In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

 Alexander, M. E., B. J. Stocks, B. M. Wotton, M. D. Flannigan, J. B. Todd, and B. W. Butler. . “The International Crown Fire Modeling Experiment: An Overview and Progress Report.” In Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, January –, Phoenix, Ariz., pp. –. Boston, Mass.: American Meteorological Society. Alington, Catherine B. . “Fire History and Landscape Patterns in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Colorado.” Ph.D. diss., Colorado State University. Allen, Craig. . “Landscape Ecology of Bandelier National Monument and Environs.” Ph.D. diss., University of California at Berkeley. Anderson, Terry, and Peter J. Hill, eds. . Environmental Federalism. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield. Andrews, Patricia, and Larry Bradshaw. . FIRES: Fire Information Retrieval and Evaluation System—A Program for Fire Danger Rating Analysis. INT-GTR-. Ogden, Utah: Intermountain Research Center. Armstrong, Bill. . Interview in “Journal North,” Albuquerque Journal, August . Babbitt, Bruce. . “A Coordinated Campaign: Fight Fire with Fire.” Speech at Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, February . Baden, John, and Pete Geddes. . “Suggested Cures for Wildfires Way Off Mark.” Bozeman Daily Chronicle, September . Baisan, Christopher H., and Thomas W. Swetnam. . Interactions of Fire Regimes and Land Use in the Central Rio Grande Valley. Research Paper RM-RP-. Fort Collins, Colo.: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Station. Betters, D. R., D. C. Markstrom, and R. Aukerman. . Cost, Time, and Benefit Measures for Personal Use Fuelwood Collection in Colorado. Research Paper RM-. Fort Collins, Colo.: USDA Forest Service. Bradshaw, Larry, and Erin Law. . PCDANGER: National Fire Danger Rating System for Personal Computers. INT-GTR-. Ogden, Utah: Intermountain Research Center. Bury, D. T., et al. . “What is the Price of Catastrophic Wildfire?” Journal of Forestry (). Butler, C. P. . “The Urban/Wildland Fire Interface.” In Proceedings of Western States Bibliography Section/Combustion Institute Papers , no. : –. Spokane and Pullman: Washington State University. Clark, Lance, and R. Neil Sampson. . Forest Ecosystem Health in the Inland West: A Science and Policy Reader. Washington, D.C.: Forest Policy Center, American Forests. Cohen, Jack D. . “Structure Ignition Assessment Model (SIAM).” In Proceedings of the Biswell Symposium: Fire Issues and Solutions in Urban Interface and Wildland Ecosystems,  February –, Walnut Creek, Calif. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-, technical coordinators David R. Weise and Robert E. Martin, pp. –. Albany, Calif.: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. ———. . “Preventing Disaster: Home Ignitability in the Wildland-Urban Interface.” Journal of Forestry (): –. ———. . “What is the Wildland Fire Threat to Homes?” Thompson Memorial Lecture, School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University, April . Cohen, Jack D., and Bret W. Butler. . “Modeling Potential Ignitions from Flame Radiation Exposure with Implications for Wildland/Urban Interface Fire Management.” In Proceedings of the th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology,  October –, Lorne, Victoria, Australia. Vol. : –. Fairfield, Wash.: International Association of Wildland Fire. Cohen, Jack, and Jim Saveland. . “Structure Ignition Assessment Can Help Reduce Fire Damages in the W-UI.” Fire Management Notes (): –. Colorado State Forest Service, n.d. “Wildfire Protection in the Wildland Urban Interface.” CSFS #-. Fort Collins, Colo. ———. . Colorado Forest Stewardship Guidelines to Protect Water Quality: Best Management Practices for Colorado. Fort Collins, Colo.: Colorado State Forest Service. Cooper, C. F. . “Changes in Vegetation, Structure, and Growth of Southwestern Pine Forests since White Settlement.” Ecological Monographs : –. Covington, W. W., P. Z. Fulé, M. M. Moore, S. C. Hart, T. E. Kolb, J. N. Mast, S. S. Sackett, and M. R. Wagner. . “Restoring Ecosystem Health in Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Southwest.” Journal of Forestry (): –. Dahms, C. W., and B. W. Geils, eds. . An Assessment of Forest Ecosystem Health in the Southwest. Gen. Tech. Report RM-GTR-. Fort Collins, Colo.: USDA Forest Service. DeBuys, William. . Enchantment and Exploitation: The Life and Hard Times of a New Mexico Mountain Range. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ———. . “Los Alamos Fire Offers a Lesson in Humility.” High Country News, July , pp. –. Dennis, F. C. . Creating Fire-Safe Zones. Cooperative Extension Natural Resource Series. Fort Collins: Colorado State University. Denver Post.  May . Drysdale, Dougal. . An Introduction to Fire Dynamics. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Easthouse, Keith. . “Backfire, Not Controlled Burn, Sparked New Mexico Inferno.” Forest Magazine, May . ———. . “Park Service Unfairly Scapegoated for Los Alamos Fire.” Forest Magazine, April . Ebel, Fred. . “Reducing the Risk of Wildfire.” Testimony of the president of the Society of American Foresters before the Committee on Resources Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, U.S. House of Representatives, September . Environmental Services Research Institute. . “GIS for the Wildland/Urban Interface.” Wildland Firefighter, December. Fiorito, Dan. . “Hotshots and Prescribed Fire,” Wildland Firefighter, May. Foote, Ethan I. D. . “Structural Survival on the  Santa...
