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Addison, Joseph, 51 aesthetics, 1, 17; aesthetic categories (biteki hanchō), 115, 122, 123–124, 134, 135, 136, 137, 141–143; aesthetic consciousness , 123, 129, 133, 134, 135, 138; aesthetic experience, 137; from below and from above, 21–22; calonology, 11, 218; compensation, 117, 122; decadence, 117–119; experimental aesthetics, 22; Japanese aesthetics and tautology, 1–2; modern aesthetics and tautology, 1; politics, 2–3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 120n. 9; prefiguration, 157; theory of nonappropriation, 23 Allen, Grant, 9, 82, 102, 102n. 18 Apollodorus, 224 Arai, Hakuseki, 286–287 Ariga, Nagao, 71n. 20 Aristotle, 251–253, 260 aware, 9, 90, 115–116, 119–122, 122–140, 297–298 Bachelard, Gaston, 249 Bacon, Francis, 287 Bain, Alexander, 9, 101–102, 101n. 16 Barthes, Roland, 276 Bary, Brett de, 274n. 41, 281n. 70 Basch, Victor, 130n. 21 Bashō, 10, 186–188, 194, 217 Batteux, Charles, 6 Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre, 252, 260–261 Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb, 6n. 6, 218 Benveniste, Émile, 235 Bergson, Henri-Louis, 212, 252, 260, 272n. 19 Bi to wa Nani zo ya (What is Beauty?), 43, 48; dissectionists, 48–53; idealism, 57–64; imitationism, 53–57 bigaku (aesthetics), 26 bijutsu (fine arts), 17, 70, 70n. 16 Bijutsu Shinsetsu (True Conception of the Fine Arts), 38, 42, 54n. 52, 70n. 52 Bikan ni Tsuite no Kansatsu (Observations on Aesthetic Pleasure), 98; aesthetic consciousness , 98–100; aesthetic pleasure, 100–111 bimyōgaku (aesthetics), 22 Bimyōgaku Setsu (Theory of Aesthetics), 2, 22, 26; elemental forms, 26–30; linguistics, 35–37; subject/object, 30–35 Biteki Seikatsu wo Ronzu (Debate on the Aesthetic Life), 94 Burke, Edmund, 51 Busse, Ludwig, 83 Cappelletti, Giovanni Vincenzo, 69 Ch’eng Ming-tao, 10, 199 Comte, Auguste, 21, 43 Cousin, Victor, 25, 45 Cusa, Niccolò da, 10, 199, 199n. 38 Cuvillier-Fleury, Alfred Auguste, 57 Derrida, Jacques, 278, 293–294, 293n. 86 Descartes, René, 273, 287 Dōgen, 10, 211 Eckard, Johannes, 10, 197, 197n. 35, 283 Einem, Herbert von, 10, 156, 156n. 52, 160–161, 162 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 275, 275n. 43 empathy (Einfühlung), 116, 119, 129–130, 130n. 21, 133, 146 Fechner, Gustav Theodor, 21 Fenollosa, Ernest F., 2, 8, 38–42, 49n. 40, 54n. 51, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72n. 23, 83, 93, 263 319 INDEX Fontanesi, Antonio, 69 Foucault, Michel, 269 Frey, Dagobert, 10, 156, 156n. 51, 160–164 Fūga Ron: Sabi no Kenkyū (On Refinement: A Study on Sabi), 115 Fujitani, Mitsue, 141, 142n. 4, 178n. 12 Fujiwara Shunzei, 10, 145, 152 Fujiwara Teika, 10, 145, 151, 152, 155, 165n. 66 Fukada, Yasukazu, 2, 93 Fukuzawa, Yukichi, 68 Gantner, Joseph, 10, 156, 156n. 50, 157–159, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166 Geiger, Moritz, 126, 126n. 15, 130, 134 Genji Monogatari Tama no Ogushi (Jeweled Comb of the Tale of Genji), 126–127, 128, 130, 131, 132 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 251 Gogh, Vincent van, 263, 275–276 Groos, Karl, 130n. 21 Guyau, Jean-Marie, 9, 46, 82, 102, 102n. 21, 103, 104, 106 Haga, Yaichi, 141 Hartmann, Eduard von, 9, 46, 82, 93, 106, 106n. 22 Hasumi, Shigehiko, 274, 274n. 35 Haven, Joseph, 20–21, 23, 24, 25 Hegel, G. W. F., 5, 7, 22, 38, 42, 45, 65, 66, 67, 82, 121, 252, 273, 279, 289, 293, 295, 298, 299 Heidegger, Martin, 10, 143n. 5, 145, 146, 233, 264, 272n. 19 Hesse, Hermann, 167, 167n. 67 Hijikata, Teiichi, 94 Hirata, Atsutane, 280, 298 Hisamatsu, Sen’ichi, 9, 141–142 Hoffman, Johann Joseph, 18n. 3 Hogarth, William, 51 hongaku (original enlightenment), 248, 248n. 34 Husserl, Edmund, 244 Hyakugaku Renkan (Encyclopedia), 21n. 14 Hyakuichi Shinron (New Theory of the One Hundred and One), 6, 18n. 4, 19 iki, 274–275, 274n. 36 Imamichi, Tomonobu, 10–11; calonology, 11, 218; eco-ethica, 219–220 Ishi Bigaku (The Aesthetics of Mr. V.), 26 Isonokami no Sasamegoto (Poetic Whisperings), 128, 131, 133 Itō, Jinsai, 273, 279, 280, 285, 287–299 Itoi, Shigesato, 276, 276n. 50 Jaspers, Karl, 9, 143–147, 148, 148n. 21, 155–156, 162, 165 Jouffroy, Théodore, 23 Jung, Carl Gustav, 283 Kagami no Naka no Nihongo (Japanese Inside the Mirror), 231 Kagawa, Kageki, 81, 82, 84, 297 Kaibara, Ekiken, 289 Kakehashi, Akihide, 280, 280n. 67 Kamen no Kaishakugaku (The Hermeneutics of Masks), 231 Kamo no Chōmei, 10, 151; and yojō, 149; and yūgen, 149n. 23 Kamo no Mabuchi, 81, 280, 280n. 66, 297 Kanga-kai (Painting Appreciation Society), 71 Kant, Immanuel, 3–4, 12, 18, 22, 23, 39, 40, 41, 101, 115, 165, 175, 214, 246...
