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Index 429 women's subservience to men, 209­13,229,230­31,238, 252, 253­54,281,328,385,391,392 Paulle, Hans Mair, 167; wife of, 167­68 Paul, Apostle, 11, 29, 51, 223, 385, 393­94 peasants, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 19, 35, 45, 54, 141­42. See also common people, social status Peasants' War, 3, 4, 20, 26, 35, 71, 72, 74, 140­42, 145­46, 275, 277; women in the, 145, 153 n.39, 149­50 Penntz, Lamprecht, recantation of husband and wife, 161­62 Penon, 209 Peronet, Antoinette, 260 Peter, Apostle, 65 Petroff, Elizabeth Alvilda, 282 Penthelin, Sebald, 91 Peutinger, Konrad, 84­95 Pfaffenhofen, 161 Pfeffer, Margaret, 34 Pfeiffer, Magdalena, 35 Pfistermeyer, Hans, 25, 26 Philips, Obbe, 250, 253, 255, 278 Pieters, Guiert, 391 Pieters, Lijnken, 367­72 piety: lay, 56, 360, 388 Pingjum, 253 Pisan, Christine de, 289 Plankenstein, 164 Polderman, Cornelius (of Middelburg), 267, 274, 279 polygamy: in Minister, 247, 250, 251, 255, 298­304; among the Batenburgers, 329; of Claus Frey, 279 polygenesis see diversity Pommacher, Johann, 276 Poirten, ter, a noble, 309 Prader: husband, 181, 184; wife, 181, 184; Melchior, their son, 181, 184 Praun, Katharina, 189­90 prayers of Anabaptists, 226, 234, 235, 237, 354, 359, 362, 363, 370, 372; of confession, 133­35; in hymns, 121­22, 199­201, 225; for deliverance, 214 pregnancy and childbirth: 86, 146, 149, 167­68, 183, 317­18; and rape, 215, 216; Hutterite nursing mothers, wet nurses, and midwives, 206; miscarriage, 140, 148­49, 158; in Munster, 300; pregnancy and punishment, 158­59; and recantation, 158­59; childless women, 64 Pribitz, 215,216 priesthood of all believers, 2, 3, 6, 45, 307. See also authority printing and publishing, 248,258­72, 306, 339. See also occupations and employment: printer printshops: am Holzmarkt, 264; Zum Thiergarten, 258 properties and goods see economics prophecy: among Melchiorite Anabaptist groups, 247­57; and women, 10, 11, 279­82; in the Hut tradition, 74, 76, 78; denied by Menno Simons,253­54 prophets: female, 20, 44, 49­50, 248, 252, 273­87; male, 107­108, 247­52, 273­82. See also leadership Prosels, 159 proselytization see evangelization Protestant church: clergy, 83, 129 Pruschanek, 216 Priiss: Johann, Sr., 259, 262, 269; Johann, Jr., 259, 262­63, 269; Margarethe, 248,258­72,273, 275; children of, 270; Margarethe, daughter of Margarethe Priiss, 268, 270; Ursula, 264,270 Prussia, 209 punishment of Anabaptists: all women to be punished the same, 48; branded on both cheeks, 85, 86; chaining women to the floor, 21, 65; clothed minimally, 197; corporal, 40, 85, 90, 91, 95, 140, 430 Profiles of Anabaptist Women 147­48, 150, 158­59; costs of imprisonment, 35, 40, 57, 157­58, 161, 173, 182, 196, 197; fines, 26, 27, 28, 30, 44, 46, 148; house arrest, 159, 174, 188; meagre diet, 48, 158, 196, 197; noblewomen punished, 129, 174; as penance, 159, 162, 173; severity of, 84, 158­59, 298; tongue cut out, 94. See also exile, imprisonment, torture Purschitz, 210 Puster Valley, 166, 167, 180 Putten, 336 Querijnen, Jan, 379 Rabus, Ludwig, 353­54 radicality, 1­10, 111­17. See also egalitarianism Raesfelt, van: Gossen, 327, 352­53; Jacoba, 327­29 Raesfelt in Westphalia, 327 Ramert, Hermann, 295 rape, 202, 215­18 Rassler, Paul, 126 Rat, Hanns, 126 Rattenberg, 58, 59, 125, 146, 158, 195 Ravensburg, 51 rearrested Anabaptists (relapsi), 55, 146­47, 157, 160­61, 182­83, 190­91, 196 rebirth (regeneration), 3, 4­5, 114, 392 Rebstock, Barbara (Kropf), 248, 252, 254, 273, 276, 278­82; Hans (or Kropfhans), 278 recantation, 36, 39, 40,42, 48, 57, 75, 93,97,106­107,126,132,146, 156­63, 169­74, 179, 182­84, 182, 188,190­91, 196, 380; appeal against, 127­28, 371; had to be read, 161, 174; penance required in, 148, 157­59, 161­62, 172­74, 179, 188, 196; recanters became informers, 378, 381; refusal of, 47, 55­56, 85, 94, 197, 207, 234. See also pardon recreation: Hutterites, 222, 236 Reekers, Hinrick, sister of, 329 Reformed church: alienation from, 34­35, 39; critique of, 32­36, 56; educated theologian in, 45 Reformers: Protestant, 108­109, 127, 130­31,268; radical, 131,266, refugees, Anabaptist, 20, 22, 23, 26, 59, 71, 72, 75, 76; giving shelter to, 28, 85­93, 97­99, 108, 126, 129, 147­48, 161, 167­69, 178, 180­85, 208, 388 Renssen, Hylle van, widow of Lubbert, 309 repentance: call to, 22; doctrine of, 4, 19, 50, 117; lacking...
