publisher colophon


Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 24

Agassiz, Louis, 47, 75

death of, 154

early efforts with professionalization of science, 62, 64, 67

evolution debates with Rogers, 49–55, 131, 172n52

Harvard and, 156

land-grant funds and, 111–13

Lawrence Scientific School and, 80, 83, 134

Museum of Comparative Zoology and, 92–93, 110, 113–16, 172

National Academy of Sciences and, 107, 109

Albany, NY, 34, 66, 88

Alexander, Stephen, 108

Allen, Zachariah, 84

American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Jacob Bigelow and, 127

evolution debates at, 51–52

Lazzaroni and, 109

MIT and, 98

as model for American Association for the Advancement of Science, 58

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 109, 154

early years of, 62–70, 106

Rogers elected president of, 151. See also Association of American Geologists

Association of American Geologists and Naturalists

American Journal of Science, 72

American Medical Association, 12

American Philosophical Society, 3, 12, 24, 58

American Social Science Association, 106–7

Amherst College, 58

Andrew, John A.: land-grant funds and, 111–16

MIT incorporation and, 99–100

selected Rogers for Massachusetts state appointment, 102, 104

Appalachian Mountains: Rogers’s geological research on, 42–44, 59–60, 63

Virginia politics and, 23

Ann Arbor, MI, 88

Association of American Geologists, 58. See also American Association for the Advancement of Science;

Association of American Geologists and Naturalists

Association of American Geologists and Naturalists, 24, 106

name changes to and expansion of, 59–62

Rogers’s mountain chain formation theory and, 43. See also American Association for the Advancement of Science

Association of American Geologists

Atkinson, Edward: technological institutes and, 136

views on coeducation at MIT, 142–43

Atkinson, William P.: appointment to MIT faculty, 121

reception of MIT and, 127–30, 151

Atlantic Monthly: Charles W. Eliot’s “New Education” described in, 134

coeducation at MIT discussed in, 142

T. W. Higginson on education in, 126

Walker-Shaler debates over technological institutes in, 156

Bache, Alexander Dallas: American Association for the Advancement of Science controversies, 65–70

death of, 154

Franklin Institute and, 34

higher education views of, 88

National Academy of Sciences and, 107–9, 150

offers position to Rogers, 22

United States Coast Survey and, 37, 58

Back Bay, ix, xiii

education and land use policy of, 89

Samuel Kneeland, Jr.’s proposal for use of, 90–91

MIT construction on, 121–23

Rogers’s conservatory proposal for use of, 91–93

Rogers’s MIT proposal for use of, 93–100

Bacon, Francis, 32

Baconian science, 32, 189n25

William Maclure and, 33

Rogers’s approach to, 33, 39, 55, 153

Baird, Spencer, 108–9

Baltimore, MD, 1

Rogers family and, 6–8, 10–11

Rogers’s Maryland Institute appointment in, 13–16

Banks, Nathaniel P., 89

Bartlett, W. H. C., 69

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 4

Berthier, Pierre, 35

Bigelow, Jacob, 133, 154

reception of MIT and, 127–30, 132, 151

Blake, William P., 97

Blythe, Hannah, 4–5

Bocher, Ferdinand, 121

Bond, George P., 108

Bonnycastle, Charles, 75

Boston, MA, ix–xi, xiii

Bigelow and, 127

MIT location and first classes in, 121, 147

Navy Yard and practical instruction in, 144

philanthropy and, 81, 83, 110, 117, 142

professional meetings in, 62, 109

Rogers’s arrival in, 89

Rogers’s early educational reform proposals for philanthropists in, 86

Rogers’s health in, 124

Rogers’s Massachusetts state appointment in, 103, 105

Savage family of, 31

societies of, 151

University of Massachusetts system and, 116. See also Back Bay

Boston Board of Trade, 98

Boston Society of Natural History: conservatory proposals and, 90, 92

Rogers-Agassiz evolution debates at, 52, 55

Rogers elected president of, 151

support for MIT and, 98

women and membership at, 141

Boutwell, George, 90, 93, 98

Bouve, Thomas T., 141

Boyd, George W., 42,

Brainerd, Jehu, 65

Brande, William Thomas, 73–74

Brandes, Rudolph, 36

British Association for the Advancement of Science, 58–59, 62–63

British Copley Medal of the Royal Society, 27, 74

Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 88

Brown University: and Francis Wayland’s Report of 1850, 84–85

reform at, 86

Browne, Peter, 37–38

Brush, George J., 150

Bucholz, Christian Friedrich, 36

Bullock, A. H., 104

Byrd, Charles, 19

Cabell, Joseph C., 23, 37

Cambridge, MA, xi

Louis Agassiz’s MIT-Harvard merger proposal and, 115

Jacob Bigelow and, 127

Charles W. Eliot and, 146, 155

Asa Gray and, 50–51

Lazzaroni in, 67

Mount Auburn Cemetery in, 157

Rogers and the Lawrence School in, 83

supporters of MIT in, 110

Cambridge Science Club, 51

Cambridge University, 27

Carlisle, PA, 12

Carlton, W. T., 121

Centennial Exhibition of 1876, 144

Central Pacific Railroads, 150

Chadbourne, Paul Ansel, 126

Charles River, xi

Charleston, SC, 9–10

Charlottesville, VA: Rogers and science instruction in, 74

Rogers and Virginia politics in, 29–31

Rogers’s arrival in, 26

student discipline and, 27–29

James Joseph Sylvester controversy in, 26–27

Francis Wayland visits Rogers in, 85

Chemical Society of Philadelphia, 3

Church of England, 7

Cincinnati College, 12

Citadel, 88

Civil War: land-grant funds and, 111

MIT’s founding and, 101–2

National Academy of Sciences and, 107

Rogers’s research during, 105, 149

Clarke, Edward, 140

classical studies, x, xii

advocates of, 125–27

William P. Atkinson on, 128–29

Jacob Bigelow on, 127–28

Brown University reforms of, 84–85

College of William and Mary and, 1, 73–74

expansion of science and, 71–73, 79

Henry Darwin Rogers on, 12

reaction to Bigelow-Atkinson addresses on, 129–30

Rogers’s education in, 9

Rogers’s Maryland Institute appointment and, 14–15

Rogers’s “School of Arts” response to, 77–79

Rogers’s view of MIT and, 130–32

scientists and, 132–34, 136

Benjamin Rush’s views on, 4

separate schools and, 80, 134–35

traditional college curriculum and, 2, 5, 14

University of Virginia and, 74–76

Yale Report of 1828 and, 76–77

Cocke, John Hartwell, 26

coeducation: MIT and, 140–43

Rogers’s “Polytechnic School” proposal and, 82

College of Philadelphia, 3–4

College of William and Mary, x, xv

Rogers family and, 6–13

Rogers’s approach to science instruction at, 73–74, 76

Rogers’s faculty appointment at, 16

Rogers’s studies at, 1, 131

Rogers’s tenure at, 17–22, 138

Columbia, SC, 22

Columbia University, 5, 27, 73

Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Science, 58

Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers, 88–89, 96, 186n41–42

Continental Monthly, 135

Cooke, Josiah, 107

Cooper, Thomas, 20

Cooper Union, 88

Cornell University: applied science at, 136

John D. Runkle and, 144

Robert Thurston and, 155

Andrew D. White and, 88

Corps of Engineers, 150

Crop, Charles R., 139

Cuvier, Georges, 50

Dabney, John A., 19

Dana, James D., 74, 108, 109,

Dartmouth College, 73

Darwin, Charles, xii

death of, 153–54

Origin, 50–51

Rogers-Agassiz evolution debates and, 52–55

Rogers meets with, 62

Rogers’s views of, 93, 113

Darwin, Erasmus, 50

Darwinism, 55, 106, 115. See also Charles Darwin

Davis, John A. G., 27, 28

Day, Jeremiah, 76–77

De Butts, Elisha, 10, 13

De la Beche, Henry, 45, 63, 75

de Tocqueville, Alexis, 33

Department of Interior, 150

Dew, Thomas R., 20, 22

Dewey, Chester, 69

Dickinson College, 12, 73

Draper, John William, 108

Dublin, Ireland, 3

Eaton, Amos: antebellum geology and, 33–34, 36, 37

as Benjamin Silliman’s student, 72

Rensselaer School and, 87

Ecole Centrale de Arts et Manufactures, 88–89, 96

Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees, 121

Ecole Polytechnique, 86, 88–89

Edinburgh, Scotland, 120

Eliot, Charles W.: Eliot’s MIT-Harvard merger proposal, 146–48

“New Education” views of, 134–35

at Paris Expo, 105

Rogers’s influence on, 155

Rogers’s recruitment of, 121–22

separate schools and, 80

Erie Canal, 34

Faraday, Michael, 46, 74

Farmer’s Register, 34–36

Featherstonhaugh, George, 34, 37

Federal Gazette, 4

Felton, Cornelius C., 83

Fisher, George Park, 126

Flaubert, Gustave, 105

Florentine Academy, 67. See also Lazzaroni

Floyd, John, 37

Franklin Institute, 88

James Blythe Rogers and, 12

early professionalization of science and, 58

influence on Maryland Institute, 13

Thomas P. Jones and, 8

Philadelphia geologists at, 34

Rogers visits, 15

Rogers’s “School of Arts” proposal and, 77–79

Gardiner Lyceum, 88

Garfield, James A., 152

Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Etienne, 50

Geological Society of London, 61

Geological Society of Pennsylvania, 37

Geological Survey of Virginia, x

external interest in, 37–38

Thomas Ridgeway and Jed Hotchkiss use of, 148–49

Rogers’s appeal for, 38–39

Rogers’s approach to, 39–45, 115, 153

Rogers’s ideas about higher education and, 66, 72, 81–82, 131

Virginia politics and, 22–25

Rogers’s professionalization efforts and, 59–62, 106

role in Rogers-Agas-siz evolution debates, 55

Gibbs, Wolcott, 67, 156

Girard College, 145

Gould, Benjamin A., 67, 75

Gray, Asa: evolution debates with Agassiz, 50–51

initial reception of Darwinism and, 55

National Academy of Sciences and, 108–109

Rogers’s death and, 153–154

Great Chain of Being, 50

Greene, Benjamin, 87

Grotthus-Draper Law, 108

Hall, G. Stanley, 140

Hammond, James Henry, 8, 20

Hare, Robert, 8

Harper’s Monthly, 135

Harvard University, xii, xv, 7

Louis Agassiz and, 49, 51, 53, 55

Louis Agassiz’s MIT-Harvard merger proposal, 111–116

antebellum college reform and, 72, 73

Jacob Bigelow and, 127

George Brush of, 150

Edward C. Clarke of, 140

Charles W. Eliot’s MIT-Harvard merger proposal, 146–148

enrollments and graduation rates at Lawrence Scientific School at, 137–138

Asa Gray and, 50, 154

land-grant funds and, 111–116

Ralph Huntington and, 110

Lawrence Scientific School at, 67, 71, 80, 83–84, 134–135

Abbot Lawrence’s gift to, 83–84

medical school of, 5

Museum of Comparative Zoology at, 92

Benjamin Peirce of, 98

Progressive era MIT-Harvard merger proposals, 157

Rogers’s influence on, 155

Henry Darwin Rogers and, 21

Rogers’s views of, 81, 89, 113, 131

John D. Runkle’s education at, 121

Walker-Shaler debates and, 156

William P. Atkinson and, 127

Harvard Bridge, xi

Hatchell, Charles, 36

Haynes, A. A., 102

Henry, Joseph: death of, 154

Lazzaroni and, 67

National Academy of Sciences and, 107–109, 149–150

recommends Rogers for a professorship at University of Virginia, 25–26

Hibernian Society, 6

Higginson, T. W. , 126

Hill, Thomas, 114–115

Hitchcock, Edward, 58–60, 69

Holmes, George Frederick, 8

Hooker, Joseph, 50

Hotchkiss, Jed, 149

Hovey, Marian, 142–143

Howison, George, 121

Humboldt, Alexander von, 32, 55

Humboldtian science: Rogers’s approach to, 32–33, 39, 55

Huntington, Ralph, 110

Hutton, James, 44

Illinois University, 144

James, William, 114

Jamestown, VA, 9

Jarves, James Jackson, 126

Jefferson, Thomas, xi

College of William and Mary and, 7

correspondence with Patrick Kerr Rogers, 6, 10

slavery issue and, 18

University of Virginia and, 26, 29, 31, 38

Jefferson Medical College, 13

Johns Hopkins University, xii, 27, 155

Jones, Thomas P., 8

Journal of Industrial Science and Art, 94

Kanawha Canal Company, 23

Karlsruhe Technical Academy, 88, 121

Kensington Museum, 96, 120

Kew Gardens, 50

Kingsley, James, 76–77

Kneeland, Samuel, 90–93

Kraitzir, Charles, 27

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste, 50

Lawrence, Abbot, 83

Lawrence Scientific School (Harvard): competition with MIT over land-grant funds, 111–116

Charles W. Eliot’s impressions of, 80, 134–135

Charles W. Eliot’s MIT-Harvard proposal, 146–148;

enrollments and graduate rates of, 137–138

founding and early years of, 67, 83

Benjamin Peirce and, 98

John D. Runkle’s education at, 121

Rogers’s perceptions of, 81, 131

Lazzaroni, xiii, 154

American Association for the Advancement of Science and, 67–70

National Academy of Sciences and, 107–109, 149

proposal for university in Albany by, 88

LeConte, John, 156

LeConte, Joseph, 134

Leland, Charles G., 135

Lieber, Francis, 22

Liebig, Justus, 61

Lincoln, Abraham, 107

Loomis, Elias, 108

Lovering, Joseph, 107

Lowell, John A., Jr., 81–83

Lowell, MA, 122

Lowell Institute, 81–82

Lyell, Charles, 44–45, 75

Association of American Geologists and Naturalists and, 60

Rogers’s geological research and, 63

Lyman, Theodore, 108

Maclure, William, 33–34

Madison, James, 7, 37

Mahan, Dennis Hart, 86

Manufacturer and Builder, 133–34

Marcou, Jules, 54–55

Marsh, O. C., 150

Maryland Institute: James Blythe Rogers and, 12

Rogers’s departure from, 17

Rogers’s lectureship at and contributions to, 1–2, 13–16

Maryland Medico-Chirurgical Society, 6

Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics’ Association, 98, 139

Massachusetts Conservatory of Art and Science, 90

Massachusetts Horticultural Society, 92

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Act of Incorporation, 100

Louis Agassiz’s MIT-Harvard merger proposals, 112–116

Bigelow-Atkinson addresses and the reception of, 127–132

Civil War and incorporation of, 101–102

coeducation and, 140–143

contemporary standing of, xi

Charles W. Eliot’s MIT-Harvard merger proposals, 146–148

enrollments and graduation rates at, 137–138

facilities of, ix, 123

government established for, 110

Journal of Industrial Science and Art, 94

Morrill Act of 1862 (Land-Grant Act) and, 111–116, 117, 155

Museum of Industrial Art and Science, 94–95

place of in relation to European models of higher education, xii

Progressive era proposals for MIT-Harvard merger, 157

Rogers elected president of, 110, 152

Rogers’s approach to science and, xi, 37, 55, 154–155

Rogers’s death at, ix, 153

Rogers’s efforts rallying support for the incorporation of, 93–99

Rogers’s initial fundraising for, 109–110, 117

Rogers’s Objects and Plan of, 93–97, 99–100, 110, 116–117, 122–123, 131, 135

Rogers’s recruitment of faculty for, 120–123

Rogers’s Scope and Plan of, 117, 119–120, 122–123, 131

Runkle appointed president of, 124

Russian influences on, 144–146

Emma Savage and, 157

School of Industrial Science and Art, 95–96, 110, 117–123

School of Mechanic Arts, 145–146

scientific community and reception of, 132–136, 155–156

Society of Arts, 94, 110–113, 119

student culture at, 138–140

Francis Amasa Walker selected as president of, 152

Women’s Laboratory at MIT, 141–143

Mathematical Monthly, 121

McCosh, John, 155

Mechanics Institute, 97

Middlebury College, 73

Military Rebellion of 1836 (University of Virginia), 27–29

Mitchel, Ormsby M., 69

Monroe, James, 7

Morrill, Justin, 111

Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862, 111–17, 155

Morse, Edward S., 55

Morton, Samuel George, 34, 62

Mount Auburn Cemetery, 157

Museum of Comparative Zoology, xv

Agassiz and, 83

Lazzaroni and, 67

Massachusetts state support for, 92–93

Rogers’s conception of MIT and, 110, 113–16

Nashville, TN, 9

National Academy of Sciences, 107–9, 149–51

National Institution for the Promotion of Science, 24

Naturphilosophie, 50

Newberry, J. S., 108–9

Newcomb, Simon, 150

New Englander, 126, 129

New England Society, 98

New Haven, CT, 156

New Orleans, LA, 9–10

Newport, RI, 124

New York Times, 68

New York University, 108

North American Review, 129–30

Norwich Academy, 88

Ohio Geological Survey, 108

Oken, Lorenz, 50

Olivier, James E., 97

OpenCourseWare, xi

Patterson, Robert, 6

Peirce, Benjamin: American Association for the Advancement of Science and, 64

death of, 154

Lawrence Scientific School and, 121

Lazzaroni and, 67

National Academy of Sciences and, 109

supporter of Rogers’s MIT plan, 98

Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 4

Philadelphia Medical College, 12

Polytechnic College of Pennsylvania, 88

Porter, Noah, 125–26

Princeton University: Stephen Alexander of, 108

Joseph Henry of, 25

Charles G. Leland and, 135

John McCosh and, 155

science at, 5

Providence Journal, 68

Redfield, William C., 62

Rensselaer, Stephen Van, 87

Rensselaer School, 87–88, 131

Rice, Thomas, 90,

Richmond, VA, x

College of William and Mary considers moving to, 11

Rogers’s Virginia Geological Survey and, 24, 61–62

Edmund Ruffin and, 34

as state capitol, 7

Virginia Convention of 1829–1830 at, 20

Ridgeway, Thomas, 149

Ritchie, James, 97

Rochester, NY, 69

Rogers, Henry Darwin: birth of, 5

Boston and, 81

career summary of, 12

education-related efforts with William Barton Rogers, 13–15

efforts in professionalization of science, 58–64, 69, 149

Great Britain and, 103, 120

Harvard and, 21

in Maryland, 1, 11

role in Rogers-Agassiz evolution debates, 52

scientific research with William Barton Rogers, 25, 42–44, 45–46

state surveys and, 24

Francis Wayland and, 84, 85

Rogers, James Blythe: in Baltimore, 10

birth of, 5

career summary of, 11–12, 21

College of William and Mary and, 6

death of, 13

Rogers, Patrick Kerr, 2–3

appointment to faculty of and life at College of William and Mary, 6, 9–11

Hannah Blythe and, 4–5

correspondence with William Barton Rogers, 14–15

death of, 16

marriage of, 5

medical practice of, 5

summary of careers of sons, 11–13

at University of Pennsylvania, 3–4

Williamsburg, and, 7–8

Rogers, Robert Empie: birth of, 6

career summary of, 12–13

efforts with professionaliza-tion of science, 58–59, 149

in Philadelphia and William Barton Rogers’s health, 124

research with William Barton Rogers, 61

southern life and culture and, 21, 28

views on engineering and West Point, 86

views on William Barton Rogers’s teaching, 74

Rogers, William Barton: address at Williams College by, 48–49

Louis Agassiz’s MIT-Harvard merger proposal and, 112–16

American Association for the Advancement of Science and, 62–70

American Social Science Association and, 106–7

antebellum higher education reform and, 71–72, 79–81, 86–89

Association of American Geologists and Naturalists and, 59–62

Baconian-ism and, 33, 39, 55, 153

birth of, 5

book publications of, 46–48

Civil War and, 101–2

coeducation and, 140–43

conservatory proposal and, 91–93

contributions to Maryland Institute of, 13–16

differences in approach to science between Louis Agassiz and, 49

early efforts in the professionaliza-tion of science, 57–58

elected president of MIT, 110, 152

Charles W. Eliot’s MIT-Harvard merger proposal and, 146–48

establishes Latin-Grammar school, 1, 13

evolution debates between Louis Agassiz and, 49–56

family of, 2–6, 11–13

final speech and death of, xi

geological nomenclature work with Henry Darwin Rogers, 42–43

Geological Survey of Virginia and, 39–42, 148–49

health of, 105–6, 123–24, 148–52

Humboldtianism and, 32–33, 39, 55

Ralph Huntington and, 110

influence of Maryland Institute on, 1–2

land-grant funds and, 111–17

Lazzaroni and, 67–70, 107–9, 149

marl research and, 34–37

marriage, 31

Massachusetts state appointment and, 102–4

MIT facilities and, 123

MIT Objects and Plan proposal and, 93–100

MIT’s Scope and Plan and, 117–20

MIT’s Society of Arts and, 110–11

mountain chain formation theory with Henry Darwin Rogers, 43–45

National Academy of Sciences and, 107–9, 149–51

natural philosophical work of Henry Darwin Rogers, 45–46

Paris Expo and, 104–6

politics of Geological Survey of Virginia and, 22–25, 37–39

“Polytechnic School” proposal and, 81–84

professorship and life at College of William and Mary, 18–26, 73–74

professorship and life at University of Virginia, 26–31, 74–76

professorship offered by College of William and Mary to, 16, 17–18

recruiting MIT faculty, 120–23

relationship between MIT and approach to science of, xi, 37

resignation and departure from University of Virginia, 30–31

Edmund Ruffin’s Farmer’s Register and, 34–36

Russian model of instruction and, 144–45

Emma Savage’s remarks on Rogers brothers and, 13

“School of Arts” proposal and, 77–79

social and intellectual developments during career of, xii

speaking ability of, x–xi

student years at College of William and Mary, 6–11

summary of career in educational reform, x, 154–57

summary of career in science, x, 153–54

view of museums and laboratories of, 48–49

views on MIT student population, 138–40

views on the reception of MIT, 130–32

Francis Wayland and, 84–85

Yale Report of 1828 and, 76–77

Rollins, John R., 102

Root, Elihu, 155–56

Ross, M. D., 99

Rowland, Henry A., 155

Roxbury, MA, 97

Royal Astronomical Society of London, 108

Royal Institution (England), 74

Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen, 61

Ruffin, Edmund, 8, 34–35, 101

Runkle, John D.: as advocate of Russian system of instruction, 144–45

appointed president of MIT, 124

Charles W. Eliot’s MIT-Harvard merger proposal and, 146–48

as MIT professor, 121

views on coeducation, 141

Rush, Benjamin, 4, 6, 21

Sanborn, Frank, 107

Saturday Club, 151

Savage, Emma, xiii

Boston social life and, 151

in Europe, 62, 105

marriage of, 31

in Newport, 124

remarks on Rogers brothers, 13

Rogers’s death and, 153, 157

Schelling, Friedrich, 50

School of Mines and Economic Geology (London), 88, 96, 120

Scientific American, 125, 132–33

Scudder, Horace E., 135

Scudder, Samuel H., 114

Sedgwick, Adam, 45, 62

Seybert, Adam, 35

Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, 54, 156

Sheffield Scientific School (Yale): Charles W. Eliot and, 134–35, 147

laboratory instruction at, 156, 178n24

Rogers and, 131

Silliman, Benjamin, 33, 60, 62, 72

Simms, William Gilmore, 7–8, 10

slavery, xiii, 4, 12, 18–27, 101, 164

Smith, John Augustine, 11

Smithsonian Institution, 25, 67, 108, 150

South Carolina College, 20–22

Stevens Institute, 136, 155

Storer, Francis, 105, 121–22

Summers, George, 23

Swallow, Ellen, 141–42

Sylvester, James Joseph, 26–28

Tappan, Henry, 88

Teachers’ Association (Massachusetts), 98

Thayer, Nathaniel, 141

Thayer, Sylvanus, 86

Thursday Evening Club, 151

Thurston, Robert H., 155

Torrey, John, 103

Treasury Department, 107, 150

Tucker, Nathaniel Beverly, 8

Turner, Edward, 74

Tyler, John, 7

uniformitarianism, 44–45, 170

Union Pacific Railroad, 150

United States Coast Survey: Alexander Dallas Bache as director of, 22, 37, 65

geological profession and, 57–58

Lazzaroni and, 67, 69

United States Naval Academy, 88

Universal Exposition of Paris (1867), 104–5

University of California, 134, 156

University of Glasgow, 12

University of Maryland, 7, 11

University of Michigan, 88, 179

University of Mississippi, 8

University of Munich, 50, 135

University of Pennsylvania: Robert Hare at, 8

Patrick Kerr Rogers at, 3–6, 72

Rogers brothers and, 12–13, 21

University of Vermont, 73

University of Virginia, x, xv

College of William and Mary statement about, 73

George Frederick Holmes and, 8

Robert Empie Rogers and, 12–13

Rogers’s appointment and arrival at, 25, 26

Rogers’s courses and reform efforts at, 74–76, 77–79, 80–82

Patrick Kerr Rogers applies for position at, 6

Rogers’s departure from, 31

Rogers’s Elementary Treatise at, 46

Rogers’s tenure at, 18

student discipline at, 26–29, 138

Virginia politics and, 29–31

Francis Wayland visits Rogers at, 85

University of Wisconsin, 126

Virginia Convention of 1829, 20–21

Walker, Francis Amasa, ix

debates with Shaler over institutes of technology, 156

as president of MIT, 152, 153

Washington, George, 7

Washington College Board of Surveying, 149

Washington, DC: Lazzaroni in, 67

Rogers at Smithsonian in, 25

Rogers’s presidency of National Academy of Sciences in, 150

Francis Amasa Walker and, 152

Watchman of the South, 26

Watson, William, 121

Wayland, Francis, 84–85, 86

Webster, John White, 73–74

Werner, Abraham, 43–44

Wernerians, 44

West Point: W. H. C. Bartlett at, 69

William Thomas Brandes and, 73

founding and evolution of, 86–88

Rogers’s perception of, 131

Whitaker, Channing, 139

White, Andrew D., 88

White Mountains, 31

Williamsburg, VA: Rogers family in, 6–7

Rogers’s departure from, 26

Rogers’s professorship at William and Mary in, 17–22

Rogers’s student years in, 8–11

rural southern life and, 7–8

Williams College: antebellum college reform and, 73

Rogers’s address on scientific inquiry at, 48–49

Wilson, Henry, 107

Windsor, MD, 1, 13

Wissenschaft, xii

Wollaston, William Hyde, 46

Women’s Educational Association (Massachusetts), 141–43

Woodhouse, James, 3–4

Worcester Free Institute, 136

Wright, Frances, 21

Wyman, Jeffrey, 55

Yale University, xii

William P. Blake and, 97

higher education reform and, 76–77

laboratory instruction at, 156

Elias Loomis and, 108

New Haven scholars and, 125, 126

separate school at, 71, 80, 131, 147

Benjamin Silliman of, 60, 72

Francis Amasa Walker and, 152. See also Sheffield Scientific School

Yale Report of 1828

Yale Report of 1828, 76–77

Noah Porter and, 125

reception of, 80

Francis Wayland’s views of, 84

Youmans, E. L., 130–31

Previous Chapter

Selected Bibliography
