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This book has been published with the help of a grant from the Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Elder, Bruce (R. Bruce) A body of vision : representations of the body in recent film and poetry Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-88920-276-1 1. Body, Human, in motion pictures. 2. Experimental films - History andcriticism. I. Title. PN1995.9.E96E482 1997 791.43'65 C96-931982-7 Copyright © 1997 WILFRID LAURIER UNIVERSITY PRESS Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L3C5 Cover design by Leslie Macredie, using a still from the film Exultations (In Light of the Great Giving) by R. Bruce Elder Printed in Canada All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical—without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any request for photocopying, recording, taping, or reproducing in information storage and retrieval systems of any part of this book shall be directed in writing to the Canadian Reprography Collective, 214 KingStreet West, Suite 312, Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S6. Contents With Gratitude v Acknowledgments vii Introduction 1 The Human Dilemma 21 The Anxious Body of Shame, Disgust, or Appalling Death: Films by Bruce Conner 24 The Troubling Body of Sexual Difference: Williard Maas's The Geography of the Body 36 The Complexities of Identification—Walter Gutman and the Body Remade as Whole 65 The Body as Sacred—The Films ofJames Broughton, Especially The Golden Positions 70 The Body and the Cosmos—The Films of EdEmshwiller 85 First Digression: The Theory of Transformation and Its Importance to Understanding the Uniqueness of Artistic Meaning 97 Ed Emshwiller's Mixed Mode of Cinema Contrasted with the Lyrical Film 116 The Body as the Universe in Stan Brakhage's Early Films 140 The Body Electric: Of Wilhelm Reich and Antonin Artaud— Laying the Groundwork for Carolee Schneemann's Body Art 143 iii ...
