In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments ix Orthodox Naming of the Other: A Postcolonial Approach 1 George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou Perceptions and Realities in Orthodox-Catholic Relations 23 Today: Reflections on the Past, Prospects for the Future Robert F. Taft, S.J. Byzantines, Armenians, and Latins: Unleavened Bread 45 and Heresy in the Tenth Century Tia Kolbaba “Light from the West”: Byzantine Readings of Aquinas 58 Marcus Plested From the “Shield of Orthodoxy” to the “Tome of Joy”: 71 The Anti-Western Stance of Dositheos II of Jerusalem (1641–1707) Norman Russell The Burdens of Tradition: Orthodox Constructions of the 83 West in Russia (late 19th–early 20th cc.) Vera Shevzov Contents Florovsky’s Neopatristic Synthesis and the Future Ways 102 of Orthodox Theology Paul L. Gavrilyuk Eastern “Mystical Theology” or Western “Nouvelle Théologie”?: 125 On the Comparative Reception of Dionysius the Areopagite in Lossky and de Lubac Sarah Coakley The Image of the West in Contemporary Greek Theology 142 Pantelis Kalaitzidis Christos Yannaras and the Idea of “Dysis” 161 Basilio Petrà Religion in the Greek Public Sphere: Debating Europe’s Influence 181 Effie Fokas Shaking the Comfortable Conceits of Otherness: Political Science 193 and the Study of “Orthodox Constructions of the West” Elizabeth H. Prodromou Eastern Orthodox Constructions of “the West” in the 211 Post-Communist Political Discourse: The Cases of the Romanian and Russian Orthodox Churches Lucian Turcescu Primacy and Ecclesiology: The State of the Question 229 John Panteleimon Manoussakis (In)Voluntary Ecumenism: Dumitru Staniloae’s Interaction 240 with the West as Open Sobornicity Radu Bordeianu Notes 255 List of Contributors 357 Index 361 viii C O N T E N TS ...
