In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments I would like to thank the paroled fathers who shared their lives with me. I know that many agreed to participate in this project because they wanted to help other young men like themselves. I hope that this book does justice to their time and effort. I would also like to thank the parole agents and staff at the California Youth Authority . Their help made this project possible. Many thanks to the amazing women who helped me conduct surveys: Gina, Leslie, Amina, Sol, Kathy, Barbara, and Patricia. On the days I was ready to give up, their good-natured willingness to drive endless hours, to hang around and wait for interviews in fast-food restaurants, and to listen with empathy kept me going. A number of people helped with drafts of this book. Special thanks to Mary Jackman, Carole Joffe, Lawrence Cohen, James Cramer, Mary Ann Mason, and three anonymous reviewers for giving generously of their time and wisdom. I appreciate Michael Ames at Vanderbilt for his belief in the book and for his constant reminders to write about people, not data. Thanks to Ann Whetzel and Matt Nelson for spending many hours checking the accuracy of the details and citations. Finally, my eternal gratitude to my x Fatherhood Arrested mother, who copyedited far too many versions of this book. Her support and patience was integral to the project. This research could not have happened without the generous support of three granting agencies: the National Science Foundation (Dissertation Improvement Award no. SBR-9633153), the U.S. Department of Justice (OJP-97-017-M), and the Ford Foundation (#975-1299). ...
