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Index R 271 Aeschylus, 100 Agamben, Giorgio, 251 aletheia (truth and reality), 13 Altman, Janet, 54 aporon (doubt), 21 Aquinas, St. Thomas, 192 Arendt, Hannah, 70, 241, 245 Aristotle: metalepsis (participation), 4, 5; Metaphysics, 2, 216; Poetics, 15 Auden, W. H., 17 Augustine, St., City of God, 3 Bach, Johann Sebastian (The Art of the Fugue), 261 Baily, Alan I.: Carlyle and the Problem of Parousiasm, 121–28; “The Dandiacal Body”: Modern Visuality and Carlyle’s Social Prophecy, 143–47; Parousiasm of the Voice: Sartor and the Problem of Prophecy, 135–38; Resurrecting the Voice, 138–43; Sartorial Gnosticism, 128–35 Baudelaire, Charles, 22 Beckett, Samuel, 220 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 261 Benjamin, Walter, 251 Benl, Oscar, 68 “Benthamism,” 136, 137, 138 bereshit (the Beginning), 16 Bergson, Henri, 230 berith (covenant), 21 Bespaloff, Rachel, 261 Bishirjian, Richard, 130, 131 Bishop, Elizabeth, 6; and “the Question,” 25; pneumopathology of, 25; universeconsciousness of, 16, 23 —works: “Arrival in Santos,” 19, 26; A Cold Spring, 18; “A Cold Spring,” 18, 19, 26; “Electrical Storm,” 17, 21–23 (analyzed), 26; “First Death in Nova Scotia,” 20–21, 26; Geography III,16, 23; “The Imaginary Iceberg,” 9, 14; “In the Village,” 13, 18, 19, 20, 26; “In the Waiting Room,” 23, 24; “The Map,” 9, 14; “The Moose,” 14; North & South, 9, 16, 18; “One Art,” 19; Questions of Travel, 17, 20, 21; “The Unbeliever,” 16, 26, 27 Blake, William, 15, 52, 53, 205 Blanchot, Maurice: on Broch, 243–45, 247 Bloom, Harold, 17, 184, 185 Borges, Jorge Luis, 243 Borgese, Antonio, 253 Botton, Alain de, 210 Broch, Hermann, 2, 6; language of prophecy in, 251; letter to, from Voegelin, 260 —works: The Death of Virgil, 238, 252, 253, 254, 255–256, 257, 258; Geist and Zeitgeist: The Spirit in an Unspiritual Age, 238, 239; The Guiltless, 238; Hugo von Hofmannsthal and his Time, 238; Mass Psychology, 253, 257, 258, 261, 262; The Sleepwalkers, 238, 242, 243, 253; The Spell, 238; “Über die Grundlagen des Romans Die Schlafwandler” (“On the Foundations of the Novel The Sleepwalkers”), 247; The Unknown Quantity, 238 Buddha, 174 Bushido tradition, 73–74 Campbell, Joseph, 86 Canetti, Elias, 2, 244 272 Index Caringella, Paul, 60–61 Carlyle, Thomas, 6; parousiasm of, 147; Sartor Resartus, 118–47 passim Carnap, Rudolf, 240 Cassirer, Ernst, 126 Cervantes, 2, 88 Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 77 Chushingura (tale of forty-seven ronin), 73–74 Comte, Auguste, 157 Condorcet, Marquis de, 157 Conrad, Joseph, 250 Consciousness: alienation of, 12; balance of, 24, 60; of critical reader, 52; deformation of, 53; metaleptic nature of, 12; noetic, 85; paradox of metaxic, 189; of the storyteller, 47, 52 Crane, Stephen, 17 Critical distance, 53 Dante Alighieri, 100, 113 Darnton, Robert, 46, 59 Davis, Lydia, 211 Dazai Osamu, 6 —works: Setting Sun (Shayou), 75–90 passim; Train, 70–75 (analyzed) Derrida, Jacques, 15 Descartes, René, 134 Dewey, John, 24, 25 Diaconoff, Suellen, 55 dianoia (thought), 15 Dickinson, Emily, 6 —works: “The Blunder is in estimate” 187; “From blank to blank” 188; “Further in Summer than the Birds—” 196; “Heaven is so far of the Mind” 197; “‘Heaven’—is what I cannot reach!” 196, 202; “He was my host—he was my guest,” 187; “How much the present moment means” 199; “If I’m lost—now—” 199; “I know that He exists.” 192; “I meant to have but modest needs—,” 190; “I’m ceded—I’ve stopped being Their’s—” 190; “In many and reportless places” 199; “The Infinite a sudden Guest” 188; “I think I was enchanted” 199; “My period had come for prayer” 195; “No man saw awe, nor to his house” 187; “Of God we ask one favor, that we may be forgiven—” 194; “Of Paradise’ existence” 188, 191; “One crucifixion is recorded only” 200; “The only news I know” 188; “Prayer is the little implement” 194; “Satisfaction is the agent” 188; “The Soul has Bandaged moments—” 201; “The Soul’s distinct connection” 202; “Talk not to me of Summer Trees” 198; “Their Hight in Heaven comforts not—” 193; “This World is not conclusion.” 206; “Those—dying then,” 190; “The tint I cannot take is best” 198; “’Twas like a Maelstrom, with a notch,” 200, 202 Dilthey, Wilhelm, 99 Doderer, Heimito von, 2, 112, 186 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 229 Eliot, T. S., 2, 24, 26 Embry, Charles R.: Evocation and the Reader of À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time), 229–32; Overview of In Search of Lost Time 210–13; Time Lost, Evoked, 217–29; Voegelinian Symbols, Principles, and...
