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Notes Chapter 1 1. For details of the creation of the Atlantic colonial system see David Birmingham, Trade and Empire in the Atlantic, 1400–1600 (London : Routledge, 2000). Chapter 2 1. José Mendes Ribeiro Norton de Matos, Memórias e trabalhos da minha vida, 4 vols. (Lisbon: Editora Marítimo-Colonial, 1944–45). 2. José Capela, O vinho para o preto: notas e textos sobre a exportação do vinho para África (Oporto: Afrontamento, 1973). 3. Charles von Onselen, Studies in the Social and Economic History of the Witwatersrand, 2 vols. (London: Longman, 1982). For a wider illumination of the role of alcohol in southern African society see Jonathan Crush and Charles Ambler, eds., Liquor and Labor in Southern Africa (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1992). 4. William A. Cadbury, Labour in Portuguese West Africa (London: G. Routledge, 1909). 5. An English edition of General Delgado’s memoirs is available: Humberto da Silva Delgado, The Memoirs of General Delgado (London: Cassell, 1964); as well as a revised Portuguese edition: Memórias de Humberto Delgado, ed. Iva Delgado and Antonio de Figueiredo (Lisbon: Dom Quixote, 1991). Chapter 3 1. David Birmingham, “Merchants and Missionaries in Angola,” Lusotopie (1998): 345–55. 175 You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. 2. The latest and perhaps most lively of Beatrix Heintze’s studies is Pioneiros Africanos: caravanas de carregadores na África Centro-Ocidental entre 1850 e 1890 (Lisbon: Caminho, 2004). 3. David Livingstone, Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (London: J. Murray, 1857). For a gloss on Livingstone’s visit to Angola see David Birmingham, Portugal and Africa (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2004). 4. Mary Kingsley, West African Studies (London: Macmillan, 1899). 5. The family biography of Héli Chatelain was written by his sister : Alida Chatelain and Amy Roch, Héli Chatelain, l’ami de l’Angola, 1859–1908, fondateur de la Mission philafricaine d’après sa correspondence (Lausanne: Mission Philafricaine, 1918). She makes extensive but selective use of his letter books. By very good fortune these letter books and other papers have survived in the archives of the Alliance Missionnaire Evangélique held by the Schweizer Allianz Mission in Winterthur. I am exceedingly grateful to the mission, and particularly to Albert Zimmerli , for the welcome hospitality that they have afforded me when working in Switzerland. Chapter 4 of the present book makes use of these papers to explore the second half of Chatelain’s career and may, I hope, form the basis for a wider study of his life and times both as a member of the Luanda “Methodist” mission and as the founder of the Swiss mission at Kalukembe. 6. António Francisco Ferreira da Silva Porto, Viagens e apontamentos de um Portuense em África, ed. Maria Emília Madeira Santos (Coimbra: Coimbra University, 1986) is the first—and so far only—edited volume of Silva Porto’s extensive archive. Frederick Stanley Arnot, Missionary Travels in Central Africa (London: Alfred Holness, 1914). Chapter 4 1. In A África e a instalacao do sistema colonial, ed. Maria Emília Madeira Santos, 418–29 (Lisbon: IICT, 2000). 2. For a recent study of the Basel mission see Sonia Abun-Nasr, Afrikaner und Missionar: Die Lebensgeschichte von David Asante (Basel: Schlettwein, 2003). 3. Henry W. Nevinson, A Modern Slavery (London: Harper, 1906; reprint, Essex: Background Books, 1963). Nevinson’s essays were first published in Harper’s magazine in 1906. 176 / Notes to Pages 28–53 You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 15:31 GMT) Chapter 5 1. For further details and sources on Belgium and Portugal see David Birmingham, Muriel Chamberlain, and Chantal Metzger, L’Europe et l’Afrique de 1914 à 1970 (Paris: SEDES, 1994), and also volume 2 of David Birmingham and Phyllis M. Martin, History of Central Africa (London: Longman, 1983). 2. See ‘The Coffee Barons of Cazengo,” in Birmingham, Portugal and Africa. Chapter 6 1. Christine Messiant, L’Angola colonial: histoire et société (Basel: Schlettwein, forthcoming). 2. Basil Davidson, The African Awakening (London: Cape, 1955). Chapter 7 1. Marcelo Bittencourt, “Estamos juntos”: o MPLA e a luta anticolonial (Luanda: Angolan National...
