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INDEX 189 Absalom! Absalom! (Faulkner), 178n76 Akase Masako, 166n24; on Amerika monogatari /Maupassant, 34–35; on Gide/Bokutò kidan, 129, 131 Akasen chitai (Street of Shame) (movie), 40 “Akatsuki” (Dawn) (Kafû), narrative device in, 36 Akutagawa Ryûnosuke, 9 “Akuyû” (The Bad Friend) (Kafû), 36, 163n47 À la recherche du temps perdu (Proust), 131 Alcools (Apollinaire), 130 “Allouma” (Maupassant), 35, 51–52, 161n5 Alter, Robert, 120, 138, 139, 173n8; on history/realism, 122; mimetic realism, 121; on Modernism, 125 Amateurization, 70, 71 Amerika monogatari (American Tales) (Kafû), 1, 4, 5, 45, 85, 116–117; demimonde fictions in, 164n47; experiments in, 53; French literature and, 35; Furansu monogatari and, 173n1; Nakamura reading of, 34; narratives in, 44–53, 146; Naturalists and, 52; prostitution in, 90, 93, 164n4; reconsideration of, 2; stories in, 36, 37, 41, 43, 54, 136n47 Ame shòshò (Quiet Rain) (Kafû), 116; tone of, 55 Andersen, Hans Christian, 11 Anti-Naturalism, 1, 148 An’ya kòro (A Dark Night’s Passing) (Shiga), 115 Apollinaire, 130 Arendt, Hannah: on Benjamin, 6–7 Auerbach, Erich, 120, 174n21; on Don Quixote, 175n21 Author, character and, 141–142 Azabu, 95, 96 Balzac, Honoré de, 57, 62, 170n95; prostitution and, 58, 165n9; realism of, 120 Barth, John, 141 Baudelaire, Charles, 1, 58, 123, 155n1 Béguin, Alfred, 54 Benjamin, Walter, 1, 7, 34; on prostitution, 6, 115 Bernheimer, Charles, 61, 62, 165n13, 169n69; on brothel exploits, 69; on Nana’s death, 113; on prostitution, 58, 64, 74, 165n9, 166n16 Bildungsroman, 121 Bokutò kidan (A Strange Tale from East of the River) (Kafû), 2, 3, 4, 6, 54, 85, 93, 115, 126, 128, 146, 150; critical reputation of, 116; as essay novel, 116; Gide influence on, 129; Les Faux-monnayeurs and, 131, 132; mise en abyme and, 136; mood in, 151–152; novel-within-the-novel in, 136, 139; orthodox novels and, 118; Paludes and, 143; readings of, 130; reflexive fiction and, 134–142; as self-conscious work, 138; sense of loss in, 129; Shissò and, 132; storytelling in, 135, 148; structure/style of, 117, 127 Booth, Wayne: on narrative perspective, 30; on rhetorical purity, 19; unreliable narrator and, 48 Borges, Jorges Luis, 141 Bowring, Richard, 23, 157n15, 159n44; on apologia in Gan, 30; criticism by, 26; on Kaijin, 157n12; on Ògai/ fiction, 13 Boyd, Michael, 126, 144, 178n76; on reflexive novels, 150; on text-within-a-text, 138–139 Bretonne, Restif de la, 165n12; parthénion and, 61; prostitution regulation and, 59; security measures by, 60 Brooks, Peter, 4; on desire, 18; on narrative, 57; on retrospective lust, 76 Brothels, 59; tales of, 37–41 Bundan, 85, 86, 179n86 Bunjin, 55, 57, 87, 118, 126–127, 130, 150 Bunmei, Kafû in, 72, 79, 80, 87 Carter, Steven, 177n61; on Bokutò kidan, 116, 117, 130; on Edo fiction, 118; on Kafû/Loti, 130; on Kafû/narrative methods, 117 Cecchi, Annie: on Gide, 176n54 Cervantes, 120, 122, 174n21; Foucault on, 119; narrative and, 124; self-consciousness of, 121 “Chainataun no ki” (Record of Chinatown) (Kafû), 163n47 Character, 102; author and, 141–142 Cheng, Ching-mao, 126, 156n4 Chéri (Colette), 130 “Chòhatsu” (Longhair) (Kafû), 36, 52; “La Moustache” and, 35; narrator in, 45, 48, 51 Chûò kòron, 92, 103, 172n11 Clarissa (Richardson), 102, 121 Claudel, Paul, 143 Comic novel, 95, 98, 104 Counterfeiters, The (Gide), 6, 131–132, 177n56 Dadaism, 127 Danchòtei nichijò (Dyspepsia House Days) (Kafû), 2, 70, 87, 130 Danly, Robert: on Saikaku revival, 9 D’annunzio, Gabriele, 126 Daudet, 46, 56–57 Demimonde, 4, 5, 41, 47, 54, 55, 60, 101, 103, 120; degradation of, 86; desire and, 63, 68–71, 91, 100, 152; Edo culture and, 56, 57; identity in, 74; Kafû and, 56, 62, 113–114; metafiction and, 144–149; monde entier and, 61; narrators in, 53; portrait of, 73; prostitution and, 90, 109; spread of, 6; theater and, 74; travel narrative and, 110; value and, 90 Desire, 88; demimonde and, 63, 68–71, 91, 100, 152; depiction of, 32; evoking , 102; language and, 153; Loti’s vision of, 67; mediated, 60, 68–71, 100–101; narrative, 14–19; prostitution and, 91, 103; self-defeating, 63; in Shimbashi, 78–84; structure of, 62–68; triangular, 67, 69, 84; understanding of, 63 De tout (Huysmans), 131 Dickens, Charles, 57, 120, 170n96 Diderot, 6, 121, 122; reflexive fiction of, 120; self-conscious tradition and, 124 Diegesis, 29, 158n27 Don Quixote (Cervantes), 121, 175n21; Foucault on, 119, 120; relationships in, 119–120 Edo geijutsu ron (The Arts of Edo) (Kaf...
