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I am writing this book in order to make a fervent appeal to our compatriots throughout the nation to join together in defending the independence and rights of the Empire of Taehan and in reviving its life, which has been almost fatally wounded, to thrive forever. As I discussed earlier, our life today is like a voyage in a vast stormy ocean. How can we pretend that the danger affects only our superiors up above and not us, the people down below? Can we hope to have a safe voyage while we sit idly without offering any help? Every man and woman, young and old, should rise up and do his or her share for a safe voyage by, for example, throwing overboard their belongings , including valuable treasures, to lighten the load. Any attempt to save only one’s own life or the lives of the captain and crew would end up wrecking the boat. [Likewise,] everyone bears a grave responsibility to prevent this land of ours from a wreck and save 20 million lives from drowning by their willingness to sacrifice life and property for the sake of freedom and independence for the Empire of Taehan. Each one carries this responsibility on his or her shoulders. Let us wake up from our dreams, stay vigilant, quickly unite our forces, and work together. Brothers ! Sisters! People of Taehan! What a critical time that we are facing! How difficult our situation is! How can we not love this beautiful land, or not protect our precious independence and sovereignty? We live on a beautiful peninsula at the eastern edge of the Asian continent . For five thousand years, we have been self-governing and have prided ourselves as a nation of good manners. Ours is a society of families and clans that worship gods. Our nation and people have enjoyed peace and envied no one. Our land is located in the temperate zone be51 6. A Strong Resolve for Independence tween the southern ocean and the northern landmass, and the weather is mild. The soil is rich and productive and grains and fruits are bountiful . Fish and salt are also plentiful. Deposits of gold, silver, copper, and iron are buried throughout the country, arousing foreigners’ covetous envy for a long time; if we learn new technology, procure machinery, and excavate using proper methods, we could build a rich nation by ourselves. Everywhere, mountains and rivers present unparalleled scenic beauty, enticing foreign visitors to come and admire it, calling [Korea] a Switzerland in the Orient. The people are handsome and delicate, their customs are simple and warmhearted, and they stress good manners, a sense of shame, and respect the virtues of filial piety, brotherly love, and loyalty to the king. They are content with the system of four social classes comprising scholar-officials, farmers, artisans, and merchants. Wars have been infrequent, and the people enjoy peace without fear of danger. [Our people,] in terms of their disposition, combine the generosity of the Chinese and the firmness of the Japanese; they are persistent, yet simple by nature, and they can also be smart and quick in action. With proper education and guidance, they can easily attain a position of wealth and strength in the Orient. How can anyone speak of us as a small nation or a small land? On the European continent, nations such as Finland and Switzerland occupy lands that are about one-third of Korea in size.3 Surrounded by powerful nations, these European nations have, nevertheless, preserved their independence and the levels of their civilization are comparable to those of their neighbors. With our remarkable people and rich land, why should we be resigned to being inferior to other nations? The oppressive rule and the inflexible traditions of the past have slowly undermined our people’s spirit and we have lost the will to compete with others. We have conceded our rights to others and retired to enjoy ease and comfort, eventually leaving the nation in the hands of foreigners . How deplorable, pitiful, and regrettable! If we should end up losing our independence forever, setting aside the questions of our obligations and involvement, how can we face the outside world or answer posterity? How sad! Dear compatriots, think! In a person’s life, food and clothing are important, but if these should be our only concerns, how different would we be from beasts? And how could we expect to be treated as human beings? We Koreans have...
