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Pelajaran 6 Mengadakan Selamatan 195 A selamatan is a ceremonial meal with roots in pre-Islamic Java. Today, the selamatan is celebrated by those of all faith communities to seek blessings for events such as a birth, death, wedding, circumcision, or graduation. A selamatan may also be celebrated to seek blessings for a journey, a new house, or a new job. The person sponsoring the selamatan invites family, friends, and neighbors to join him/her in a ceremonial meal. After the guests have arrived, a community elder opens the ceremony with a welcoming speech; then a representative of a religious community offers prayers, explaining the intention of the sponsor. Following the prayers, the guests are served a meal, which typically features nasi tumpeng (a cone of fragrant yellow rice with trimmings). The departing guests express their good wishes to the host. Selamatan 196 ■ Pelajaran 6 Mengadakan Selamatan In this chapter you will: Lesson 6.1 ■ Practice using the modal harus to express ‘have to’. ■ Practice using tidak usah (used to negate harus) to express the idea that the interlocutor does not have to go to the trouble of doing such-andsuch an action. ■ Practice using tidak usah repot-repot to politely respond to an offer of assistance in order to indicate that one does not want to inconvenience the interlocutor. Lesson 6.2 ■ Practice forming noun phrases with the relative clause ‘yang + adjective’ in order to identify, describe, or characterize head nouns. ■ Review adjectives (including colors and tastes). Lesson 6.3 ■ Practice forming noun phrases with the relative clause ‘yang + verb’ in order to identify, describe, and characterize head nouns. ■ Practice combining sentences using yang. Lesson 6.4 ■ Practice using the adverbial time markers tadi (to express that an event has occurred a short while before the act of speaking) and nanti (to express that an event will occur at an unspecified time in the future). ■ Practice using tadi and nanti with daily time frames, such as tadi pagi and nanti malam. ■ Practice using nanti to politely refuse. Lesson 6.5 ■ Practice the adverbial time marker dulu to state that an action occurred in the past and is no longer in effect. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 13:54 GMT) 197 6.1 Harus dan Tidak Usah Tetangga Baru Bu Ningsih mendapat undangan dari Ibu Joko, tetangga baru di sebelah rumah. Ibu Joko dan keluarganya baru pindah ke Yogyakarta dari Jakarta. Ibu Joko mau mengadakan selamatan untuk rumah barunya. Sekarang Bu Ningsih sedang berbicara dengan Maggie tentang selamatan itu. Maggie berasal dari Amerika dan belajar bahasa Indonesia di Yogyakarta. Dia tinggal di rumah kos Bu Ningsih. Bu Ningsih: Maggie, kita dapat undangan dari Ibu Joko. Ibu Joko tetangga baru kita. Dia mau mengadakan selamatan untuk rumah barunya. Maggie: Kapan, Bu? Bu Ningsih: Hari Minggu besok, jam 11 siang. Maggie: Hari Minggu? Wah, itu kan, dua hari lagi, Bu. Mengapa baru diberikan? Bu Ningsih: Oh, itu biasa di sini. Kami sudah biasa dapat undangan dua atau tiga hari sebelumnya. Maggie: Lalu, kita harus beri hadiah? Bu Ningsih: Tidak, tidak usah. Maggie: Jadi, kita harus bawa makanan? Bu Ningsih: Tidak usah, tapi biasanya kita harus bantu mereka masak. Maggie: Oh, begitu. Apa kita harus pakai baju pesta? Bu Ningsih: Ah, tidak usah. Ini bukan pesta, hanya selamatan. In this lesson you will: ■ Practice using the modal harus to express ‘have to’. ■ Practice using tidak usah (used to negate harus) to express the idea that the interlocutor does not have to go to the trouble of doing such-and-such an action. ■ Practice using tidak usah repot-repot to politely respond to an offer of assistance in order to indicate that one does not want to inconvenience the interlocutor. Undangan Hadiah Berpasangan Pemahaman–Tertulis: Lengkapilah kalimat dengan kata ‘harus’ atau ‘tidak usah’! 1. Maggie dan Bu Ningsih ____________________ memberi hadiah. 2. Maggie dan Bu Ningsih ____________________ membawa makanan. 3. Maggie dan Bu Ningsih ____________________ membantu memasak. 4. Maggie dan Bu Ningsih ____________________ memakai baju pesta. ■Latihan Latihan 1 A. Membaca: Bacalah cerita di bawah ini! Makan-makan Setiap awal semester, mahasiswa kelas bahasa Indonesia mengadakan makan-makan. Semester ini, mereka berkumpul di rumah guru mereka, Ibu Dewi. Ibu Dewi menyiapkan bahan makanan seperti daging, sayur-sayuran, dan buah-buahan. Ibu Dewi juga menyiapkan peralatan makan seperti gelas, piring, sendok, garpu, dan pisau. Mahasiswa semester satu harus datang ke rumah Ibu Dewi dan memasak bersama. Di sana, mereka hanya boleh berbicara dalam bahasa Indonesia. Mahasiswa semester tiga dan semester...
