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250 Index . Page numbers in italic type indicate illustrations. Acho, Isidro, 81 Acosta, José de, 60–61, 62 alcalde mayor des minas, 63 Allende, Salvador, 153 Almadén, 32, 34; French seizure of, 29; mercury and, 19; mercury prices and, 32; mercury sources at, 27–28; Mexican mining and, 30; Rothschild monopoly and, 95; technical skills and, 3, 34 Alós, Joaquín, 81 altiplano, xii amalgamation, 8, 49; barrel method and, 27–28; patio process and, 19; silver and, xiii, 9–10, 19 Amaru, Tupac, 80 American Anaconda Company, 133 American bullion, human costs of, 69–70, 175–78, 182–83, 195 Anales de la Villa Imperial de Potosí (Arzáns de Orsúa y Vela), 15 Anasazis, 7 Andean culture, mining and, 184–86, 188; Christian gods and beliefs and, 188–90, 192 Andes, mining districts of, 8–9 Angle of Repose (Stegner), 91 Anglo-Mexican Mining Association, 96–97 Antofagasta Nitrate Company, 115 Antonil, André João, 39, 79–80 Apasa, Constantino, 160 Aramayo, Avelino, 114 Arawaks, 3 Arce, Aniceto, 114 Arriaga, Antonio de, 80 arsenic, xvi, 176, 178–79 Arzáns de Orsúa y Vela, Bartolomé, 46–47, 71–72; Anales de la Villa Imperial de Potosí, 15 Atacama, 215n68 Atahualpa, 5 Avino, labor unrest and, 136 azogueros, 19; conflict with mitayos, 77–78; mitas and, 54, 61, 73, 75 Azpilcueta, Martín de, 41 Bacon, Francis, 192 Bakewell, Peter, 24, 89; Miners of the Red Mountain, 71 bandeirantes, 6, 37–38 Bank of London and South America, 114 Bank of San Carlos, 27, 28 Barões do Garimpo, 171 Barrientos, René, 190; repression of militant miners and, 160 Barrios de Chungara, Domitila, 159, 194 Bellessort, André, 186 Blacksmith Institute, 178 Bodin, Jean, 41 Bolaños, 66 Bolívar, Simón, 102 Bolivia, 144; COMIBOL and, 128, 151, 154–55, 159; gold standard and, 115–16; government-imposed costs index 251 and, 107; hot-bed system in, 161; Korean War and, 154; labor shortages in, 144; labor unionization in, 146; living and working conditions in, 159–60; locatarios and, 156–57; miners’ cooperatives, pollution and, 179–80; mining force, strata of, 155–56; monument to the Bolivian miner, 151; Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (MNR), 148, 150; nationalization of mines and, 151–52; Partido Obrero Revolutionario and, 148; proletarianization of labor in, 128; revolution of 1952 in, 154; revolutionary accomplishments and, 160–62; technological backwardness and, 114; United Labor Front and, 147; wars of independence and, 95; white massacre in, 148; workers’ solidarity and militancy in, 147. See also specific mines and mining regions Bolivian Mining Corporation, 128 Bolivian National Bank, 114 book overview, xvii–xviii Borah, Woodrow, 31 Borda, José de la, 33–34 Born, Baron Ignaz von, 27–28 Braden, William, 132 Braden Copper Company, 132 Braz, Venceslau, 163 Brazil: abolition of slavery and, 163; Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, 163–64; Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), 164, 169; deforestation and, 180–81; development of iron industry in, 100–101; dredging and, 180; energy use and, 181–82; garimpeiros and, 167–68, 169, 171; gold production and, 35–36, 166; gold rush of the 1970s in, 167–68; importance of mining to, 162; import substitution and, 164; iron and steel industry and, 163; mercury poison and, 174–76; mining labor in, 79; mining output growth and, 164; modernization of mining production and, 165; pig-iron smelting and, 165; railroad construction in, 110; recovery from the wars of independence and, 100; Serra Pelada gold strike and, 168–69, 170–71; transformation of the ecosphere and, 180; use of slaves in, 67, 100; Volta Redonda and, 163–64; waves of migration and, 181. See also specific mines and mining regions Bry, Theodor de, 15 Bucareli, Antonio de, 86–87 Burton, Richard Francis, 67 Bustamante, Juan Alonso, 34 Cabrera, Amador de, 8, 20 Cailloma, 35 Calancha, Antonio de la: Crónica moralizada, 88 Cananea workers’ walkout of 1906, 135 Cancaniri, 145 Cañete y Domínguez, Pedro Vicente, 49, 78 Capoche, Luis, 61 Carajás, 180, 182–83 Casa de la Moneda, xiii Casas, Bartolomé de las, 4 Castelli, Juan José, 102 Castro, Fidel, 153 Catari, Tomás, 81 Catavi, 146, 154, 159; abandonment of, 194–95; labor recruiting at, 186; massacre of 1942 and, 148; tin and, 193; Uncía massacre of 1923 and, 148; workdays at, 156–57; worker militancy and, 159–60 Central Obrera Boliviana (COB), 150–51 Cerrillos, 7, 8 Cerro de Pasco Company, 35, 110, 140–42, 153; destruction of mining infrastructure and...
