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c'ontents l\\ustrations vii 'Prefac.e irINTtz .QDUC.TION: INTO FOLt(LOlZ-I'5TIC.'5 WITH c:"UN AND C.AM£~ 1 BIBLlOG.\ZA'PHICi\L NOTt:~ 10 TH£ FOLt(LOlZ-£ 'Ptz.QC.£'5'5 I~ THt: WUL.i\TIVt: Mi\\1Z-I)< Iq Dt:~Cl2-IBING. fOLkLOl2-t: 31 MODt: i\ND MOVt:Mt:NT IN fOLkLOl2-t: ?1 L.ULTU\ZAL ~t:Lt:c.-rION /\ND CH/\NG.t: 43 BIBLlOG.\ZA'PHIL.i\L NOTt:~ 4q DYNAMIC.'5 OF TH£ FOLt('P 55 THt: LlVt: L.ONTt:)
