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Pelajaran 5 Pak Mukijan Menerima Surat 161 Many upper- and middle-class families hire some domestic help. Domestic workers commonly are responsible for tasks such as cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing clothes, caring for young children, gardening, or being a chauffeur. The domestic help may live in or come daily to work at the house. It is considered generous of a family to hire domestic help because generally the hiring family takes on responsibility for the welfare of the worker’s family. Thus, the employer pays for the educational and health care expenses of the worker and his or her family. Domestic workers often come from rural areas to work in the city. They have one day off a week and a week or more once a year to return to their hometowns to visit family at Lebaran, the Islamic celebration at the end of the fasting month, Ramadan. Traditionally, people have communicated with relatives living far away by sending a telegram; but today people increasingly use the text-messaging service on their hand-phones (HP). In this chapter the gardener, who lives inYogyakarta, receives a letter from his daughter-in-law about his son, who still lives in the village. Tukang Kebun In this chapter you will: Lesson 5.1 ■ Learn the verbal prefix ber-, which marks intransitive verbs. ■ Learn some prepositional phrase complements for ber- verbs. ■ Learn that there are some nominal complements of ber- verbs. Lesson 5.2 ■ Practice using the word hanya, which means ‘only’. Lesson 5.3 ■ Learn the referential function of –nya to point to something already known or mentioned in the discourse. ■ Learn vocabulary used to describe houses. ■ Practice describing locations. Lesson 5.4 ■ Practice using reduplicated verbs, such as jalan-jalan, to indicate that the action of the verb is durative and without a specified objective. ■ Learn the names of the four seasons in temperate areas, the two seasons in tropical areas, and the months of the year. Lesson 5.5 ■ Learn how to form a concrete noun by adding the suffix an to a verb root. 162 ■ Pelajaran 5 Pak Mukijan Menerima Surat [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 04:58 GMT) 5.1 Awalan Ber- + Preposisi Pak Mukijan Pak Mukijan asalnya dari Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur. Nama desa Pak Mukijan Desa Mekarsari. Pak Mukijan bekerja di rumah Bu Ningsih sebagai tukang kebun. Dia sudah bekerja selama dua tahun. Pada suatu hari, dia menerima surat tentang anaknya, Sur. Minah istri Sur. Dia menulis surat itu karena Sur sakit. Sur terjatuh waktu dia menonton Festival Reog. Setelah itu, Sur tidak bisa berbicara dan berjalan. Minah lalu membawa Sur ke dukun. Pak Mukijan ingin bertemu dengan anaknya yang sakit. Jadi, dia harus pulang ke desa. 163 In this lesson you will: ■ Learn the verbal prefix ber-, which marks intransitive verbs. ■ Learn some prepositional phrase complements for ber- verbs. ■ Learn that there are some nominal complements of ber- verbs. Bapak, Sur sakit keras. Kami harap Bapak bisa pulang. Salam hormat, Minah Minah dan Sur Pemahaman A. Lisan: Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini! 1. Siapa Pak Mukijan? 2. Mengapa dia menerima surat? 3. Siapa yang menulis surat itu? 4. Siapa Sur? 5. Mengapa Pak Mukijan harus pulang ke desa? B. Tertulis: Bacalah cerita di atas sekali lagi dan lingkarilah kata-kata berawalan ber-! ■Latihan Berpasangan Latihan 1–Tertulis A. Isilah tempat yang kosong dengan kata-kata berawalan ber- ini! bertanya bertemu berbicara berjalan bermain bekerja berlibur berjalan-jalan Udin, anak Sur. Udin anak yang pintar dan lucu. Dia senang sekali _______________ dengan banyak orang dan _______________ tentang banyak hal. Kalau bapaknya _______________ di sawah, Udin sering ikut dengan bapaknya dan _______________ di dekat sungai. Kadang-kadang dia juga _______________ di rumah dengan ibunya. Bapak dan ibu Udin sayang padanya. Mereka mau mengajak Udin _______________ ke Yogyakarta. B. Lingkarilah preposisi di bawah ini yang ada pada cerita di atas! sebagai kepada dengan di ke tentang Ingatlah! Dia bekerja sebagai tukang kebun. Saya mau berlibur ke Bali. 164 ■ Pelajaran 5 Pak Mukijan Menerima Surat Berpasangan Latihan 2–Lisan: Buatlah kalimat dengan memakai ‘kata kerja + preposisi’ di bawah ini! Kata kerja Preposisi bertanya sebagai bertemu kepada berbicara dengan berjalan di bermain tentang Latihan 3–Wawancara: Buatlah 6 pertanyaan dengan memakai frasa-frasa di bawah ini. Lalu, wawancarailah 2 orang teman! bekerja sebagai bertanya kepada berjalan ke berjalan di berbicara dengan bermain di No. Pertanyaan Teman 1 Teman 2 1. _____________________ ____________ ____________ 2. _____________________ ____________ ____________ 3. _____________________ ____________ ____________...
