In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

CONTENTS PREFACE Michel Desjardins 1 PART ONE: RECENTCONCERNS The Mediterranean Jesus 1. The Mediterranean Jesus: Context William Klassen 4 2. Itinerants and Householders in the Earliest Jesus Movement John Dominic Crossan 7 3. Q and a Cynic-Like Jesus Burton L. Mack 25 4. The Gospel of Thomas and the Cynic Jesus John W. Marshall 37 The Galilean Jewish Jesus 5. The Galilean Jewish Jesus: Context William E. Arnal 61 6. Galilean Questions to Crossan's Mediterranean Jesus Sean Freyne 63 Socio-Rhetorical Interests I. Socio-Rhetorical Interests: Context WilliBraun 92 8. The Rhetoric of the Historical Jesus L. Gregory Bloomquist 98 9. Cosmology and the Jesus Miracles Wendy Cotter 118 10. The Theological Importance of the "Third Quest" for the Historical Jesus Halvor Moxnes 132 Academic Engagement I1. Academic Engagement: Context Sandra Walker-Ramisch 143 12. A Feminist Experience of Historical-Jesus Scholarship Jane Schaberg 146 13. The Historical Jesus and African New Testament Scholarship Grant LeMarquand 161 Recent Concerns: Closing Thoughts 14. Recent Concerns: The Scholar as Engage LeifE. Vaage 181 Contents vi PART TWO: ENDURING CONCERNS Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls 15. Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Context Terence L. Donaldson 188 16. The Historical Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls Wayne O. McCreadyy 190 Apocalypticism 17. Apocalypticism: Context Dietmar Neufeldd 18. Will the Reader Understand? Apocalypseas Veil or Vision in Recent Historical-Jesus Research Edith M. Humphrey 215 The Christ of Faith 19. The Christ of Faith: Context Stephen Westerholm 238 20. Is the "Historical Jesus" a Christological Construct? Barry W. Henaut 241 Continuing Historical-Jesus Studies 21. Continuing Historical-Jesus Studies: Context Robert L. Webb 269 22. A Taxonomy of Recent Historical-Jesus Work Larry W. Hurtado 272 Enduring Concerns: Closing Thoughts 23. Enduring Concerns: Desiderata for Future Historical-Jesus Research Peter Richardson 296 CONCLUSION 24. Making and Re-Making the Jesus Sign: Contemporary Markings on the Body of Christ William E.Arnal 308 CONTRIBUTORS 320 INDICES Subject Index 321 Modern Authors Index 326 Ancient SourcesIndex 333 ...
