In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

223 Adolf Hitler: Pictures from the Life of the Führer, 16, 28–29; agitation, 48–49, 51; definition, 3; difficulties with, 79–80, 84; distinguished from propaganda, 3; GDR directives on, 85; organization of, 81; purpose of, 53; statistics on, 81 Aktuelle Kamera, 95 Allen, William S., 139 Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst (ADN), 68 alte Kämpfer, 21 Amann, Max, 58, 90; heads Franz Eher Verlag, 65; in the RKK, 65 Andropov, Yuri, 132–33 Angriff, Der, 45, 90 antifascism, 39 Anti-Fascist Protective Wall. See Berlin Wall anti-Semitism, 26, 125–26, 141. See also Jews; Mein Kampf architecture, 110–11; Hitler on, 110; in the GDR, 114–15; propaganda value of, 114–15. See also Honecker; Mein Kampf; Ulbricht Arendt, Hannah, 40 Argument der Woche, 161 Ash, Timothy Garton, 166 Auden, W. H., 167 Aufklärungs- und RednerInformationsmaterial , 75–76 Baarova, Lida, 112 Baird, Jay, 58 Balfour, Michael, 58, 104, 132 Bärsch, Claus-Ekkehard, 11 Bear One Another’s Burdens (film), 147 Becher, Johannes R., 1 Beer Hall Putsch. See 9 November Behrens, Helmut, 141 Berg, Hermann von, 80 Berlin Sport Palace, 100 Berlin Wall: Anti-Fascist Protective Wall, 39, 101–4, 158; election following, 136; media treatment of, 95–96, 162–63; Ulbricht denies plan to build, 102 Berlin: as showplace, 114 Bernhard, Georg, 125–26 Best, Werner, 149–50 Beyer, Frank, 116 bible: Hitler’s words as, 17–18; Mein Kampf as, 17 Bitterfeld Way, 115 Black Book of Communism, The, 168 Blecha, Kurt, 68 Blood Banner. See 9 November Boberach, Heinz, 93 Bouhler, Philip, 58, 65 Braun, Volker, 1 Brecht, Bertholt, 30, 140 Brennessel, 119–28 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). See broadcasting broadcasting: BBC, 92; radio, 92, 94, 95, 112; television, 94, 95 Brooks, Robert D., 8, 23 Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky), 12 Brzezinski, Friedrich, 165 Buchenwald, 33–34 Bullock, Alan, 157 Burgess, John, 147 Burleigh, Michael, 11 cabaret, 117–19; banned shows, 118; in the GDR, 118–19; Nazi, 117–18 Catholic Church, 4, 42, 46, 144–45 Censorship Committee for the Protection of National Socialist Literature, 65 censorship, 90–92, 159–60; of films, 112; in the GDR, 94; Nazi, 90–92; self, 113. See also church; Honecker; journalists Central Committee of the SED (ZK), 32, 93, 94; and GDR culture policy, 114; and propaganda, 51; departments of, 66–68 Central Propaganda Office (RPL), 61–62, 64, 75, 113 Chernenko, Konstantin, 132–33 Christian Democratic Union (GDR), 147 Christianity: and Nazism, 37; and Marxism-Leninism, 37 Christmas, 20 church, 144–48; banned from politics, 144; censorship of, 147; denied status Index as worldview, 145; in the GDR, 144; loyalty to, 144; membership in, 145–46, 148; as a problem 148; as refuge, 146; restricted to “spiritual” activities, 144–46; worldview of, 144 coercion: denunciations and, 141; gentle, 141; in Hitler’s Germany, 141 collective: importance of the, 139 criticism, artistic, 113; a “Jewish” phenomenon, 113–14; restrictions on, 116–17. See also Goebbels cybernetics, 50–51 DAF. See German Labor Front; Ley, Robert dead: immortality of the, 23, 25–26 DEFA, 93, 116 democratic centralism, 66, 133 Dictatorships and Double Standards (Kirkpatrick), 165 Dietrich, Otto: conflicts with Goebbels, 57–58, 63–64; heads Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro, 64; influence of, 64; and the press, 54; and propaganda, 19, 57, 58, 135; as Reichspressechef, 63 Djilas, Milovan, 156–57 Dollfuß, Chancellor Engelbert, 119 Dostoevsky, Fyodor: The Brothers Karamazov, 12 Dusiska, Emil, 93 education: in the GDR, 78–79, 140; Nazi party, 64 Educational and Speaker Information Material, 75–76 Eintopfsonntag collection, 72 Ellul, Jacques: on fragmentation of society, 139; on propaganda, 3–4, 106–7, 131, 137, 139, 159, 161, 167; on unanimity, 137 Enquete Commission, 164 Erste, Der (Scherzer), 134 Eulenspiegel, 103–4, 119–28 Ewald, Manfred, 124 ewige Jude, Der (film), 113 “Exhibition of Degenerate Art,” 110 Faith and Action (Stellrecht), 24 faith: Marxist, 6, 34–36; Nazi, 23–27 FDGB (Free German Trade Union), 81, 93, 141 FDJ (Free German Youth), 28–29, 81, 93, 103, 140 film: and the Propaganda Ministry, 112; short propaganda, 113; as subtle reinforcement, 113; in the GDR, 116 Finck, Werner, 91, 117 Frau von Heute, 103 Frauen Warte, 25 Free German Trade Union (FDGB), 81, 93, 141 Free German Youth (FDJ), 28–29, 81, 93, 103, 140 Freemasons, 42 Frei, Norbert, 91 Fritzsche, Hans, 91–92 Fulbrook Mary, 148, 166 functionaries, lower level, 73. See also organization Furian, Hans-Otto, 142 Galen, bishop of Münster, 146 Garbo, Greta, 91 Gaus, Günter, 163 GDR...
