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NOTES TO THE INTRODUCTION 1. The terms JispiklariaJmetzuJ;tzeJ;et (a polished mirror) and melukhlekhet (murky) occur in Lev. R. 1:12; cf. in the edition ofMordecai Margulies (Jerusalem : Wahrmann Books, 1972), 1:31. .... 2. On the complicated guestion of the so-called end ofprophecy after Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi , see the important study of Ephraim E. Urbach, "Matai Paskah Nevu'ah," Tarbiz 17 (1946) : 1-11; and the recent reconsideration and synthesis of positions in Benjamin D. Sommer, "Did Prophecy Cease? Evaluating a Reevaluation,"]BL 115 (1996): 31-47. And see also Nahum N. Glatzer, ''A Study of the Talmudic Interpretation of Prophecy," Review of Religion 10 (1945-46): 115-37. .... 3. The same Hebrew expression (mi-ketz) occurs here. Targ. Ortiz. and old rabbinic tradition (Sif. Deut. 111) already assLUne thatketz means "end"; but this is hard to sguare with the explicit statement in the law itself (v. 9) that the onset ofthe seventh year is anticipated . LXX also LU1derstands Deut. 15:1 as indicating the arrival ofthe seventh year (diJhepta eton). Cf. also the discussion ofSamuel R. Driver, Deuteronomy, ICC (Edinburgh: T. &T. Clark, 1895), 174. NJPS silendy ignores the problem by translating mi-ketz as "every" (this is also the view of Saadiah Gaon). A variant expression is mi-ketzeh in Deut. 14:28..... 4. This LU1derstanding ofthe pbin sense was also argued by Ibn Ezra here and elsewhere (but see Ramban 's attempt at a grammatical as well as traditional rebuttal). Moreover, it is impossible to think of the gathering on the fifteenth of the seventh month as the "end" ofthe year. Driver, Deuteronomy, 335, also w1derstand Deut. 30:10 like 15:1; i. e., at the beginning of the year (see above, n. 3). .... 5. For an analysis of the terms in Neh. 8:8, see my Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985), 108-9. .... 6. See my discussion, ibid., 109-12..... 7. See, respectively, Philo, De OpificioMundi 128; Josephus, Contra Apionen, 2:175; Acts 15:21; and M. Meg. 3:1. .... 8. See J. Meg. 1:3, 70b; B. BK 72a. .... 9. The l1LLmbers given are ideal. For example, the Mishnah rules that seven readers be called to read from the weekly portion, three verses each, for a total of twenty-one. However, during the portion of Amalek, the Sabbath before Purim, Exod. 17:8-16 did not reach the reguired l1LLmber. .... 10. See B. Meg. 31b. .... 11. See Mordecai Margulies, Ha-J;illukim she-bein JAnshei MizraJ; u-Benei JEretz-Yisrael (Jerusalem, 1938),88. .... XXXI NOTES TO THE INTRODUCTION 12. See the determination made by Ben-Zion Wacholder, in his "Prolegomenon" to the reprint of Jacob Mann, The Bible as Read and Preached in the Old Synagogue (1940; reprint, New York: Ktav, 1971), l:}.'Viii, xxi. .... 13. See the illliovative and influential early researches ofAdolf Buchler, "The Reading ofd1e Law and the Prophets in a Triennial Cycle,"]QR, n. s., 5 (1893), especially 420-68. .... 14. Note, for example, the various lists collected by Wacholder, in his appendices to the "Prolegomenon ." .... 15. This has been established by the pioneering and important researches of Julius Theodor, "Die Midraschim zum Pentateuch und der dreijarige palastinensische Cyclus," Monatschrift for die Geschichte und Wissenschaft des]udenthums 34 (1885): 351- 66, 405-21, 454-67; 35 (1886): 212-18, 252-65, 299-313, 406-15, 443-59, 558-64; 36 (1887) : 35-48,357-61. .... 16. For Yannai, see Zvi M. Rabinovitz, MaJ;zor PiyyuteiR. Yannai la-Torah ve-la-MoC adim (Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik; Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press, 1987), 1-2..... 17. See now the discussion and synoptic presentation of the lists in Yissachar Yo'el, "Keter H' 'Alafim ve-'Esrim li-vriyat ha-'Obm," Kiryat Sefer 38 (1963): 126-32. .... 18. So the summation of Joseph Heinemailli, "The Triennial Lectionary Cycle," ]]S 19 (1968): 41-48. .... 19. See Ezra Fleischer, "Keriyah I:Iad-Shemtit ve-Tlat-Shenatit ba-Torah be-Veit ha-Kenesset haKadLLm ," Tarbiz 61 (1992): 25-43, among many other of his researches on the subject. .... 20. See Wacholder, "Prolegomenon," xxiii, and appendix 1. .... 21. See Yom Tov Lipmann ZLLI1Z, Ha-Derashot be-YisraJel ve-Hishtalshelutan ha-Historit, ed. Hanoch Albeck (Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik, 1975),2. .... 22. For the foregoing theory and proof, see Shelomoh Na'eh, "Sidrei Keri'at ha-Torah be-'Eretz-Yisra'el: 'IyylU1 Mel:mdash," Tarbiz 67 (1998): 167-87. .... 23. See ibid., 183-87. .... 24. See his Peirush ha-Tefillot, ed. Prague, 52b. .... 25...
