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285 absolutism: definition of, 27, 238n10; despotism compared to, 237n9; under NIE, 22 Acosta Bastos, Joaquín de, 131–32; petition for citizenship, 132 Acosta Freyre, Blas de, 143 active vecindad, 210 agrarian wealth, 246n21 Aguero, Basilia, 224 Aguirre, Manuel de, 175 Albany Congress, 18, 241n7 alcabalas (sales tax), under Bourbon dynasty, 25, 69, 253n34 alcalde (magistrate), 179, 207–8 Allende, Santiago de, 67 almaceneros (wholesalers), 278n18; donativos from, 174–75 Alós, Joaquin de, 68, 145 Alós y Bru, Joaquín de, 90 Alto Peruvian province, 61, 70; donativo collections in, 67, 77, 127–28, 260n14; donors from, 75; during Naval Wars against England, 130 Alvarado, Pedro, 134 Alvarez, Saturnino Joseph de, 67 Alzaga, Martín de, 128, 157, 179–80, 187, 226, 273n35; as alcalde, 179; Liniers and, 200; political overthrow under, 196 Amaru, Túpac, 253n32 Amaru, Túpac, II, 253n32 the Americas, colonies in: establishment of donativos in, 44; incorporation within New Spain, 26–27; silver reserves to Spanish Crown, 10, 26–28; slavery in, 18; Stamp Act Congress in, 18; U.S. War of Independence in, 55. See also New Spain; North American colonies; Spanish America; Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata Anchorena, Juan Esteban de, 69, 84 Andrien, Kenneth, 88 animal pledges during wartime, 235 annuities. See juros Ansótegui, Tomas de, 147 Apasa, Julian, 267n60 Arana, Manuel de, 139, 175, 183 Arce, José Agustín de, 90, 96 Arequipa, intendancy of, 152 Argana, Bernardo de, 143 Arroyo, Juan Andres de, 93 artisans, donativos from, 111 Atahualpa, Juan Santos, 267n60 Atlantic (free) trade: abolishment of, 139; factional disputes over, 139–40; import prices and, 124; international warfare as influence on, 124; judicial influence on, 147–49; with neutral nations, 124–26; warfare as influence on, 270n77 audiencias, 256n54; Audiencia de Charcas, 149 avería, collection of, 156–57 Ayala, Manuel Josef de, 36–37 Baker, Keith Michael, 237n6 Balbastro, Isidro, 133 Balenzategui, Tomas de, 216 Ballesteros, Pedro José, 93, 214 index Page numbers in italic text indicate tables. index 286 Ballisbián, Ramón de, 65 Banco de San Carlos, 23–24, 85 Banda Oriental, 261n25, 277n6 Bank of England, 241n3 bankruptcies, 243n15 Barroso, Joseph Antonio, 133 barter fiscality, 252n29 Basavilbaso, Domingo de, 66, 260n16 Basavilbaso, Manuel de, 64, 68, 260n16, 264n29 Basualdo, Manuel Ortiz, 64 Batallón de Cantabros de la Amistad, 216 Batallón de Gallegos, 216 Belgrano, Manuel, 203 Benitez Robles, Pedro, 134 bills of exchange, 5 black workers in militias, 210–11; as active vecinos, 218; donativos from, 213, 221 Bolivia, rural rebellions in, 267n60 Bonaparte, Napoleon: Ferdinand VII and, 49–50, 211; invasion of Iberian Peninsula, 9, 50, 165, 172, 200–201; Rio de la Plata and, 172 Booney, Richard, 19, 50 Bourbon dynasty in Spain, 22–28; alcabalas in, 25, 69, 253n34; corporate promotion under, 84; donativos in, 26; economic expansion in, 25; financial reform in, 23, 25; financial stability in, 23; issuance of bonds in, 23–24; judicial appointments during, 145–49; kingdom of Aragon in, 22–23; postal system under, 66; sales of offices in, 87–88, 145–46; silver reserves from Americas to, 26–28; tax farming in, 28; vales reales in, 23–24 Bourbon Reforms, 90–91; cabildo during, 187 Brewer, John, 17, 241n5 Brown, Kendall, 73 Buenos Aires: cabildo of, 8–9, 49, 171, 184–85, 188, 191–95, 282n20; capital flight from, 226; castas in, 51; consulados in, 83, 103, 162, 203, 207; Cuerpo de Caballería de Blandengues in, 101–2; “dollars from,” 170–71, 277n8; donativos from, 1, 69–70, 116; donors from, 138–44; early development of, 51–54; English invasion of, 51–52, 168–72; establishment of juntas in, 223; ethnic and racial barriers in, 51; excise tax in, 187, 192, 201; expansion of bureaucracy in, 89; expulsion of English from, 8; French Conspiracy in, 199–200; gold reserves from, 83; guild system in, 218–19; institutional changes after 1806, 202–9; intendancy of, 272n20; loans in, 181–86, 194; merchant-bankers in, 113, 172; municipal borrowing by, 182–83; municipal power in, 179; pactismo in, 168–72; Partida de Demarcación in, 68; patriotic loans in, 193; plebs of, 52–53; postal system in, 66–67; proclamas in, 172–73; radical politicization of, 215; Royal Tobacco Monopoly in, 93–94; silver reserves from, 83; situados received by, 62, 127; slavery as influence on labor organization in, 52, 199; Suprema Junta in, 216; suspicion of foreigners in, 199–200, 280n5; taxes and, 181–86; treasury transfers for...
