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| vii | 4.8. South and east sections of the MidVestibule Trench (N–K/5–4, N–O/5) 33 4.9. West and north sections of the Mid-Vestibule Trench, central part (N–O/6, O–P/6–7) 34 4.10. East and south sections of the MidVestibule Trench, central part (P–Q/6, O–P/5–6) 35 4.11. North and east sections of the MidVestibule Trench, eastern end (Q–S/7, R–S/7, and S–T/7) 37 4.12. Southeast corner and south sections of the Corral excavation area (V–W/8–7, V–T/7) 39 4.13. West section of the Corral excavation area (T–S/7–10) 40 4.14. North section of the Corral excavation area (T–X/10–11) 41 4.15. South section of the Corral area pothole under the engraved block (W–X/8) 42 4.16. North, east, and south sections of W10 sondage at base of pothole (W/10–11, W–X/10, W/9–10) 45 4.17. East section of X10 sondage at base of pothole (X–y/10) 46 4.18. Correlation of the V7 and W10 sections 47 4.19. East and north sections of the Inner Cave Trench (9–12/S, S12/13) 49 4.20. West section of the Inner Cave Trench (9–12/Q) 50 2.1. Map of Vasco-Cantabria 8 2.2. Map of the Río Asón valley, with major prehistoric archaeological sites 11 2.3. Photo of the lower Asón valley (present-day tidewater sector) 12 2.4. Photo of menhir of Las Hayas 12 2.5. Photo of the upper-middle Asón valley (Ruesga Valley) 14 3.1. Photo of Cullalvera Cave mouth 17 3.2. Photo of El Mirón Cave mouth from the west 18 3.3. Plan of the accessible parts of El Mirón Cave 19 3.4. Photo of the Inner Cave Trench 20 3.5. Photo of pistol clip hidden in an alcove of the cave vestibule 20 4.1. Plan of El Mirón Cave vestibule 24 4.2. East section of the Cabin excavation area (J–K/1–4) 25 4.3. North section of the Cabin excavation area (H–J/4–5) 26 4.4. North section of the Cabin excavation area sondage (I–J/3–4) 27 4.5. West section of the Cabin excavation area (H–G/1–4) 28 4.6. North section of the Mid-Vestibule Trench, western end (K–N/5–6) 31 4.7. West section of the Mid-Vestibule Trench (L–K/5) 32 Figures, Color PlAtes, And tAbles page page Figure no. no. | viii | 5.15. Comparison of El Mirón Cave stratigraphy and suggested climatic conditions with sequences in other Cantabrian caves 87 7.1. Plan of El Mirón Cave vestibule, showing excavation areas 105 7.2. Orthogonal NRM demagnetization plots for representative ashes and rubefactions 107 7.3. NRM intensity (A/m) plotted versus bulk magnetic susceptibility 109 7.4. High-temperature variations of lowfield magnetic susceptibility for three representative ashes and three rubefactions 109 7.5. Hysteresis loops for two characteristic samples from the outer vestibule Neolithic Level 9.8 and Mrs/Ms vs. Bcr/Bc for representative ashes and rubefactions from different Holocene burnt levels 110 7.6. directions of the ChRM determined per sample, mean direction, and error circle calculated for structures in table 7.3 111 7.7. Equal-area projection showing mean directions, confidence circles, and temporal interval considered for structures in table 7.3 112 8.1. Location of El Mirón Cave 120 8.2. Pollen diagram from the Cabin excavation area 121 8.3. Pollen diagram from the MidVestibule Trench 121 8.4. Archaeological sites and geological loci with palynological records in Cantabria and the coastal Basque provinces (Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa) 129 9.1. Relationship between identified phytoliths and unidentified ones 145 9.2. Spectrum of phytolithic morphotypes among the analyzed samples (Levels 302 and 304) 145 4.21. North and east sections of the inner cave 11R sondage (11–12R, 11/R–S) 50 5.1. Stratigraphic correlation chart 63 5.2. Granulometric histograms for the Cabin area 66 5.3. Granulometric histograms for the Mid-Vestibule Trench 68 5.4. Granulometric histograms for the Corral area 70 5.5. Granulometric histograms for Cuevamur and the El Mirón Cave colluvial-alluvial ramp deposit 73 5.6. Granulometric histograms for...
