In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents Acknowledgmentsix Introduction: Modern Military Folklore, Retrospect and Prospects Tad Tuleja and Eric A. Eliason1 Part I: Deploying 1 The Things They Bring to War Carol Burke19 2 Know Thy Enemy: Camel Spider Stories among US Troops in the Middle East Justin M. Oswald38 3 “Folk-Folkloristics”: Reflections on American Soldiers’ Responses to Afghan Traditional Culture Eric A. Eliason58 Part II: Sounding Off 4 Where Is Jody Now? Reconsidering Military Marching Chants Richard Allen Burns79 5 Upper Echelons and Boots on the Ground: The Case for Diglossia in the Military Elinor Levy99 6 Sea Service Slang: Informal Language of the Navy and Coast Guard Angus Kress Gillespie116 Contents viii Part III: Belonging 7 Taser to the ’Nads: Brutal Embrace of Queerness in Military Practice Mickey Weems139 8 Making Lemonade: Military Spouses’ Worldview as a Coping Mechanism Kristi Young161 9 Oppositional Positioning: The Military Identification of Young Antiwar Veterans Lisa Gilman181 Part IV: Remembering 10 Colonel Bogey’s March through Folk and Popular Culture Greg Kelley205 11 Soldier Snaps Jay Mechling222 12 “America’s Best”: Cultural Poaching on “Ballad of the Green Berets” Tad Tuleja248 Selected Bibliographies271 Contributors277 Index281 ...
