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243 Bibliography I have used archival sources from the following collections located in the Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, California: Hubert C. Armstrong; Clarence E. Larson; John D. Montgomery; Joseph C. Trainor; U.S. Army Forces in the Pacific; and U.S. Office of War Information. I have also used the “Censored Periodicals, 1945– 1949” microfilm, reel 54, compiled and edited by Eizaburò Okuizumi, from the Gordon W. Prange Collection of the University of Maryland. For Diet deliberations and interpolations I have relied on the Japanese National Diet committee records series (Kokkai kaigiroku). Japanese-Language Sources Aihara Kazuo, Isogai H., Uesugi H., Teraò T., Hamamoto J., Makibayashi K., and Matsunaga N. “Ibuse Masuji ‘Kuroi ame’” [Ibuse Masuji’s Black Rain]. Nihon bungaku 16(4) (April 1967):244–255. Akazawa Shiro. “Sensò sekininron no tenbo” [Prospects for the war responsibility debate]. Rekishi hyòron 460 (August 1988):16–25. Ara Masato, Odagiri H., Sasaki K., Haniya Y., Hirano K., and Honda S. “Bungakusha no sekimu” [Obligations of the literati]. Ningen (April 1946). Reprinted in Usui Yoshimi, ed., Sengo bungakuronsò 1 (1972):55–71. Arai Shin’ichi. “Sensò sekinin to sengo shori” [War responsibility and postwar resolution ]. In Fujiwara Akira and Arai Shin’ichi, eds., Gendaishi ni okeru sensò sekinin [War responsibility in modern history]. Tokyo: Aoki Shoten, 1990. Araragi Shinzò. “Manshû kaitakudan o botai to suru kaitaku shuraku ni okeru ‘kyòdòsei ’—Kumamoto-ken Tòyò-mura” [Tòyò village, Kumamoto prefecture—‘Community ’ in a settlement colony formed around a Manchurian pioneer group]. Soshioroji 33(1) (May 1988):115–117. Arase Yutaka. “Jihyò: Gensuibaku kinshi undò no chokumen suru kadai” [Editorial notes: Issues facing the ban-the-bomb movement]. Shisò 406 (April 1958):104–108. ———. “Nihonjin no kokka ishiki” [Japanese people’s state consciousness]. Shisò 434 (August 1960):41–49. Asahi Shinbunsha, ed. Onnatachi no taiheiyò sensò [The women’s Pacific War]. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1991–1993. Edamatsu Shigenobu. “Heiwateki riyòhò no butai ura: Genshiryoku hò kaisei no haikei to mondaiten” [Behind the scenes of the law for peaceful use (of nuclear 244 Bibliography energy): Background and problems with revisions to the atomic energy law]. Kaizò (April 1954):116–119. Etò Jun. “Bungei jihyò” [Literary notes]. Asahi shinbun, evening ed., August 25, 1966. Reprinted in Bungei nenkan (1967):60–61. Fujishima Udai, Maruyama Kunio, and Murakami Hyòe. “Hiroshima—Sono go 13 nen” [Hiroshima—Thirteen years after]. Chûò kòron 842 (August 1958):248–270. Fujiwara Akira. “Nihon ni okeru sensò sekininron no shosò” [Various aspects of the war responsibility debate in Japan]. In Fujiwara Akira and Arai Shin’ichi, eds., Gendaishi ni okeru sensò sekinin [War responsibility in modern history]. Tokyo: Aoki Shoten, 1990. Fujiwara Akira, Yoshida Y., Itò S., and Kunugi T., eds. Tennò no shòwa-shi [The emperor ’s Shòwa history]. Tokyo: Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1984. Fukuda Tsuneari. “Heiwa-ron no susumekata ni tsuite no gimon: Dò kakugo o kimetara ii ka” [Doubts about peace advocacy: How should we resolve it?]. Chûò kòron (December 1954):18–30. Fushimi Kòji. “Yume to genjitsu: Genshiryoku to heiwa” [Dream and reality: Atomic energy and peace]. Kaizò (April 1954):109–115. Gensuibaku Kinshi Sekaitaikai Nihon Junbikai, ed. Genbaku yurusumaji: Gensuibaku kinshi sekaitaikai no kiroku [Reject the atom bomb: Record of the world conference to ban atomic and hydrogen bombs]. Tokyo, 1955. Gomikawa Junpei. Ningen no jòken [The human condition]. Bunshun Library. 6 vols. Tokyo: Bungei Shunjû, 1979. Gomikawa Junpei and Aratama Michiyo. “Taidan: Katsumoku shite machimashò” [Dialogue : Let’s watch and wait]. Chûò kòron 74(6) (May 1959):156–163. Hara Keigo. “Sengo kûhakuki no kaisò: Chòsen dòran made no go-nenkan” [Memoir of the postwar interregnum: Five years until the Korean disturbance]. Jiyû 8(8) (August 1966):152–157. Hata Ikuhiko. “Shòwashi no nazo o tou, Dai-30-kai. Kyòshoku tsuihò—Yasui Kaoru no baai” [Interrogating the puzzles of Shòwa history, number 30. Faculty purges: The case of Yasui Kaoru]. Seiron 230 (October 1991):350–363 Hiroshima Heiwa Bunka Sentaa, ed. Heiwa jiten [Peace dictionary]. Tokyo: Keiso Shobò, 1991. Hiroshima Heiwa Kinen Shiryokan, ed. 30-nen no ayumi [Thirty years of history]. N.p., n.d. Hori Hidehiko. “Seibugeki ‘Ningen no jòken’” [The human condition, a western]. Shinch ò 55(7) (July 1958):66–69. Horigome Yòzò. Rekishi to ningen [History and people]. Tokyo: Nihon Hòsò Shuppan Kyòkai, 1965. Horiguchi Takuzò, ed. Shòwa shi no senretsu na danmen: Saitama ken hikiagesha no shûki...
