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A(the character) %°, 568, 622 Adding feet when drawing a snake, 197, 638 Ak¤obhya, 270 Ãlaya, 655 Alchemy, 28, 679–80, 684, 727 Amit„bha, 686, 715, 721 Analects ÇB, 34, 42, 45, 48–50, 62–3, 94, 109, 120, 136–7, 140, 152–3, 173, 180, 182, 205, 220, 224, 227–8, 232, 251, 256, 258, 267, 278, 295–6, 313–14, 324, 332, 343, 347, 353–4, 367, 385, 396, 414, 424, 435, 437, 456, 463, 465, 468–9, 474, 480, 482, 505, 510, 526, 561, 572, 600, 603, 606–7, 611, 615–17, 623–5, 628–9, 631–3, 650, 688, 696, 700, 708, 728 Ãnanda, 229, 270, 591, 638, 678 Anantara, 659 Anutp„da, 639 Apparent and real, 577, 638 Asa½khyeya, Asa½khya, 95, 550, 639 Asõgikõ %’8¥, 639 Asura, 533, 639, 655, 703 Attendant, 39, 132, 185, 196, 279, 524, 638, 668, 686, 702, 714 Auspicious grass (and spiritual shoots), 383, 639, 707 Autumn down, 359, 455, 639, 683 Avalokitešvara, 680 Avata½saka sðtra, 709–10 Av‡ci, 659 Avidy„, 720 Awl, 222, 507, 584, 639, 665, 695 Bandit, 55–6, 141, 203–4, 415, 640, 714–15. See also Thief Barbarian, 81, 125, 349, 404, 439, 501, 640–3, 648, 653, 704–5, 726; b. ape, 263; b. horsemen , 615; b. king, 482; b. land, 547; b. monk, 492, 516, 579, 640, 645; b. practices, 168; blue-eyed b. monk, 492, 516, 641; eight b. tribes, 542; head of the b., 386; old b., 417, 693; pierced-eared b. monk, 645 Barefoot Persian, 285, 552, 643, 694 Barrier gate, 76, 397; b. of heaven, 246; b. of life, 404; b. of a thousand chains, 286; Baso Dõitsu +i‡s, 55, 68, 177, 583, 698 Beggar, 27, 124, 191, 215, 388, 526, 564, 578, 614, 691 Ben, bin “, 19, 162, 204, 214, 310, 349, 369, 459, 640 Bhagavat, 401 Bhava, 720 Bhðta-ko¦i, 337 Bhðta-tathat„, 336 Big bug, 134, 281, 337, 562, 640 Bin. See Ben Birds with shared wings, 529, 641, 687 Birth-and-death, 132, 498, 641 Black dragon pearl, 175, 423, 449, 581, 641, 690 Blackbird, 83, 247, 291, 650, 695–6; b. wings, 606, 641 Blind donkey, 229, 324, 465, 641 Blue-eyed One, 590 Bodai ¬Ø, 20, 217, 338, 621, 641–2, 705 Bodhi, 95, 217, 494, 613, 621, 641–2, 685, 687, 705; b.-mind, 443; b. seat, 494 Bodhidharma, 14, 55, 154, 204, 210, 324, 419, 428, 466, 470, 473, 492, 549, 561, 568, 597, 637, 640–5, 653, 685, 692–5, 699–1, 703, 706; B.’s verse, 324, 643, 706 Bodhisattva, 26, 312–13, 530, 639, 680–1, 686, 691, 699, 702, 707, 709–10, 715, 721 Bodhisattva-bhðmi, 710 Index 749 Book of Serenity ˜ÙÉ, 97, 106, 122, 125, 127, 154, 227, 291, 314, 322, 356, 472, 524, 590 Book of Songs ¡÷, 45–6, 59, 264, 313, 319, 338, 350, 352, 354–5, 364–5, 367, 461, 468, 474, 476, 480, 600, 609, 611, 626, 629, 679, 694, 700 Brahma, 134, 533, 646; B. Palace, 134; B.’s heaven, 533 Branches of the coral, 271, 388 Branches with a common grain, 529, 646, 687 Brilliant Lady. See Chao Chün Broken mirror, 646; B. bird, 352, 367 Buddha, 43, 51, 54, 78, 128, 141, 154, 160, 195, 212, 215, 235–6, 250–2, 270–1, 309, 313, 317, 320, 324, 347, 354, 374, 423, 435–6, 482, 519, 532, 568, 571, 573, 582, 599, 616, 622, 630, 638, 642–3, 658, 660, 673–5, 678, 685–6, 692, 694, 702–4, 709, 713, 715, 721–2; B. Hall, 80, 92, 203, 236, 303, 436, 471, 488, 517, 662, 700; B. selection ground, 401; B. works, 603; B. world, 305; B.’s name, 594, 673; B.’s parinirv „«a, 212; B.’s voice, 459; B.-dharma, 626, 645; B.-form, 459; B.-land, 270; B.nature , 20, 45, 325, 456, 461, 475, 552, 692, 705; Buddhahood, 113; eloquence of the B., 512; entranceway of the B., 435; moon-faced B., 248; mud B., 423; sun-faced B., 248 Buddhas, 68, 95, 146, 162–3, 166, 199, 216, 219, 248, 262, 321, 323, 338, 401, 458, 466, 473, 475, 532, 548, 554, 575, 604, 629, 653, 676, 686, 709, 715, 722; b. of the ten directions, 198; b. of the three worlds, 335, 524, 621; teaching of the many b., 604 Buddhist canon, 33, 96–7, 260; B...
