In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents Preface BReTT L. WALkeR xi Writing Japan at Nature’s Edge: The Promises and Perils of environmental History IAN JAReD MILLeR 1 Part I: oCeans and emPIres 1 The Pelagic empire: Reconsidering Japanese expansion WILLIAM M. TSUTSUI 21 2 From Meat to Machine Oil: The Nineteenth-Century Development of Whaling in Wakayama JAkOBINA ARCH 39 3 Fisheries Build Up the Nation: Maritime environmental encounters between Japan and China MICAH MUSCOLINO 56 Part II: ChangIng LandsCaPes 4 Talking Sulfur Dioxide: Air Pollution and the Politics of Science in Late Meiji Japan TAkeHIRO WATANABe 73 5 Constructing Nature PHILIP C. BROWN 90 6 Toroku: Mountain Dreams, Chemical Nightmares TIMOTHy S. GeORGe 115 Part III: Between BodIes 7 Fecal Matters: Prolegomenon to a History of Shit in Japan DAvID L. HOWeLL 137 Contents x 8 Weathering Fuji: Marriage, Meteorology, and the Meiji Bodyscape ANDReW BeRNSTeIN 152 9 Animal Histories: Stranger in a Tokyo Canal CHRISTINe L. MARRAN 175 Part IV: VIstas and Vantage PoInts 10 Inventorying Nature: Tokugawa yoshimune and the Sponsorship of Honzōgaku in eighteenth-Century Japan FeDeRICO MARCON 189 11 Japanese Literature and environmental Crises kAReN THORNBeR 207 12 Japanese environmental Policy: Lessons from experience and Remaining Problems keN’ICHI MIyAMOTO 222 Part V: the trIPLe dIsaster of 3/11 13 An envirotechnical Disaster: Negotiating Nature, Technology, and Politics at Fukushima SARA B. PRITCHARD 255 14 Postcrisis Japanese Nuclear Policy: From Topdown Directives to Bottom-up Activism DANIeL P. ALDRICH 280 15 Using Japan to Think Globally: The Natural Subject of History and Its Hopes JULIA ADeNey THOMAS 293 List of Contributors 311 Index 315 ...
