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175 acequias: Community irrigation ditches of the upper Río Grande region in southern Colorado and New Mexico. alabados: Religious hymns of praise associated with the penitente brotherhoods. árbitros o mediadores en la causa: Referees or mediators appointed to help settle disputes within the membership or that involved others in the local community. auxiliarias: Women’s auxiliaries affiliated with the SPMDTU but with independent rules and constitutions. auxilio: Help or assistance to others in circumstances of any special or extraordinary need, such as sharing irrigation water from the community acequia in times of drought or providing emergency funds to SPMDTU members in hospitals or with catastrophic illnesses. ayuda mutua: Forms of mutual help provided by mutualista societies according to benefits and services stipulated in each organization’s rules, regulations, and policies. ayuda voluntaria: Voluntary contributions raised by local councils to supplement benefits paid by La Sociedad. bandera: Banner or flag of a society such as the SPMDTU. Also known as the estandarte, or standard. bastoneros: Managers who were charged with keeping order and performing tasks such as collecting money at the SPMDTU dances. beneficio de enfermedad: An illness benefit paid to eligible members when they were unable to work. beneficio de indigencia: An emergency fund to assist members in times of critical care in the hospital. GLOSSARY 176 Glossary beneficio de muerte: A death benefit paid to widows and survivors, a predecessor of the life insurance program. beneficios de funeral: A burial fund available to the beneficiaries of deceased members. calificador/calificador superior: The local council or Superior Council officer who administers oaths to incoming SPMDTU officers and new members at the time of initiation, literally a “qualifier.” camposanto: Local cemetery, meaning “holy ground.” caridad: Charity, as in obras de caridad; charitable works performed by penitential societies and mutualistas alike. carta circular: A letter circulated to local councils soliciting voluntary financial contributions, distributed with the Superior Council’s permission. certificado de juramento: A certificate of oath administered to new SPMDTU members during the initiation rituals. Código Ritualístico de Régimen Interior: The Code of Rituals and Internal Regulations for the SPMDTU local councils to follow for the conduct of meetings, prayers, initiation of new members, burial ceremonies, and other functions. cofradías de penitentes: Confraternities or religious societies, such as the Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno (Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus the Nazarene), known also as the “penitente brotherhoods” of southern Colorado and New Mexico. Some chapters of the same organization use a slightly different name—for example, the Fraternidad Piadosa de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno. comisión sobre trabajadores: An SPMDTU commission appointed to help members look for employment. concilios locales: Local councils or lodges. Concilio Superior: The SPMDTU’s Superior Council and executive body. consejero/consejero superior: The local council or Superior Council counselor who interprets parliamentary rules and by-laws during SPMDTU meetings and deliberations. contraseña: A secret countersign among SMPDTU members to gain entrance into meetings or other functions. corridos: Traditional narrative ballads sung in Mexico and the U.S. Southwest. Cuerpo Judicial Superior: The SPMDTU’s Superior Judicial Body. Cuerpo Legislativo Superior: The SPMDTU’s Superior Legislative Body. Cuerpo Regulador: An SPMDTU committee that serves as the financial regulating body and acts in an advisory capacity to the Superior Council [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 11:14 GMT) Glossary 177 president on the investment of funds and how best to manage other reserves. cuotas, cuotas especiales, and cuotas de defunción: Dues paid by members to the local council’s treasurer on a yearly basis; special assessments to raise funds for projects such as buildings; and assessments to pay a death benefit. deberes mutuos: Mutual assistance duties binding on the society and on each of the members: to attend meetings faithfully; exhibit high moral standards; display courteous behavior; respect one another at all times regardless of diverse social opinions, politics or religious beliefs; and help one another in times of need, especially in cases of poverty or illness that led to unemployment and indigence. defunción: Death of a member. devisa: A SPMDTU badge or ribbon pinned on clothing for identification of members. enfermero: The nurse appointed to visit members who are reported ill to determine if the circumstances warrant mutual assistance benefits and to make recommendations accordingly. Fondo de Caridad: A special fund to help with charitable projects in the community. Fondo de Edificio: Building Construction Fund. Fondo de Indigencias: A special fund...
