In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

illustrations vii preface Thoughts from Josiah Gregg’s Commerce of the Prairies ix acknowledgments xi 1 The Background 1 2 The Animals: Ganado Mayor 8 3 The Animals: Ganado Menor plus Pigs and Chickens 15 4 European Livestock Arrives in America 24 5 Driving Herds of Animals 32 6 Tumultuous Times 46 7 The 1800s 57 8 Anglos Gain the Upper Hand 71 9 Closing Out the Century 85 10 The 1900s and Beyond 99 11 Livestock in New Mexico Today 119 12 The Impact on New Mexico’s Native Peoples 123 13 Impacts upon the Land 134 14 New Mexico’s Place in the American Scene 148 epilogue Reflections by Modern-Day Hispanic, Puebloan, Navajo, and Anglo Representatives 161 addendum Resources for Learning about New Mexico Livestock History 169 notes 173 literature cited 203 index 221 Contents ...
