson, Benedict, 22

Anderson, Misty, 255–56, 265, 267–68

André, John, 62, 149–50, 154, 182, 252. See also Mischianza

Andrew, Donna, 92

antiquarianism, 58, 139, 238

anti-Semitism, 128–29

anxiety: American War and, 92, 123, 257

aristocratic sociability, 92

Garrick’s Hamlet performances and, 200–201

India and, 343, 347, 349, 351

music and, 311

newspaper factionalism and, 15

Percy and, 139

The Prophecy and, 230

social class and, 107, 134

theatre and, 36

The Upholsterer and, 10–11

The West Indian and, 220

West Indies and, 218

apostasy, 247–48, 352–53

Appadurai, Arjun, 66

The Apprentice (Murphy), 6

The Architectural Works of Robert and James Adam, 87

aristocratic dissipation:

American War and, 363

class mingling and, 107–11

domiciliary entertainments and, 95

Handel Commemoration and, 334–35

Mischianza and, 156, 166

Pantheon and, 329

The School for Scandal and, 133, 134

Thames Regatta and, 100–101, 103, 114–15, 117, 173

Which Is the Man? and, 266

aristocratic identity, 48–52

aristocratic performance, 153

aristocratic sociability: anxiety and, 92

domiciliary entertainments and, 94–95, 155

empire and, 67

Fête Champêtre and, 47–48, 50, 51–52, 57

The Maid of the Oaks and, 69–70

Mischianza and, 252

Sheridan and, 259

Thames Regatta and, 102

Arnold, Samuel, 341

Aspden, Susan, 104

As You Like It (Shakespeare), 226, 234

aufnahme, 9

auratic art, 19-21, 25

aurora borealis, 250, 252, 253, 261

autoethnography, 4, 330

avarice, 270

Backscheider, Paula R., 181–82

Bagster-Collins, Jeremy, 279

The Ball Room (Zucchi), 87–88

Bannister, Elizabeth, 294

Barlow, Elizabeth, 354–55

Barrell, John, 78, 347

Barthélemon, François-Hippolyte, 274

Barthélemon, Mary, 46–47, 58

“Bartholomew Fair” (Purcell), 112

Bate, Henry, 14–15

Battle of Blenheim, 351–52

Battle of Charleston, 265

Battle of Chesapeake, 270

Battle of Concord, 90

Battle of Dettingen, 313–14

The Battle of Hastings (Cumberland), 36, 141–42, 225, 227–28

Battle of Lexington, 90

Battle of Malplaquet, 313–14

Battle of Poictiers, 164

Battle of Princeton, 150

Battle of Saratoga, 92, 141–42, 150

Battle of Trenton, 150

Battle of Ushant, 186–91, 191fig, 194, 271

Battle of Yorktown, 249, 265, 270

Bayly, C. A., 354

beauty, 161, 173. See also sublime

The Beaux’s Stratagem (Farquhar), 255

The Beggar’s Opera (Gay), 131

The Belle’s Stratagem (Cowley), 16, 248, 253–55, 258–61, 264

bellicosity, 156, 167, 173, 180–83, 302

Benjamin, Walter, 18–20, 25, 133, 376n41

Betterton, Thomas, 197, 200, 204

biological state racism, 278–79, 413–14n5

Boaden, James, 294, 300

bodies: mutilation of, 342, 349, 353, 355

racialization of classed, 297

of Rodney, 282–83, 283fig, 284fig; white middleclass, 276, 280. See also effigies

A Bold Stroke for a Husband (Cowley), 253

Bolter, Jay David, 21, 23

Bonduca (Fletcher), 36

Bon Ton, or High Life Below Stairs (Garrick), 107

Bourdieu, Pierre, 38

Brewer, John, 374n7, 375n23

British Theatre, 276

Briton (Smollett), 11

Brown, Christopher Leslie, 269, 277

Brown, Jared, 146

Brown, Laura, 287–88

Bulkley, Mary, 139

Burgoyne, John: aristocratic entertainment and, 47

Battle of Saratoga and, 145

court martial of, 88–89

criticism of, 252–53

Fête Champêtre and, 43–45, 57–58

on hybrid entertainment, 74–75

India and, 72

The Maid of the Oaks of, 62–80

parliamentary activities of, 44–45, 173. See also The Maid of the Oaks

Burke, Edmund, 30, 195, 239, 271–73

Burney, Charles, 304, 313, 315, 323–26, 331–32, 334–36, 338

Burrows, Donald, 315, 320

Bute, Lord, 100

Butler, Judith, 38

Byng, John, 6, 7, 202, 204, 264, 374–75n17

Calcutta celebrations, 344–51, 355–57

The Camp (Sheridan), 36, 124, 135, 222, 235, 259

The Campaign (Addison), 348

Carew, Thomas, 47

Carlson, Julie, 405n89

Cartwright, John, 34

The Castle of Otranto (Walpole), 152–53

castrati, 104

castration, 342, 355

Cato (Addison), 184–85

censorship, 4–5

Centlivre, Susannah, 146

Chandos Anthems (Handel), 323–27, 334

chivalry, 138, 150–53, 165, 167

Cibber, Colley, 198–99

circumcision, 342, 349–50, 353

citationality, 264

Cities of the Dead (Roach), 198

City of London, 92, 100–101, 246

civic virtue, 19, 35–36, 78, 181, 183–85, 26768. See also vice; virtue

civil war, 2, 154, 179, 192

The Clandestine Marriage (Garrick/Colman), 131

class envy, 298–99

classicism, 329, 330

class mingling, 107–11, 113–14, 133, 137

Clinton, Henry, 149, 178–79, 183, 185, 219

Clive, Lord, 45, 72

codlings, 50–52, 54, 158–59

Coelum Britannicum (Carew), 47

Coercive Acts, 44, 94, 145, 173

Cohen, Sarah R., 48

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 24, 361

Colley, Linda, 150–51, 153–54, 163, 342

Collingham, E. M., 355

Colman, George, 36, 276–77. See also Inkle and Yarico; New Brooms


Calcutta celebrations and, 345

harem fantasy and, 168–69

Inkle and Yarico and, 277–78, 279–81, 289, 290

Inkle and Yarico story, 275–76

reinvention of, 293

Rodney’s victory at Les Saintes and, 273

The Upholsterer and, 262–63

The West Indian and, 218–19


Douglas and, 182

Handel Commemoration and, 327

inside-outside dynamic and, 30–31, 126

Mischianza and, 166

redefinition of governance after the American War, 31

represented by women, 173, 177

sexual relations as allegory for relations with, 171

strength of militia of, 91

Thames Regatta and, 101

The Upholsterer and, 10–11

unconquerability of, 123, 142

William Cowper’s view of, 362–63

William Howe’s desire for reconciliation with, 146–47

comedy, 74, 130–31, 255

commedia, 54


The Critic and, 227–28

of Handel, 340–41

Mischianza and, 156–57

School for Scandal and, 134–35

of sexual relations, 126

Tasker’s “Elegy”

for Garrick and, 223

Thames Regatta and, 111, 114, 173

of theatre, 28

Comus (Milton/Colman), 137

confederation, 29

conjugal fidelity, 59, 138

The Constant Couple (Farquhar), 146

constitutional crisis of 1783, 302, 306, 308, 317–18

contradiction fees, 13

Conway, Stephen, 373n4, 403n67

Cornelys, Teresa, 94–95, 97, 112, 116, 118–19, 122, 155

Cornwallis, Charles, 343, 345, 348

Coronation Anthem of Zadok the Priest (Handel), 312, 319


American War and, 363, 368

André and, 158

Douglas and, 180

Hamlet and, 201

Handel Commemoration and, 308

Howe and, 175

Percy and, 141

The Prophecy and, 233

Rodney and, 271

School for Scandal and, 135

Thames Regatta and, 95, 103

The West Indian and, 218

Which Is the Man? and, 266

countermemory (Foucault), 231–32

counternormativity, 297

court-martials, 6–7, 88–89, 190–94, 202, 204

Covent Garden Theatre, 5, 16, 85–86

cowardice, 176–77, 191

Cowley, Hannah, 16, 24–25, 39, 248, 253, 259–61. See also The Belle’s Stratagem; Which Is the Man?

Cowper, William:

bee metaphor of, 26–27

on empire after American war, 361–63

Handel Commemoration and, 309

newspaper format and, 64

providential retribution and, 363–65

The Task of, 20–24, 64, 366

“Yardley Oak” of, 364–71. See also The Task; “Yardley Oak”

Coxheath encampments, 124, 188, 217, 225

credit, 92. See also debt The Crisis, 148, 176

The Critic (Sheridan):

boredom and, 236–37

futurity and, 239

historical misrecognition and, 232

historical time and, 39

loss of American War and, 195

mediation and, 3

national fantasy and, 136

newspapers and, 15–16, 224–27

popularity of, 221

pro-American sentiments and, 239

The Prophecy and, 228–33, 234

Shakespeare and, 234–38

spectacle of reception and, 135–36

Tasker and, 222

theatre and, 227–28, 230–33

critical history (Nietzsche), 139

critique of the present, 201, 204, 221

Crosby, Brass, 12

Crow, Thomas, 48, 53, 376n39

Crusades, 138–39

cultural history, 3–4

cultural memory, 85, 214

cultural patrimony, 36, 205, 207–8, 210–13, 223–24, 238–39

Cumberland, Richard, 36, 224. See also The Battle of Hastings; The West Indian

Daily Gazetteer, 5

Dartmouth, Lord, 91–92

Dean, Winton, 316–17

debt, 8–9, 270, 306–7, 362, 375n23

Declaration of Independence, 125, 130

decorporealization, 191–92

deformity/disability, 291–93, 292fig, 297, 301. See also invalidism

De Grasse, 269–70

deployment of sexuality (Foucault), 33, 174, 177, 182

Derrida, Jacques, 379n78

despotism, 48, 163, 166, 172–73, 175, 306, 317–18, 327

Dettingen Te Deum (Handel), 312–15

Deutsche, Helen, 291–92

Dibdin, Charles, 102, 136, 259

disfiguration, 217, 370–71

distraction, 9, 17–20, 22, 24–25, 133

diversion, 44–45, 103, 117–18, 125, 154, 220

Dobson, Michael, 396–97n36

Doggett’s Coat and Badge Race, 102–3, 108

domestic tyranny, 128, 137

domiciliary entertainments, 94–95, 134, 155, 167, 329

Douglas (Home), 178–85

The Druids (Anonymous), 86

Drury Lane Theatre, 5, 16, 85–86

dueling, 288–89

The Duenna (Sheridan):

Declaration of Independence and, 125, 130

grotesqueness and, 128, 130, 285

interrupted Belle’s Stratagem and, 259

national fantasy and, 127, 136

as opposition fantasy, 127, 129–30

political allegory and, 92, 126, 132–33

popularity of, 124

remediation of, 130

use of space and, 125, 136, 388n65

Dunbar, Howard H., 26

Dunciad (Pope), 112

Durant, Jack D., 125

During, Simon, 153

duty, 288–92, 297. See also obligation

dynastic conflict, 179–80

East India Bill, 306, 308–9, 317

East India Company, 20, 27, 45, 302, 344

effeminacy, 95, 104–5, 122, 139–40, 329, 353. See also feminization; gender insubordination

effigies, 192, 198, 205, 207, 220, 245. See also bodies

election of 1784, 302, 306, 308. See also national election

“Elegy on the Death of David Garrick” (Tasker), 216fig, 222–23

Ellison, Julie, 20, 23

emasculation, 311, 326, 330–32, 334


aristocratic sociability and, 67

fashion and, 258, 260

Fête Champêtre and, 57, 60–62

Garrick funeral and, 199

inside-outside dynamic of, 30–31

meaning of term, 29–30

newspapers and, 90

oak and, 359–60, 361–63, 365–71

Pantheon and, 330

School for Scandal and, 134

English civil war, 25, 30

The Englishman, 226

Englishness, 264

entertainment, 1–2, 4, 13, 28–29, 80, 125, 155, 226. See also hybrid entertainment

epistemophilia, 65, 69

erotic display, 328–29

erotic economies, 48–49, 52–54, 58–59, 76, 168, 256–58, 266


Douglas and, 184

Fête Champêtre and, 48–50, 52–54, 58–59

Handel performances and, 330, 332

Inkle and Yarico and, 278, 294–95, 300

The Maid of the Oaks and, 70, 73, 76

Mischianza and, 168, 174

Pantheon and, 328–29

Thames Regatta and, 122

Zucchi and, 87–88

ethnocentricity, 305

ethnoscape, 66–67

facialization, 191–92

factionalism, 14–15, 193–94, 227, 250–52

failures, 81–82, 117–18, 177, 205, 216–17, 224, 234

family, 128, 137, 255, 360–61

Farquhar, George, 146, 255

fashion, 95, 102, 135, 258, 260, 266, 305

Favret, Mary, 20, 22, 24, 37–38

Felsenstein, Frank, 276, 280

feminization, 73, 155, 161–63, 204, 255, 291–93, 292fig. See also effeminacy; gender insubordination

Fête Champêtre:

American War and, 2, 57, 60–62

aristocratic sociability and, 47–48, 102

cost of, 45, 47

The Druids and, 86

first masque of, 45–46, 48, 50–51, 52–53, 70

historical implications of, 44, 45

King and Queen of the Oaks of, 54, 55, 60

The Maid of the Oaks and, 62–63, 70

Mischianza and, 62, 155–56, 159, 167, 173

pavilion of, 54–55, 56fig, 58fig, 61fig, 124, 160–61

remediation and, 80–82

replication of, 62, 74, 88

second masque of, 55, 59

textuality and, 51

Thames Regatta and, 117

third masque of, 60–62

fêtes galantes, 47–49, 53–54

Fitzpatrick, Richard, 227

flattery, 154, 158, 175

Fletcher, John, 36

Fliegelman, Jay, 33, 34

Foote, Samuel, 67, 72, 102. See also The Liar; The Minor; The Nabob

fops, 104–5, 108–9, 233, 255–56. See also macaronis

forced conversion, 342, 349, 353

foreign manners, 70, 74, 94, 254, 256, 261

forgetting, 44, 45, 154

Foucault, Michel, 6, 19, 33, 297, 413–14n5

Fox, Charles James, 123, 190, 195, 226, 271–73, 307, 319


American War and, 91, 178, 183, 231, 357

Battle of Malplaquet, 313–14

Battle of Poictiers and, 164–65

Dettingen Te Deum and, 312–13

effeminacy and, 353

India and, 348, 351–52

Jacobite Rebellion and, 247–48, 350

Keppel affair and, 186–87

Francophilia, 48–52, 53–54, 70, 257

Franklin, Benjamin, 30, 146–47

Franks, Rebecca, 177

Freeman, Lisa, 255

French Revolution, 352, 360–61

Fuller, Randall, 185

Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline (Handel), 319

future, 37, 238–39, 318, 334. See also alternative future

Gabrielle de Vergy (Belloy), 138

Gage, Thomas, 45, 93, 146


Fox and, 307

The Maid of the Oaks and, 68–69, 70, 72

Mischianza and, 156–57

Rodney and, 270

Thames Regatta and, 96, 106–7, 114

Which Is the Man? and, 266. See also aristocratic dissipation; vice

Garrick, David:

auratic performance and, 19

cultural patrimony and, 223

death of, 194–95

funeral of, 196–98, 201–6

hybrid dramatic forms and, 5

The Maid of the Oaks and, 62

normative relations and, 140–41; “Ode to Shakespeare”

of, 213–15, 214fig; Percy and, 139

performance techniques of, 199–201

relationship to Shakespeare, 205, 396–97n36

retirement of, 27, 237

satires of media in, 26

Shakespearean legacy and, 207–8


Handel Commemoration and, 308, 310

on interrupted Belle’s Stratagem, 254, 258

Letters of Junius and, 12

parliamentary debates and, 12

on Percy, 138

Thames Regatta and, 94, 97–101, 107, 118

Gazette Extraordinary, 43, 258, 261–62


American War and, 35–36

Calcutta celebrations and, 345

deformity and, 291–93, 292fig

Handel Commemoration and, 337

Hannah Cowley’s plays and, 255

The Maid of the Oaks and, 71–72

Mischianza and, 156, 167, 177

normativity in Inkle and Yarico and, 278–79, 285

Percy and, 139–40

sexuality and normativity, 293, 405n83

gender hybridity, 293

gender insubordination:

American War and, 133

aristocratic dissipation and, 95

camp culture and, 222

Handel Commemoration and, 326

Hurlothrumbo and, 104

macaronis and, 104–5

normative relations and, 141

Pantheon and, 329

The Prophecy and, 233

theatre and, 137

Which Is the Man? and, 266. See also effeminacy; feminization

General Advertiser, 14, 189, 193, 243–44, 246

General Evening Post, 23

“A General Index to the Occurrences in June 1775 in Mock Heroic Verse,” 91–93

General Magazine, 279, 280

Gentleman’s Magazine, 43–44, 148, 343–44

George II (King of England), 312–14

George III (King of England), 114–15, 304, 319, 338

Giardini, Felice di, 116, 119

Gibraltar, 249, 262

Gil Morrice, 179

Gitelman, Lisa, 17

Giulio Cesare in Egitto (Arnold and Haym), 341

Giulio Cesare in Egitto (Handel), 332, 335–36

global war, 8, 148, 178–79, 184

Goldsmith, Oliver, 17

Goodman, Kevis, 20, 22

Gothic Era, 139–40

Gothic romance, 153–54, 165, 178

governance, 266, 306–10, 335

Graves, Thomas, 265

greed, 270

grotesqueness, 128, 130, 285

Gruber, Ira D., 147–48

Grusin, Richard, 21, 23

Guest, Harriet, 391n19

habitus, 38

Hamilton, Alexander, 154

Hamilton, Elizabeth, 43, 67, 88

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 198–201, 204, 213, 228, 234, 235–39

Handel, George Frideric:

Alcina of, 335–37

Chandos Anthems of, 323–27, 334

Coronation Anthems of, 312–13, 319, 337–38

Dettingen Te Deum of, 312–15

Giulio Cesare in Egitto of, 332, 335–36

iconization of, 305

Joshua of, 332–33, 349, 354

Judas Maccabaeus of, 247–48, 332–33, 348–52

Keppel acquittal and, 244

Messiah of, 302, 309–10, 338–40

Orlando of, 333–34

politicization of, 304

Saul of, 127, 316–19. See also Judas Maccabaeus

Handel Commemoration:

Alcina and, 335–37

American War and, 2, 308

audience reception, 335–36

commercialization and, 340–41

containment of passion and, 332

eroticism and, 332

as governmental action, 309

historical time and, 39

mourning and, 319–23

Pantheon and, 328–30

patriotism and, 206, 222, 232

political allegory and, 312–13, 315–20, 323–28, 408-9n7

reform and, 332–35

resurrection of monarchy, 338–41

royalty and, 337–38

size of, 302–4, 303fig

as social event, 304–5

surrogation and, 313–15, 323

use of space and, 328–30, 338–40, 339fig

vice and, 334–35

virtue and, 306–7

Westminster Abbey performances, 319–23

Hardy, Charles, 225

Harris, Eileen, 86–87

Hastings, Warren, 302

Haynes, Captain, 354–55

hegemony, 173–75

Heinrichs, Johann, 146–47

Henry IV, Part I (Shakespeare), 146

Henry V (Shakespeare), 234

Herbert, Henry (Earl of Pembroke), 114–15

Hill, Joseph, 361

historical continuity, 360

The History of Sexuality (Foucault), 19

Home, John (Douglas), 178–85

homosociality, 158, 162, 169, 174, 180–81, 184, 267–68

Hood, Samuel, 270–71

Howe, George Augustus, 145–46

Howe, William:

before American War, 145–46

criticism of, 146–48, 163–64, 166

as Edward Prince of Wales, 164

Henry Clinton and, 178–79

hopes for reconciliation with colonies and, 146–47

John André and, 149–50, 166

letter of defense of, 147

Mischianza and, 62

recall of, 162

Hull, Thomas, 136

Hulme, Peter, 289

hunting, 288–89, 297

Hurd, Richard, 154, 165

Hurlothrumbo (Johnson), 103–4, 105

hybrid entertainment, 5, 74–75, 80, 82–83, 131, 148, 153, 155–56

hyperembodiment, 192

hypermediation, 23

hypocrisy, 309–10

identity, 8, 32–33, 134, 239, 269, 273–74

image city, 344–47

imitation, 177

imperial expansion, 64–65

imperium, 29–30, 57, 90, 257

Inchbald, Elizabeth, 276–78, 280

The Inconstant (Farquhar), 146

India, 72, 275, 341–47, 349, 351

Indianization, 342, 352–53, 357

Inkle and Yarico (Colman):

imperial future and, 249

inside-outside dynamic and, 299–300

martial masculinity and, 271

Steele’s Inkle and Yarico story and, 279

Which Is the Man? and, 268–69

Wowski subplot and, 280, 295–96, 298–99

inside-outside dynamic:

colonies and, 30–31, 126

The Duenna and, 124, 125, 129

in empire, 30–31

Fête Champêtre and, 51–52, 60–62

identity and, 33

kinship and, 33–34

The Maid of the Oaks and, 65–66, 78

in media/theatre, 31–32

newspapers and, 65

School for Scandal and, 134

social class and, 299–300

Thames Regatta and, 112. See also space, use of

interruption, 75, 131–33

intimacy, 58, 66, 364–65

invalidism, 282–85, 283fig, 284fig, 301. See also deformity/disability

The Invasion (Pilon), 124

invasion scares, 187, 217, 221–22

Isikoff, Erin, 255

Jacobite Rebellion, 30, 35, 247–48, 350–51

Jekyll, Joseph, 280

Jenks, Timothy, 269

Jennens, Charles, 316

Jennings, Michael William, 19, 376–77n43

Jewishness, 259. See also anti-Semitism

Johnson, Claudia, 302

Johnson, Samuel, 1, 15, 28–29

Johnson, Samuel (of Cheshire), 103–4

Johnstone, H. Diack, 309

Jones, Inigo, 47

Jones, Robert W., 124, 221–22

Joshua (Handel), 332–33, 349, 354

jousting, 154, 165–66, 169–71

Judas Maccabaeus (Handel), 244, 247–48, 33233, 34860, 401n15

Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 234

Kant, Immanuel, 357

Kemble, Sarah, 279, 293–94, 300

Keppel, Augustus:

acquittal of, 2, 205–6, 243–48

court-martial of, 6, 190–94, 191fig, 202–3, 217, 225

letter of, 187–90, 188fig

King, Thomas, 80, 140–41

King-in-Parliament, 30–32, 307

Kinservik, Matthew, 16–17

kinship metaphors, 32–34, 44–45, 83, 124, 126, 182, 290–93, 318

Knott, Sarah, 391–92n19

Kowaleski-Wallace, Beth, 255–56

kunstwollen, 9–10, 376–77n43

de Langara, Juan, 248

Lee, Arthur, 93

Lee Lewes, Charles, 139, 141, 261–63

Lennox, Charles (Duke of Richmond), 114–15, 123

Leoni, Michael (Myer Lyon), 131

Signor Lepy, 47, 59

Letter on Chivalry and Romance (Hurd), 165, 178

Letters of Junius, 11–12

“A Letter to Edmund Burke; Controverting the Principles of American Government” (Cartwright), 34

Levi-Strauss, Claude, 33

The Liar (Foote), 146

liberty, 34–35, 360–61, 368–69

Licensing Act of 1737, 4–6, 63–64

Lichtenberg, Georg Christian, 199–200

Ligon, Richard, 278, 285

Linley, Thomas, 131, 195

Loftis, John, 125

London Courant, 14, 265

London Evening Post, 12, 73, 103

London Gazette Extraordinary, 186–87

London Magazine, 77, 305, 328–29

London Museum, 12

London Packet, 131

“loophole of retreat,” 22–23, 366

Loutherbourg, Phillipe Jacques de, 5, 65, 68, 137, 195, 208, 213–15, 231

Love Finds the Way (Hull), 136

loyalist romance, 152–53, 165

Luhmann, Niklas, 376n28

Luttrell, Temple Simon, 94, 112

Lyotard, Jean-François, 357

Lyttelton, Thomas, 94, 103–7, 112

“A Macaroni Ode, written by a Macaroni Poet on the Evening of the Regatta,” 104–5

macaronis, 68, 70, 74, 104–5, 122. See also fops

Macbeth, 106–7, 122–23

The Machiavellian Moment (Pocock), 184

Mackesy, Piers, 375n18, 378–79n77, 385n2, 390n1

The Maid of the Oaks, 62–70, 72–73, 76–77, 79–82, 107, 255

Mara, Gertrud Elisabeth, 328, 337

marital allegory, 59–61, 128–30, 132, 182–83, 25758, 266–68

marital fidelity, 59, 138

Marlborough, Duke of, 313–14, 348


The Belle’s Stratagem and, 255

commodification and, 297

Douglas and, 180

The Duenna and, 128–29

Fête Champêtre and, 59

imperial accumulation and, 71–72

Inkle and Yarico and, 281, 285, 301

inside-outside dynamic of, 129

The Maid of the Oaks and, 70, 78

as normative relation, 167

Orlando and, 334

Percy and, 138, 140

The West Indian and, 219

Which Is the Man? and, 265–67

Marshall, P. J., 273

martial imagery:

Fête Champêtre and, 55, 57–58, 60–62

in The Maid of the Oaks, 76–77, 79–80

Mischianza and, 153–54, 156–57, 161, 168–70, 175

Zucchi paintings and, 88

martial masculinity. See masculinity


camp culture and, 222

critique of British, 233

deformity and, 291–93, 292fig

Handel Commemoration and, 325–26

imperial future and, 249

Inkle and Yarico and, 271, 275

marriage and, 285

Mischianza and, 154, 156, 157, 162, 166, 167, 173

music and, 312

pleasure and, 332

virtue and, 306–7

Which Is the Man? and, 265–68

masochism, 193, 341, 353

mass consciousness, 18–20

McGowan, Randall, 92

mechanical reproducibility, 19–20

media archaeology, 17, 252

media convergence, 6–36

mediascape, 66, 75

mediation, 3–4, 6–36, 66, 138, 263–64

Medows, William, 343

mercantilism, 276, 278, 281, 288–89, 29093

Mercer, Colin, 4

Messiah (Handel), 302, 309–10, 338–40

metropolitan print culture, 149, 151, 155, 177

Middlesex Journal, 12

militarism, 267–68, 281, 293, 355

mimicry, 177

The Minor (Foote), 146


American War and, 3

aristocratic sociability and, 252

Fête Champêtre and, 62, 155–56, 159, 167, 173

Herald’s address, 161–66

as hybrid entertainment, 148–53, 155–56

procession of, 174–75

reception of, 148

regatta of, 156–58

remediation of, 150, 393n50

temporary building of, 159–61

Thames Regatta and, 155, 156–58, 167, 173

ticket for, 152fig

tournament of, 151, 153, 155, 159, 167–73

use of space and, 155, 162, 174, 177

misogyny, 168–69, 296

Miss in her Teens (Garrick), 105

Mocquet, Jean, 285

modernity, 32

monarchy, 305, 319, 337–38

Montagu, George (Duke of Manchester), 114–15, 123

Montagu, John (Earl of Sandwich), 245, 254fig, 272–73, 307–8

Montesquieu, 239

monumental history (Nietzsche), 139

More, Hannah, 18. See also Percy

Morning Chronicle, 13

Mrs. Baddeley and, 238

Cowper’s Task and, 23

The Critic and, 225–26, 235–36

on David Garrick’s Hamlet adaptation, 237

on The Duenna, 131

effect on media, 17

on Fête Champêtre, 43

on Garrick funeral, 201–5;

“A General Index to the Occurrences in June 1775 in Mock Heroic Verse,” 91–92

Handel Commemoration and, 331

Keppel and, 187, 189–90, 245–47

on Keppel affair, 189–90

The Maid of the Oaks and, 72–73, 84

on Percy, 138

on the Thames Regatta, 107, 123

Morning Herald, 14, 306

Morning Post: American War and, 14

The Belle’s Stratagem and, 16

on Cape St. Vincent victory, 249–52

The Critic and, 226, 232, 236

on David Garrick’s funeral, 196–97

on The Duenna, 132

effect on media, 17

on Handel Commemoration, 307–8

on Keppel affair, 189, 192–93, 245–46

on Lyttelton, 105–7

scandals and, 65, 254

Sheridan and, 16, 259

on Sheridan’s “Monody,” 208–14

social news and, 13

on the Thames Regatta, 102

Morwood, James, 222, 235

mourning, 36, 180–82, 206, 209–11, 224, 317, 319–23

Murphy, Arthur:

News from Parnassus, 26–28

The Test of, 6

The Upholsterer of, 6–11, 20–21, 253–54, 261–64

music, 311–12, 331–32

mutilation, 342, 349, 353, 355

Myrone, Martin, 391–92n19

Mysore Wars, 341–42, 348, 352

The Nabob (Foote), 31, 67, 72, 133–34

Nandakumar, 27

narcissism, 176–77, 265–66

national election, 59–61, 75, 80, 87, 253, 332–33, 339, 356–57

national fantasy: American War and, 355, 357, 362–63

The Belle’s Stratagem and, 257

Betterton funeral and, 198

Calcutta celebrations and, 352

The Critic and, 231

The Duenna and, 127–30

Handel Commemoration and, 327

Mischianza and, 156–57

Tasker and, 224

The West Indian and, 219–20; “Yardley Oak”

and, 36571

nationalism, 79–80, 121–22, 212–13, 228, 256

national renewal, 325–26

national torpor, 221, 237

naval imagery, 118, 119fig, 120–21, 156–57, 174

“A Naval Ode,” 274–75

New Brooms (Colman), 26

News from Parnassus (Murphy), 26–28

newspapers: censorship and, 5–6

commercialization and, 13–14

The Critic and, 224–27

entertainment and, 3–4

factionalism and, 14–15

fees and, 13, 17

format of, 9, 11, 64

French Revolution and, 352

Garrick funeral and, 197–98, 206

George Rodney and, 272

Handel Commemoration and, 307–9, 328

inside-outside dynamic of, 31–32

interrupted Belle’s Stratagem and, 254–55

intimacy and, 65

Keppel letter and, 187–90,188fig

The Maid of the Oaks reaction and, 84–85

Mischianza and, 154–55

parliamentary debates, 12–13

The Prophecy and, 228–29

as public sphere, 194

scandals and, 68–69, 135

social news and, 13

social practice and, 67

The Task and, 20–24

temporal delay and, 90

Thames Regatta and, 112–15

theatre and, 16–20, 28–29

topicality and, 62–64

in The Upholsterer, 7–11

West Indian fleet and, 218

Newton, John, 363

New York theatricals, 146–47, 219

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 139

nobility, 180–81

noble savages (Rousseau), 280

No One’s Enemy But His Own (Murphy), 146

normative femininity, 275, 278–79

normative relations, 140, 167, 181, 183, 293, 297, 300–301, 343–44

North, Lord, 91–92, 103, 117, 123, 128, 225

North Briton (Wilkes), 11

North Ministry: City opposition to, 91

Douglas and, 182–84

Howe’s recall and, 162

Keppel affair and, 190

pro-American critiques of, 193, 203

School for Scandal and, 134

Thames Regatta and, 103

William Pitt (Earl of Chatham) on, 202–3

nostalgia, 203–4, 220, 224, 321

Nussbaum, Felicity, 291–92

“Oak Gazette Extraordinary.” See Fête Champêtre

oaks, 52, 55, 359–63, 364–71

obligation, 211, 236–37. See also duty

obsolescence, 184–85, 220–21, 237–38, 278, 293

occupation of Philadelphia, 158, 163, 169, 172

“An Ode for the Regatta, or Water Jubilee, performed on Friday Night at Ranelagh,” 120–21

“Ode to Shakespeare” (Garrick), 213–15, 214fig

“Ode to the Warlike Genius of Great

Britain” (Tasker), 223–24

Oliver, Richard, 12

oracular poet, 370–71

orientalism, 163, 167, 168–69, 170fig, 173

Orlando (Handel), 333–34

Orlando Furioso (Ariosto), 333

Orthopaedia; or, the Art of Correcting and Preventing Deformities in Children, 291, 292fig

Othello, Inkle and Yarico and, 299

otherness, 256–57, 278–79

Paine, Thomas, 148, 153, 176

Palliser, Hugh, 189–90

Pantheon, 328–30, 331fig, 332, 335

pantomime, 45, 54, 63–64, 229

Paradise Lost (Milton), 365–66

paratextual material, 18, 140–41, 248–49

Parker, William, 243, 246

parliamentary debates, 12–13

parody, 167, 237–38

passion, 331–32

pasticcio, 45, 341

pastoral imagery, 120–22, 287–88, 295, 345–46, 355, 355–56

paternalism, 343–44, 355, 357

paternity, 70-71, 83, 219

patrimony, 134

patriotic desire, 230–32, 237

patriotic discourse, 142

patriotism: Cape St. Vincent victory and, 251

Cowley and, 256

definition of, 15

Doggett’s Coat and Badge Race and, 102

English/American relations and, 34–35

Garrick vs. Pitt funerals and, 203–4

Handel Commemoration and, 306

invasion scares and, 221–22

Judas Maccabeus and, 247–48

Keppel acquittal and, 205–6

Mysore Wars and, 343

News from Parnassus and, 27

The Prophecy and, 229–30, 239

redefining of, 36–37

Rodney and, 271

The Task and, 22

The Upholsterer and, 8

Peace of Paris (1783), 220, 323

perception, 19–20

Percy (More), 18, 32, 92, 137–42

performance, 38–39, 370–71

Permanent Settlement, 342, 354–55, 357

Perreau-Rudd case, 92

petticoat government, 95, 128, 156, 167

picturesque, 346–47

Pigot, Hugh, 272

Pigott, Captain, 58–59

Pilgrimage to Cythera (Watteau), 49

Pitt, William (Earl of Chatham), 202–3

Pitt, William (the Younger), 280, 306

Plax, Julie Anne, 48

pleasure, 117–18, 121, 161, 164, 175, 310, 332

Pocock, George, 7, 374–75n17

Pocock, J.G.A., 15–16, 29–31, 257

political economy, 279–80

political essay sheets, 6, 11

Pollilur, 275, 342

Posner, Donald, 48

postimperial future, 118, 122–23. See also future

Pownall, Thomas, 30

Pratt, Mary Louise, 342

precinematic transparencies, 344–47

private theatricals, 45, 47

“Prize Monody on the Death of Mr. Garrick” (Seward), 206–8

prophecy: cultural hybridization and, 353

The Duenna and, 127–28

Fête Champêtre and, 60

Handel Commemoration and, 334

interrupted Belle’s Stratagem and, 258–61

interrupted Upholsterer and, 263

The Prophecy and, 229–30

The Task and, 38

Thames Regatta and, 122–23; “Yardley Oak”

and, 370–71

The Prophecy, or Elizabeth at Tilbury (King), 221, 225, 228–33, 234

prosthetic devices, 269, 274

providential retribution, 363–65

public, 50–52, 54, 60–64, 158–59, 194, 19697

Public Advertiser, 11–12, 43, 103–5, 226, 271, 308–10

public sphere, 194, 255–56

puffs, 13–14, 226

purity, 68–69, 137

The Quaker (Dibdin), 136

Queen of Denmark, 98–100

Quick, John, 128–29, 258–61

Quin, James, 197, 200

racial hybridity, 293, 352

racialization, 276, 279, 285–86, 297

racism, 276, 278–80, 286–87, 297

Rajan, Balachandra, 366

rape, 180, 182, 353

readers, 51–52, 158, 177, 194

realm, 29–30, 90

redemption, 271, 275

Redemption (Arnold), 341

referentiality, 216–17

refinement, 67, 73, 79–80, 84

Reflections on the Revolution in France (Burke), 360–61, 364, 369

The Rehearsal (Villiers), 225, 227, 237

Reik, Theodor, 353

reinauguration of George III, 319, 338

reinvention of culture, 239

remediation: American War and, 28–29

The Belle’s Stratagem and, 255, 258–61

of Cape St. Vincent victory, 264

of The Duenna, 130

Fête Champêtre and, 80–82

Garrick funeral and, 197–98, 206

Keppel and, 187–90, 188fig, 243

The Maid of the Oaks and, 80–82

of the Mischianza, 154–55, 393n50

of Thames Regatta, 92, 110–11

Which Is the Man? and, 265

“Yardley Oak” and, 366

remembrance, 209–11, 214, 223

renewal, 308, 325–26

repressive hypothesis, 6

reproduction, 278–79, 295, 405n83

Reynolds, Joshua, 195, 208, 223

Rheinhold, Frederick Charles, 116–17, 119

The Rivals (Sheridan), 17

Roach, Joseph, 198–99, 204, 239

Rockingham Whigs: colonial relationship and, 34–35

Handel Commemoration and, 307

Judas Maccabeus and, 248, 401n15

Keppel court-martial and, 190, 192–93

newspaper factionalism and, 14

Rodney and, 271–72

Sheridan and, 14, 15, 125

William Pitt and, 202

Rodney, George Bridges, 248–52, 269–75, 281–83, 283fig, 284fig

Roger, Nicholas, 205, 243–44, 248

Romanticism, 36, 371

Rome, 57, 87, 161, 331

Rosenfield, Sybil, 45

Rotunda of Ranelagh, 96–97, 98fig

Royal Navy, 248, 271, 272fig

“Rule Britannia,” 260

“Rural Masquerade Dedicated to the Regatta’ites,” 95fig, 95-97

Russell, Gillian, 18, 25

on camp sociability, 124

on class anxiety, 107

on domiciliary entertainments, 45, 155

on Hannah Cowley, 255, 258, 260, 264

on The Maid of the Oaks, 68

on the Pantheon, 328–29

on Sheridan’s satire, 222

on Teresa Cornelys, 94–95, 133

Sackville, George, 128

Sackville, John Frederick, 88

Samson (Handel), 355–57

Sargent, Winthrop, 164

satire, 161–62, 167, 172, 174, 177

Saul (Handel), 127, 316–19

scandals, 68–69, 135, 254–55

Scavoir Vivre Club, 94, 106

School for Guardians (Murphy), 136

The School for Scandal (Sheridan): aristocratic dissipation and, 133, 134

The Belle’s Stratagem and, 255, 259

The Nabob vs., 133–34

national fantasy and, 136

newspapers and, 15–16, 17

popularity of, 133, 141–42

as social diagnosis, 135–36

spatial disjunction and, 92, 136

Scots, 99–100, 102, 352–53

sculpture, 215–17, 223

The Seasons (Thomson), 305, 346

sedition, 193, 353

self-control, 200, 334

self-destruction, 308

Sen, Sudipta, 351, 355

sentimental narrative, 278–80, 287–88

Seven Years’ War: civic virtue and, 182

Douglas and, 179

ethnoscape after, 67

ideas of empire after, 29

nostalgia for, 219–20, 273

The Upholsterer and, 7

The West Indian and, 218

William Howe and, 145–46

William Pitt (The Elder) and, 202

Seward, Anna, 206–8, 304

sexual commodification, 9, 126, 129, 279–80, 286, 296

sexuality: civic virtue and, 78

deployment of (Foucault), 174, 177, 182

interracial, 289, 295–96, 297–98, 404n79, 405n83

kinship relations and, 33–34

of the middle class, 280

Mischianza and, 163

normative gender and, 293

social class and, 295–96

sexualization, 279, 285–87

sexual sovereignty, 129

sexual vices, 107, 163, 307, 329, 334. See also aristocratic dissipation

Shaffer, Jason, 185

Shakespeare: canonization of, 5, 305

The Critic and, 234–37

Garrick’s relationship to, 205

ghost of Hamlet and, 201

historical allegories and, 234

legacy of, 207–8, 223

mourning of Garrick and, 206

Stratford Jubilee and, 82, 305

Shelburnites, 34

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley: The Camp of, 36, 124, 135, 222, 235, 259

Cowley and, 259–61

The Critic of, 221–23

distraction and, 24–25

as dramatist, 15–16, 17

The Duenna of, 124–30

interrupted Belle’s Stratagem and, 259–60

Keppel courtmartial and, 195

as mourner for Garrick, 194–99, 205

music and, 132

newspapers and, 14–15

The Rivals of, 17

Rockingham Whigs and, 14–15, 125

The School for Scandal of, 133–37

as theatre manager, 16

“Verses to the Memory of Garrick, spoken as a Monody” of, 208–17. See also The Critic; The Duenna; The School for Scandal; “Verses to the Memory of Garrick, spoken as a Monody”

She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmith), 17, 255

Shirley, Henry, 94

Siddons, Sarah, 19

sign of history (Lyotard), 125, 357

signs, reading of, 9–10, 168, 204

Silverman, Kaja, 357

simulation, 231

slavery, 11. See also abolition of slavery

Smith, Adam, 280

Smith, Francis, 90

Smith, Ruth, 127, 247

Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline and, 320

Joshua and, 354

Judas Maccabaeus and, 349–51

on Samson, 355–56

Saul and, 318, 408–9Щ7

topicality and, 312, 327

Smith, William, 237

Smollet, Tobias, 11

sociability: Cowley and, 253, 255

definition of entertainment and, 2–3

empire and, 67

Fête Champêtre and, 47–48, 50, 51–52, 57

hybrid forms of, 357

Indian style of, 353

Which Is the Man? and, 266. See also aristocratic sociability

social class: anxiety about, 107, 134

biopolitics and, 355

deformity and, 297

entertainments and, 2–3

Inkle and Yarico and, 280

inside-outside dynamic and, 299–300

Keppel celebrations and, 246–47

linguistic devices and, 7–9, 109

The Maid of the Oaks and, 66

newspaper format and, 64–65

Perreau-Rudd case, 92

racism and, 297

remediation and, 81

The School for Scandal and, 134

sexuality and, 295–96, 299

The Upholsterer and, 8

social diagnosis, 136

social insecurity, 92, 107–11, 134–35, 200–201, 205, 212–13, 233

social news, 13. See also scandals

social pathology, 250–52

space, use of: in Cowper’s Task, 22–23

The Duenna and, 125, 388n65

Fête Champêtre and, 50–51, 57

Garrick funeral and, 197

in “A General Index to the Occurrences in June 1775 in Mock Heroic Verse,” 92–93

Handel Commemoration and, 328–30, 338–40, 339fig

The Maid of the Oaks and, 77–78

Mischianza and, 155, 158, 162, 174, 177

political implications of space around Thames river, 97

The School for Scandal and, 136

Thames Regatta and, 92, 95–97, 124

The West Indian and, 218. See also inside-outside dynamic

Spain, 91, 221, 231

Spectator, 279, 305

St. Eustatius, 270

St. James Chronicle, 12, 47–48, 85, 123, 309–11

Staging Governance (O’Quinn), 4

Stanley, Edward, 43–44, 46–47, 67

Staves, Susan, 5

Steele, Richard, 44, 198, 276, 279, 285

Stoler, Ann Laura, 297

Strictures on the Philadelphia Mischianza, 153, 175

sublime, 23, 304–5, 314

succession, 149, 179, 182, 201

suicide, 184–85

A Summary View of the Slave Trade and of the Possible Consequences of Its Abolition (Clarkson), 280

The Supper Room (Zucchi), 87–88

suppression fees, 13, 17

surrogation, 198, 220, 224, 239, 313–15, 323, 349–50

Tamarkin, Elisa, 385n87, 393n50

Tasca, Signor, 333

The Task (Cowper), 20–24, 37–38, 64, 362

Tasker, William, 222–23

Tatler, 7

Teltscher, Kate, 342, 344–45

Temple of Neptune, 96, 116, 118, 119fig, 120–21, 124

temporal delay, 37–38, 90, 139

temporality, 232–33, 239

The Test (Murphy), 6

Thames regatta: American secession and, 3

anti-Scottish sentiments and, 99–100, 102

aristocracy sociability and, 102

aristocratic dissipation and, 114–15

class mingling and, 110–11, 113–14

costs of, 101

dinner of, 117, 122–23

factionalism preceding, 99–101

failure of, 117–18

Fête Champêtre and, 117

flow of money and, 100–102

Gazetteer account of, 97–101

inside-outside dynamic of, 112

Italian influences on, 102

Mischianza and, 155, 156–58, 167, 173

North Ministry and, 103

political commentary surrounding, 112–15

political implications of space around Thames river, 97

remediation of, 92, 110–11, 137

simulation in Drury Lane production of The Waterman and, 110–11, 137

social background of, 93–94

supper of, 122–23

use of space and, 95–97, 124

theatre: anxiety and, 36

Calcutta celebrations and, 347

class mingling and, 108–10

The Critic and, 227–28, 230–33

historical events and, 234

inside-outside dynamic of, 31–32

newspapers and, 16–20

newspapers in Cowper’s Task, 21–22

paratextual interaction with audience and, 18

politicization of, 17–20

racialization and, 276

social diagnosis and, 136

Thames Regatta and, 102–4

topicality and, 62–66

Tipu Sultan, 341, 343–46

Tobin, Beth Fowkes, 346

topicality: The Duenna and, 126

historical events and, 86, 88–89

interrupted Belle’s Stratagem and, 249, 254

interrupted Upholsterer and, 263

The Maid of the Oaks and, 62–64, 65–66, 67, 69

private theatricals and, 45

Saul and, 318

The Upholsterer and, 7

Which Is the Man? and, 266

Tories, 34–35, 248, 307

Town and Country Magazine, 13, 65

tragedy, 178, 227, 234, 316–17

transience, 215–17, 224

Travels and Voyages into Africa, Asia, America, the East and West-Indies (Moquet), 404n79

Travels in India during the Years 1780, 1781, 1782, and 1783 (Hodges), 346

Treaty of Utrecht, 287, 348, 351–52

Troost, Linda V., 125

True and Exact History of the Island of Barbadoes (Ligon), 278

Tucker, Josiah, 30

tyranny, 126–29, 138

The Upholsterer (Murphy), 6–11, 20–21, 25354, 26164

value, 238–39, 252, 257–58, 297–99, 300

Vernon, Joseph, 46–47, 53, 58, 116–17, 119

“Verses to the Memory of Garrick, spoken as a Monody” (Sheridan): deixis and, 213–16

frontispiece for, 217fig

newspaper redaction of, 208–14

nonliving objects and, 214–15, 217fig;

Richard Sheridan and, 205

Seward’s poem and, 206–8

spectacle of reception and, 135–36

transience and, 215–17

The West Indian and, 205

vice, 105–7, 148, 176–77, 306–10, 329, 33435. See also aristocratic dissipation; civic virtue; virtue

violence: Douglas and, 181

Garrick funeral and, 204–5

Garrick’s Hamlet performances and, 200–201

Gordon riots and, 2

Handel Commemoration and, 324–25

Keppel riots and, 243–44, 245fig, 245–47

mercantilism and, 288–89

Percy and, 138

Saul and, 317

virility, 338

virtue, 305–6, 317, 319, 334, 345. See also civic virtue; vice

Wahrman, Dror, 32–33, 34–36, 139, 356

Walpole, Robert, 103–4, 318

Warner, William B., 373n2

The Waterman, or the First of August (Dibdin), 102, 136–37

Watt, James, 151–53, 165

Watteau, Jean-Antoine, 48–50, 53–54

The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 280

Weber, Samuel, 375n24

Weber, William, 304, 306, 318, 339

Werkmeister, Lucyle, 12, 13, 17

The West Indian (Cumberland), 205, 218–20, 275, 281

West Indies, 9–10, 218, 225, 262, 269

Wheeler, David, 178

Which Is the Man? (Cowley), 249, 253, 261–69

Whigs. See Rockingham Whigs


Whitehead, William, 359–60

whiteness, 275, 279, 294–95, 299

Wilberforce, William, 280

Wilkes, John, 11–12, 14, 92–93, 100–101, 114

Wilkite demonstrations, 190

Wilkite radicals, 34

Wilson, Kathleen, 373n6, 395n12

“Windsor Forest” (Pope), 97, 287–88, 35960, 367

women, 157, 163, 168, 170fig, 172–75, 177, 255–56

The Wonder, or A Woman Keeps a Secret (Centlivre), 146

Woodfall, William, 13, 131

Wordsworth, William, 24, 361, 371

“The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility” (Benjamin), 19–20

Wyatt, James, 328–30, 331fig

xenophobia, 94, 102, 156–57, 169. See also anti-Semitism

“Yardley Oak” (Cowper), 361–62, 364–71

Yates, Mary Ann, 195, 208, 213–15

Zucchi, Antonio, 86–88

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