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223 Index The italic letters f, n, and t following a page number indicate that the subject information of the entry heading is within a figure, note, or table, respectively, on that page. Double letters, e.g., nn, indicate more than one such feature. Abandonment, Great Depression and, 17 Acheson, Dean, foreign policy and, 5 ADA (Americans for Democratic Action), 94n20 AFL. See American Federation of Labor African Americans government antidiscrimination efforts for, 83, 94n25 groups of, supported full employment bill, 104, 130 House standing committee and, 122– 123n36 percentage data about, 185t, 186t, 187t, 189t, 190t, 191t political parties of, 129, 178t After the war—full employment (Hansen), 22–24 demise of NRPB and, 148 public opinion about, 50–53, 52f, 53f Agricultural sector, 18, 33–34, 142 See also Farm workers; National Grange Agricultural Workers Union, 104 Aiken, Sen. George, 84, 94n27 Alcoholism, Great Depression and, 17 America First Party (1944), presidential candidate, 121n3 American Association of Social Workers, 104 American economy collapse of, and FDR response, 18–21 depressions in, 85, 89, 102–103, 105, 119, 127, 139 (see also Great Depression) government roles in, 9, 11, 21–22, 33–35, 39, 92, 139 postwar, coverage in print media, 46–47, 106 recessions in, 151, 152, 153–154, 154f, 155–157 American Enterprise Association, successor of, 121n11 American Enterprise Institute, 153 American Farm Bureau, 104 American Federation of Labor (AFL), 28, 80 support for full employment bill by, 82, 94n21, 104 American Political Science Review (journal), 136n1 Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), predecessor of, 94n20 Anderson, Clinton, in Truman cabinet, 104, 106, 109 Anti-Federalist traditions, in American politics, 8, 35, 117–118 Antidiscrimination efforts, 83, 94n25 Area Redevelopment Act (1961), 153 Association of American University Women, 83 Austin, Sen. Warren, 26, 37n8 Australia, Keynesian economics in, 29 Baltimore Sun (newspaper), book reviews in, 58 Bankhead, Rep. William, staff of, 98 Banking sector, New Deal programs for, 18 Barkley, Sen. Alben, 87 as majority leader, 140, 141 Special Committee service of, 26, 37n8 as vice-presidential candidate, 161n2 Bartels, Larry M., legislative behavioral research, 136n1 Baruch, Bernard M., House testimony by, 28 In order to view this proof accurately, the Overprint Preview Option must be checked in Acrobat Professional or Adobe Reader. Please contact your Customer Service Representative if you have questions about finding the option. Job Name: -- /347091t 224 Wasem Bates, Rep. George, 117, 123n44 Batts, William, House testimony by, 28 Bean, Louis, 32, 93n4 Bertram Gross and, 71, 78 Bender, Rep. George, 113, 140 Joint Economic Committee service of, 147, 161n as subcommittee member, 108, 122n23 Benton, William, 27–28 Bernanke, Ben, 21–22, 36n5 Bernstein, Barton, 6, 36n4 Bethune, Mary McLeod, 83 Beveridge, William Henry, Lord British plan and, 6, 29 full employment definition by, 4, 61 Biemiller, Rep. Andrew John, 119, 123n50 Bilbo, Sen. Theodore, white supremacy and, 122nn17–18 Border states, U.S., demographic characteristics, 128–129, 173t, 177t, 178t, 179t, 180t, 181t, 183t Bradley, Gen. Omar, testimony by, 104 Bridges, Sen. Styles, Joint Economic Committee service of, 147, 162n7 Britain. See Great Britain Broadcast media coverage of controversial issues in, 66–67 movies, 25, 36n6 radio, 24, 59, 61, 66–67, 83, 105, 139 television coverage, 36n6, 68n4 Brown, Millard, loss of freedom feared by, 101, 121n10 Buck, Sen. C. Douglass, 84, 87, 95, 140 Burns, Arthur F., appointments of, 152, 162n15 Business confidence in, and full employment, 26, 28, 31, 57f, 88, 102 corporate practices, 20, 115 postwar expectations for, 33, 41, 42f, 44f, 45, 54 prevention of monopolies in, 27, 90 small, and legislation, 104–105 unemployment and, 48–49, 49ff, 140, 141f WPB oriented toward, 46, 49–50 Business volunteers, 18 CED with, 27–28 conflict of interest by civilian, in WWII, 25–26, 37n7, 50 Butler, Sen. Hugh, 87 Byrd, Sen. Henry, opposition of, 86, 95n31 California Chamber of Commerce, 99 Canada, economics of, 11, 29 Cantril, Hadley, 68n10 Capitalism, 47, 100 driving force of, 88, 103 national economic policy under, 108, 112 unemployment in, 3–4, 20, 28, 119 Capper, Sen. Arthur, 87 Carter, Pres. Jimmy, capital infrastructure spending and, 156 Carville, Sen. E. P., 87 CEA. See Council of Economic Advisers CED. See Committee for Economic Development Celler, Rep. Emanuel, as committee chair, 118, 123n47 Chambers of Commerce national groups, 99, 139–140 state organizations of, 85, 99–100, 101, 102 Chicago Daily Tribune (newspaper), 46 Chicago Sun (newspaper), 62 Child labor, FLSA and, 19 Church, Rep. Ralph, 113, 115, 118 CIO. See Congress of...
