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vii Contents Preface xiii Acknowledgments xv How to Use This Book xvii one ■ to be or not to be 1 Dialogue: Sorgina 1 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 1 Izan (to be) and nor (who) 4 Affirmative word order 9 Negative word order 9 Singular and plural markers 13 Yes and no questions 15 Dialogue: Goazen hemendik! 16 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 17 Ala or Edo in questions 20 Responding to zer? nor? and nortzuk? 21 Dialogue: Lagunak 24 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 24 Zenbakiak numbers 1–20 26 Answers 27 two ■ location, location, location 32 Dialogue: Bulegoan 32 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 33 Egon (to be) and nor (who) 36 Dialogue: Non dago banpiroa? 40 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 41 Responding to non? 42 Inessive with common singular nouns 42 Responding to nola? 45 Answers 48 viii con ten ts three ■ i’m not from around here 54 Dialogue: Ez naiz hemengoa 54 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 55 Locative -ko with inanimate nouns and place names 58 Responding to nongoa? (where from?) 62 More about nationalities and countries 64 Dialogue: Nolakoa da Xurga banpiroa? 68 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 69 Responding to nolakoa?/nolakoak? (what is someone like?) 71 Building phrases with adjectives 74 Hilabeteak (months of the year) 77 Zenbakiak numbers 20–40 78 Answers 80 four ■ living it up 86 Dialogue: Non bizi zara? 86 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 87 Bizi izan (to live) verb 88 Affirmative and negative sentences 89 Inessive with proper nouns (place names) 90 Inessive in the plural 92 Inessive with inanimate things 94 Inessive with inanimate proper nouns 94 Responding to norekin? (with whom?): Associative case in the singular and plural 95 Associative with personal pronouns 98 Dialogue: Norekin bizi da Xurga? 99 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 100 Answers 103 five ■ this, that and the other 109 Dialogue: Liburu hau garrantzitsua da! 109 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 110 Demonstratives—this one, that one, and that one over there 111 Inessive demonstratives with inanimate things 114 Associative demonstratives with animates and inanimates 118 Dialogue: Zenbat gauza dago hormako apaletan? 120 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 08:03 GMT) con ten ts ix Hitz eta esaldi berriak 121 Numbers with nouns 122 Responding to zenbat? zenbat da? zenbat . . . dago? 125 Asko (many, a lot) 126 Zenbakiak numbers 40–60 127 Answers 129 six ■ where do we go from here? 134 Dialogue: Nora zoaz, Goxo? 134 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 135 Joan (to go) 136 Responding to nora? (where to?)—allative case in the singular with inanimate nouns 138 Allative case in the plural with inanimate nouns 140 Dialogue: Nola goaz, Goxo? 141 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 142 Responding to Nola goaz? Kotxez! (How are you going? By car!) 143 Dialogue: Xurga erromantikoa, edo, Bazoaz postetxera gaur? 145 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 146 Egunak (days of the week) 149 Answers 151 seven ■ where did that come from? 156 Dialogue: Nondik nora doaz Goxo eta Xurga? 156 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 156 Etorri (to come) 157 Responding to Nondik? (from where?)—ablative case with singular nouns 158 Ablative case—plural, inanimate 161 Ablative and allative forms—from this one to that one 163 Dialogue: Zein margotakoa da Goxoren azala? 166 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 167 Responding to Zein margotakoa da? (What color is it?) 168 Jakin (to know) and zer-nork (what-who) 169 Responding to Badakizu euskaraz? (Do you know Basque?) 172 Zenbakiak numbers 60–100 173 Answers 174 x con ten ts eight ■ the haves and the have nots 180 Dialogue: Burukomina 180 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 180 Eduki (to have, to possess) with singular objects and zer-nork (what-who) 181 More about ergative markers on subjects 182 Dialogue: Goxo, zer daukazu haitzuloan? 186 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 188 Eduki (to have) with plural objects and zer-nork (what-who) 189 Responding to Zer daukazu? (What do you have?) and Badaukazu . . . ? (Do you have . . . ?) 191 Using the partitive -rik (-ik) to express some, any 193 Aginduak (simple commands) 194 Answers 197 nine ■ been there, done that 202 Dialogue: Zer gertatu da gaur? 202 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 202 Responding to Zer gertatu da? (What happened? What has happened?) 203 Recent past (present perfect) with izan: Basic verb forms as past participles 203 Ukan (to have): Transitive auxiliary verb with singular object 207 Dialogue: Zer gehiago egin duzu gaur? 210 Hitz eta esaldi berriak 211 Recent past (present perfect) with ukan (singular-thirdperson object) 212 Ukan and zer-nork (what-who...
