In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

593 Abbreviations AA American Anthropologist ABO Anchor Biblical Dictionary AI Annales Islamologiques AJSR AJS Review: The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies ANET Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament AO Acta Orientalia AOtt Archivum Ottomanicum ARV Arv: ScandinavianYearbook of Folklore ASP Archiv für slavische Philologie Bh Bulletin hispanique BI Annual of Bar-Ilan University, Studies in Judaica and the Humanities BT The Babylonian Talmud C&I Criticism and Interpretation CAR Central Asian Review CFQ California Folklore Quarterly CJRT Canadian Journal of Religious Thought CLO Cahiers de Littérature Orale CSSH Comparative Studies in Society and History EI The Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed. EJ Encyclopaedia Judaica EM Enzyklopädie des Märchens ER The Encyclopedia of Religion FEI First Encyclopaedia of Islam (Brill) FFC Folklore Fellows Communications FRCS Folklore Research Center Studies GCAJS Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies HAR Hebrew Annual Review HDA Handwörterbuch des deutschen Aberglaubens HR History of Religions HTR Harvard Theological Review HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual HUSL Hebrew University Studies in Literature IF Indiana Folklore IFR International Folklore Review IJPCS International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society IJTS International Journal of Turkish Studies IS Iranian Studies ISFPS Israel Folktale Archives Publication Series Ja Journal asiatique JAAR Journal of the American Academy of Religion JAF Journal of American Folklore JAL Journal of Arabic Literature JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society JAPA Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association JAR Jewish Art JB Jiwobletter JBA Jewish Book Annual JBL Journal of Biblical Literature JE The Jewish Encyclopedia JHSE The Jewish Historical Society of England: Transactions JJGL Jahrbücher für jüdische Geschichte und Literatur JJS Journal of Jewish Studies JMH Journal of Medieval History KAJ Kobez al Jad (Yad): Sammelband Kleiner Beiträg aus Handschriften /Minora Mauscripta Hebraica KS/Ro Keleti Szemle/Revue orientale MGWJ Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums MLN Modern Language Notes MR Midrash Rabbah NM Neuphilologische Mitteilungen NMDMS Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series NTS New Testament Studies NYUJILP NewYork University Journal of International Law and Politics Om Oriente moderno OT Oral Tradition PAAJR Proceedings American Academy for Jewish Research PEFQS Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement PMLA Publications of the Modern Language Association of America QDAP Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine Rb Revue biblique Réj Revue des études juives Rés Revue des etudes slaves Rh Revue hispanique RJV Rheinisches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde RN Romance Notes  594  Folktales of the Jews: Volume 1 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 16:53 GMT) Ro Rocznik orientalistyczny RR Romanic Review SF Studia Fennica SoS Sociological Spectrum SR Slavonic Review TRSLUK Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom VT Vetus Testamentum WZHUB Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin YA Yeda-‘Am YB Yivo Bletter: Journal of theYiddish Scientific Institute ZDADL Zeitschrift für Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur ZdP Zeitschrift für deutsche Philogie ZHY Ha-z.ofeh le-h.okhmatYisrael ZrP Zeitschrift für romanische Philolgie ZVLRL Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte und Renaissance -Litteratur ZVV Zeitschrift des Vereins für Volkskunde Abbreviations  595  ...
