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APPENDIX C -Extensions Ten radical extensions or "infixes" have been observed in the lexical material included in this lexicon. I -an-, -(i)d-, -(i)cf- -kino, -(i)n-, -ondir-, -oy-, -(i/o)r-, -(i)t-, -woo Some of these forms have more than one meaning. A tentative list of extensions with meanings follows:2 1) -t-,-it- "Reversive" (to undo sth) "lnversif' (dCfaire qqch) APPENDICE C - Extensions La presence de dix extensions ou "infixes" a ere constatee dans les matieres lexiques de eet ouvrage:' -an-, -(i)d-, -(i)O- -kino, -(i)n-, -ondir-, -oy-, -(i/o)r-, -(i)t-, -woo Certaines de ces formes ont plus d'un sens. S'ensuit une liste provisoire des extensions accompagnees de leurs significations:2 2) -t-,-it- "Repetitive" or "Iterative" (to do sth again) "Repetitif' ou "lteratif' (faire de nouveau qqch) 3) -t-,-it- "Intensive" (to do sth intensively) "Intensif' (faire avec intensite) 4) -t-,-it- "Reflexive" (with verb in middle voice) (to do sth to o.s.) "Reflexif' (avec verbe en voix moyenne) (faire qqch it soi-meme) 5) -d-,-id- "Associative" (with 'e' when followed by an object) (to do sth together with) "Associati!,' (avec 'e' quand suivi d'un objet) (faire quelque chose ensemble avec) 6) -d-,-id- "Comprehensive" or "Exhaustive" (to do sth completely) "Comprchensi!" au "Exhaustif' (faire complctement quclque chose) 7) -n-,-in- "Causative" or "Factitive" (to cause sth) "Causatif' ou "Factitif' (causer qqch) 8) -r-,-ir-,-or- "Instrumental" or "Modal" (to do sth using sth, be or do sth in a certain manner) "Instrumental" ou "Modal" (faire en utilisant qqch, etre ou faire d'une certaine maniere) 9) -r-,-ir-,-or- "Locative" (to be or do sth in a certain place or position) "Locatif' (etre ou faire quelque chose dans un certain endroit, ou dans une certaine position) 10) -an- "Benefactive" or "Dative" (to do sth for, on behalf of) "BcnCfactif' au "Datil" (faire qqch de la part de) 11) -oy- "Distantive" (to go to do sth) "Distantir' (se dcplacer pour faire qqch) 12) -kino' "Simulative" (to pretend to do or imitate doing sth) "Simulatif' (faire semblant de faire, imiter l'action de faire qqch) 13) -ondir-4 "Reciprocal" (to do sth mutually) "Reciproque" (faire rcciproquemenL qqch) 14) .d'.,-id'- "Denominative"(to be or become sth) "Dcnominatir' (ctre ou devenir qqch) 15) _w_5 1. Discussions of verbal extensions can be found in several different works, of which Mali (1979), Fagerberg-Diallo (1984), Amott (1970), SyUa (1982), and Zubko (1980) were referred to in working on this compilation. 2. Amott (1970; 333-370) and SyUa (1982: 115-120) give more extensive teatments of the topic of verbal extensions with particular reference respectively to the Gombe and Futa Toro dialects. 3. Mali (1979:10) also gives -tin4 . Fagerberg-DiaUo (l984(Part 1):307) also gives -ootir-. Another variant is -indir5 . Seydou (1987:58) describes this extension as a suffix used to derive verbs from certain adjectival roots (bal- I bawlude. nay- I naywude. ran- / rawnude. wol- I wowlude). As Arnott (1970:339) notes, however, it is not an active or productive suffix in the way that the others above are. 656 1. On discute les extensions verbales dans plusieurs ouvrages dont Mali (1979). Fagerberg-Diallo (1984), Amott (1970), Bidaud et Prost (1982), Sylla (1982) et Zubko (1980) que nous avons eonsultcs pour Ie present lexique. 2. Amott (1970:333-370) and Sylla (1982: 115-120) traitent in extenso Ie sujet des extensions verbales et se rapportent respectivement aux dialectes de Gomre et de Fouta Toro. 3. Mali (1979: 10) donne aussi -tin-. 4. Fagerberg-Diallo (1984, Partie 1:3(7) donne aussi -ootir-. Un autre variant possibl:: est -indir-. 5. Seydou (1987:58) dccrit cette extension comme un suffixe "servant gcncralcment 11 constituer des verbaux 11 partir de racine, originellement adjectivales" (bal- I bawlude. nay- I naywude. ran-I rawnude. wol- I wowlude)_ Mais, comme Ie note Amott (1970:339), ce n'cst pas un .suffixe actif ou productif comme lcs autre, mentionncs plus haul. ...
