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Brief Glossary Article 58     Counterrevolutionary crimes; the commission of acts aimed at overthrowing, undermining, or weakening the government. This article had many subsections, including Article 58-10, engaging in anti-Soviet agitation, and Article 59-12, failure to report counterrevolutionary crimes to the authorities. besprizorniki Homeless children. Also besprizornye. corpus delicti Principle of jurisprudence that requires the state to prove a crime has been committed before a person can be convicted of committing it. Lubyanka Headquarters of the secret police. Memorial Society A historical and educational society with branches throughout the former Soviet Union. OGPU Secret police, forerunner of NKVD, NKGB, MGB, and KGB. Old Believers Russian Orthodox believers who had rejected church reforms in the 17th century and fled to Siberia to escape persecution. Solovki One of the first Soviet concentration camps, founded in 1923 in a former monastery (since restored) on the White Sea. Torgsin A state store that provided food in exchange for precious metals or foreign currency.  Note on Transliteration Russian names in this book are spelled according to a modified Library of Congress system. To ease pronunciation I have substituted -y for -ii at the end of such names as Georgy. I have also added a “y” where necessary to aid pronunciation, as in Yevgeniya, Lidiya, and Pyotr. Place names drawn from a nearby town, village, or river have been rendered as adjectival nouns rather than transliterated adjectives; in other words, Voronezhskaia Oblast becomes Voronezh Province. I have also dropped all uses of the soft sign. Bibliographic references are given according to strict Library of Congress for those who wish to do further research. ...
