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305 Index Abellán, José Luis, 11, 276 n. 8, 282 n. 45 Adamson, Walter L., 277 n. 16 Adler, Alfred, 201 Adorno, Theodor W., 3, 6 Agrupación al Servicio de la República (ASR), 190 Aguilar Camín, Héctor, 26 Alemán Valdés, Miguel, 9, 160, 244–45, 249, 284 n. 54 Alianza de Intelectuales Antifascistas, 72, 120 allegory, 96, 109 Altamira, Rafael, 43, 126 Altolaguirre, Manuel, 124–25 Amorós, Roberto, 245–46 Amsterdam-Pleyel antiwar movement, 72, 278 n. 23 Anderson, Benedict O’Gorman, 39 anti-communism, 231–32 in Mexico, 244–45, 284 n. 54, 284 n. 56, 284 n. 57 and Spanish Falange, 165 anti-fascism, 60–62, 72–73 anti-Francoism, 179 effectiveness of, 165–66 and elitism, 165–67 and Ortega y Gasset, 193 anti-imperialism, 137 anti-industrialism, 76 aporia, realism of, 223, 237–44 Aquinas, Thomas, 239 Aranguren, José Luis, 11, 164 Araquistáin, Luis, 182–83 Ariel (Rodó), 275 n. 3 Arielism, 5, 50, 175, 275 n. 3 Artists’ International Association (AIA), 72 Association des Écrivains et Artistes Révolutionnaires, 72 Ateneo de la Juventud, el, 206 Attlee, Clement R., 154 Aub, Elena, 272 Aub Mohrenwitz, Max, 28, 196–97, 217, 218–65 and absent audience, 219–20, 224 accused of communism, 222, 232, 244–46 and Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, 245–46 and André Malraux, 222, 225–26 appropriated by Partido Popular, 270– 73, 286 n. 63 and Cold War, 228–32 and communism, 58, 227–28, 231–32, 233–37, 283 n. 50, 283 n. 51 and dialogue, 223, 238–41, 258–61 and dilemmas of exile, 243 and existentialism, 225–26 and Franco Spain, 50, 255–65 on León Felipe, 267 life and career of, 121, 160, 222–23 literary failure, 218–21 and Max Aub Foundation, 271–73 and Mexican citizenship, 284 n. 55 I N D E X 306 Aub Mohrenwitz, Max (continued) Mexican connections, 247–48 and Mexican government, 23, 150, 245–47, 249–50, 252–54, 256, 284 n. 55 as outsider, 221–22 on Paulino Masip, 93 and political commitment, 222 and Popular Frontism, 223, 228–33, 240–41 and positive vision of Mexico, 229–31, 255–56, 261–64 and realism, x, 223–25, 234–35, 237–44 and reasons for writing, 220–21 return to Spain of, 38, 255–65 self-criticism, 255, 259, 283–284 n. 52 and “third way,” 228–33, 240–41 and Tlatelolco massacre, 254–55 travels, 234–35, 254 on UIEM, 282 n. 41 at UNAM, 252, 285 n. 59 and vision of Spanish Civil War exile, 158, 226–28, 241–43 works Campo de los almendros, 222–23 “De los beneficios de las guerras civiles,” 243 El laberinto mágico, 223–24, 242–43, 283 n. 49 “El remate,” 242–43 “Enero sin nombre,” 241 Hablo como hombre, 228–33 Jusep Torres Campalans, 244 La gallina ciega, 223, 243, 255–65 “La verdadera historia,” 241–43 “Librada,” 237–41 Luis Álvarez Petreña, 244 Auerbach, Erich, 3, 7 Auriol, Vincent, 232–33 Ávila Camacho, Manuel, 9, 25, 160, 209, 249, 281 n. 35 Ayala, Francisco, 46–48, 167–75 defends Hispanic culture, 44, 46–47 elitism in, 169 imperial nostalgia in, 281 n. 38 on intellectuals’ role, 167, 171–75, 281–82 n. 39 on nationalism, 168 on nostalgia, 168 on modernity, 170 works “Para quién escribimos nosotros,” 167–69 Razón del mundo, 46–48, 170–75, 281 n. 38 Azaña, Manuel, 67–68, 156, 241, 272 Aznar, José María, 270, 272–73, 286 n. 63 Aznar Soler, Manuel, 234, 276 n. 5 Azorín, Antonio (José Martínez Ruiz), 80, 127, 128, 182 Azuela, Mariano, 206, 211 Balfour, Sebastian, 126–28 Balzac, Honoré de, 235 Barbusse, Henri, 72 Barga, Corpus, 121 Baroja, Pío, 182, 195 works Comunistas, judíos y demás ralea, 182 El árbol de la ciencia, 195 Bartra, Roger, 282–83 n. 46, 283 n. 47 Bassols, Narciso, 16, 121 Bayo, Alberto, xiv-xv Benda, Julien, 173 work: La trahison des clercs, 173 Benítez, Fernando, 20, 27, 177, 268 Benjamin, Walter, 6 Bergamín, José, 257 and Antonio Machado, 141 and Federico García Lorca, 141 and José Ortega y Gasset, 191–92 and Juan Negrín, 279 n. 27 and Junta de Cultura Española, 120–22 leaves Mexico, 159, 285 n. 60 and “Séneca,” 37, 42–43, 129, 280 n. 31 Besteiro, Julián, 66, 156, 212 Beverley...
