In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

{  } Aberg, Dawn, 7; manuscripts and, 25–26 Absolute: error and, 231; individuals and, 89–90; necessity and, 104–5 Absolute Idealism, 3; error and, 232–33 action, 95; doubt and, 95–96; logic of, 101–3 agency, 140–41; civilized society and, 146; oppression and, 147; pluralism and, 141–42 American Plato, 219 American problem: Gettysburg Address, 204; Spirit estranged from itself, 209–10 American Psychological Association address, 4 American South: Jamaica comparison, 176–77; valued memories, 198 Anderson, Douglas R., 10 antipathies, race and, 177–78 architectonic philosophy, 35 Aristotelian influence on Royce, 8, 69–70, 279–82; community, 83–87; friendship, 78–83; loyalty, 70–77 assimilationism, 179–86 Auxier, Randall E., 8–9 Baldwin, James Mark, 143–44 Barnette, Kara, 11–12 Bastian, Adolf, 170–71 Bell, Jason, 7–8 Bell, Winthrop, 8; accomplishments, 55–57; arrest, 49; departure from philosophy, 58–59; dissertation, 48–50; intended revisions, 58; Göttingen, 53–54; Harvard position, 54–55; on Husserl, 51–52; Edmund Husserl and, 47; discussion of, 59–60; Husserl’s interest in Royce, 65–68; internment years, 50; phenomenology, 64; The Philosophy of Loyalty (Royce), 63; publication, 50–51; Royce’s books, 274–75; Edith Stein and, 49–50; The World and the Individual (Royce), 62–63 Beloved Community: dedication and, 214; loyalty to loyalty, 200; New Realists and, 43–44; Universal Community, 220 Berkeley, Platonism, 153–54 betweenness, 138–39 Black Sexual Politics (Collins), 238 Black Skin, White Masks (Fanon), 133 blue/red states, mob spirit and, 192–93 Boer Wars, racism and, 180–81 Bradley, F. H., Royce’s refutation of the One and the Many, 27 Buddhism, comparison with Christianity, 210–11 business ethic, 4 California: assimilation and, 182–84; Royce’s history of, 204 car analogy, identity and, 40–41 Catholic Church, assimilation and, 181–82 Chamberlain, Houston Steward, 170 choice, The Concept of God (Royce), 137 Christ, past use of name, 223 Christian, Royce’s use of term, 213 Christian Doctrine of Life, 210–12 Christianity: comparison with Buddhism, 210–11; core of the faith, 224 Christology, simplification, 221–22, 224 church: representation on Earth, 219; Royce’s use of term, 217; visible versus invisible, 217, 220, 225, 250, 298 Civil War: American South’s valued memories and, 198; racism and, 180–81 Clendenning, John, 15–16 collective unconscious, Bastian and, 170–71 Index  index  Collins, Patricia Hill, Black Sexual Politics, 238 colonialism: Frantz Fanon on, 132–34; race and, 179–86 communication, nearsightedness, 252 communitarianism, 247 communities, pursuit of community and, 258–62 community: Aristotelian influence on Royce, 78–83; broadening, 185–86; common faith and, 250–51; communication, 249; criticism and, 184–85; dangerous community, 22; democratic cultural transformation, 201–2; egalitarian ethics, 257–58; as end, 248–53; history, 198–99; ideal, 252–53; individual growth and, 199; individualism and, 251–53; interpretive, 199–201; loyalty and, 166– 67, 249; loyalty, love, and, 199; loyalty to loyalty, 12, 188; as means, 248–53; the one and the many, 197; open-ended, 197–201; in opposition to enemy, 205–6; racial coexistence and, 166; religion of science and, 250–51; standpoint theory and, 253–57; unity and, 249; Universal Community, 220; valued memories, American South and, 198. See also Beloved Community comparative method, 174 comparative morphology of concepts, 5 complex negation, 114–19 Comprehensive Index of the Josiah Royce Papers in the Harvard University Archives, 7; Appendix C, 29–30; online publication, 31–33 “Conception of God” address, 26 The Conception of God (Royce), 21, 137 “The Conception of Immortality” (Royce), 27 consciousness, suffering and, 19 construction, phenomenal field and, 93 Construction of Social Reality (Searle), 38–39 contingent hypothesis, 126 continuity, 102 core of the faith, 224 The Correspondence of William James (James), 17 correspondence, the “Dig,” 27 Costello, Harry Todd, 17 Crania Americana (Morton), 170 creation: grief and, 20, 22; individuality and, 161 criticism, interdisciplinary, 5–6 Curry, Tommy J., 10 dangerous community, 22 Deakin, Alfred, letter from Royce, 20–21 democratic cultural transformation, 201–2 Dewey, John, 2; doctrine of specific providence, 20; NAACP address, 163 “Dewey on Race and Social Change” (Eldridge), 163 dialectical sense of necessity, 100–1 the “Dig,” 7; Archives and, 24; background, 23–25; correspondence, 27; digging, 25–26; early writings, 31; financial support, 24–25; Finding Aid, 24; finds, 26–31; fruits, 31–33; MSS (manuscripts), 25–26; self-photos of Royce, 26; spirit and, 29 disjunction, logic and, 138 divine appropriation of sufferings, 19–20...
