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not predicting future, 150 puns, use of, 153 rhetoric and genre of, 152–153 visions of, 211 Amos, book of predating Torah, 150–151 structure of, 151–152, 157–160 angels, 211, 213 anthropomorphism, 42–44 Antiochus IV, 26, 213 antiquarian interest, 117 antithetical parallelism, 164, 236, 326 apocalypse, etymology, 211 apocalyptic literature, 211–213, 215. see also eschatology Apocrypha, 11 apodosis, 139 archeology, in relation to the Bible, 20–21, 96, 124 Ark of the Lord, 78, 308 aseret ha-dibrot, 64. see also Decalogue Ashurbanipal, 93 Assyria. see also Babylonia; Mesopotamia capturing Manasseh, 133 conquering Northern Kingdom, 25, 131 failed capture of Jerusalem, 126, 168 fortunes as world power, 28, 173 instrument of God’s punishment, 166, 175 prophecy in, 140 punishment of, 175 suzerain of Judah, 91–92, 94, 124–125 A Aaron, 78–81, 130–131 Abihu, 78, 81 Abraham as navi, 141 as warrior, 53 introduction of, 49–50 not depicted as role model, 50–53 pre-telling sojourn in Egypt, 54 renewal of covenant with, 57–59 ad ha-yom ha-zeh, 308 Adonijah, 121, 132 adultery, 63, 233 Adversary, in Job, 247 Ahab, 25, 119, 131, 146 Ahasuerus, 270–271 Ai, 103 Akiva, R., 336 Akkadian, 76, 142, 300 al ken, 103 Albright, William Foxwell, 20 Aleppo Codex, 30 Alexander the Great, 26, 199, 213 alliteration, 40 Amalek, 112 Amenemope, Instruction of, 234, 237 Amnon and Tamar, 132 Amos attitude toward poor, 233 eschatology of, 179 irony, use of, 153 nature of prophecy, 138, 142, 154–157 361 Index of Subjects autonomy, 235 avi, 110 Azazel, 80–81 B b-d-l, 41 b-r-’, 32, 33, 41, 47 b-r-kh, 246 b-sh-l, 312 Babylonia conquering Judah, 175–176 destruction of, 199–202 punishment of, 177 wartime conduct, 25 Balaam, 141 Bar Kokhba, 278 Baruch son of Neriah, 182–183 Bathsheba, 66, 122, 131–132 Behemoth, 252–253 ben adam, 187 Ben-Asher, Aaron, 278 Ben-Sirach, 238, 275 benei ha-nevi’im, 145 beni, 110 Benjaminites, 113 berit, 91, 155 Bible arrangement of books, 10, 276–277, 288, 289 as textbook, 280 chapters as divisions of, 29 classical interpretation of, 1–3 (see also rabbinic interpretation of Bible) defiling hands, 275 etymology, 7, 287 formation of, 274–276 interpreting, 282 limitations as historical source, 20–23, 96, 98, 112–113, 124 literary units of, 31 names for, 8–9 number of books in, 274–275 paragraphs, divisions as, 29–30 reading using historical-critical method, 3–5 relevance for modern times, 281–282 selecting meaningful texts, 281–282 stabilization of, 277–278, 293 theological nature of, 22 transmission of, 22, 34, 66, 108, 151–152, 177, 182–183, 277–278 verses as divisions of, 30 vocalization of, 278 Bickerman, Elias, 131 bicola, 164–165 binary repetition, 163–164 blood, cleansing nature of, 79–80 Boaz, 268 bride-price, 263 Bright, John, 108–109 Buber, Martin, 98 Burkert, Walter, 39 C canon, definition of, 273–274 Carchemish, Battle of, 176 ch-kh-m, 231 ch-r-p, 108 chapters, dividing Bible into, 29 chattat, 79 chavvah, 46 cheirem, 72, 95 child sacrifice, 296–297 chok, 303 chokhmah, 231, 236 chozeh, 142 Chronicler definition of, 311 establishing legitimacy, 136 inventing facts, 129–131 removing facts, 131–132 circumcision, 105 clothing, as imagery, 109–110 code words in Jeremiah, 176–177 codes, legal, 67–68 codex, 276 cognate words, 75 cognitive dissonance, 206–208 colon, 164 complaints, 223 confessions of prophets, 181–182 consolation, 195–197 context, 13–17 conventions for reading, 13–17 362 Index of Subjects [] Project MUSE (2024-04-19 23:10 GMT) conversion, 271 Copenhagen School, 21 Covenant Collection, 67–69, 88 covenant of grant, 155 covenant with Israel eternality of, 157 nature of, 232 new, 180 renewal of Abraham’s, 57–59 creation story, 31–32, 39–42, 47, 86 creationism, 37–38 creative philology, 215, 281 cultic prophet, 224 Cushan-rishathaim, 113 Cyrus, 25, 27, 199–202 Cyrus Cylinder, 200–201 D D document, 35 da-at, 45 Daniel, book of as apocalyptic literature, 213 credibility of, 217–218 describing Antiochus’ desecrating Temple, 213 historical setting, 212–214 Jeremiah as a source, 214–215 Daniel, in lion’s den, 217 davar, 64 David and Goliath, 107–108, 110 and Jonathan, 109 descended from Tamar, 50 dynasty of, 170 portrayal of, 109–111, 131–132 spelling of, 132 successor to Saul, 109–110 Day of the Lord, 156–157, 167, 210 de Wette...
