In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ix 1. Southwestern France …. 12 2. Laclède family home in Bedous, France …. 14 3. “La Grange de Terre.” Big Mound …. 39 4. Colonial Settlements …. 51 5. Louisiana governor Antonio de Ulloa …. 77 6. Louisiana governor Alejandro O’Reilly …. 107 7. Marie Thérèse Bourgeois Chouteau …. 136 8. Marriage outfits of Auguste and Thérèse Cerré Chouteau …. 158 9. Church and burial ground, 1770 …. 167 10. Lieutenant Governor Francisco Cruzat …. 168 11. “Indian of the Nation of the Kaskaskia,” 1796 …. 290 12. St. Louis, 1796 …. 291 13. “French Habitation in the Country of the Illinois” …. 295 Illustrations 14. Scene near St. Louis …. 297 15. Chief White Hair (Paw-Hiu-Skah) of the Osages …. 302 16. Charles Gratiot, Sr. …. 307 17. Auguste Chouteau …. 314 18. Laclède’s original house …. 318 19. Cashunghia, part of the Osage delegation …. 322 20. Carlos Dehault Delassus …. 324 i l l u s t r at i o n s / x ...
