In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents Acknowledgments xi Introduction 1 Charles Bolyard and Rondo Keele part i essence, existence, and the nature of metaphysics 1 Duns Scotus on Metaphysics as the Science of First Entity 11 Rega Wood 2 Aquinas vs. Buridan on Essence and Existence 30 Gyula Klima part ii form and matter 3 The Form of Corporeity and Potential and Aptitudinal Being in Dietrich von Freiberg’s Defense of the Doctrine of the Unity of Substantial Form 47 Brian Francis Conolly 4 Accidents in Scotus’s Metaphysics Commentary 84 Charles Bolyard part iii universals 5 Avicenna Latinus on the Ontology of Types and Tokens 103 Martin Tweedale 6 Universal Thinking as Process: The Metaphysics of Change and Identity in John Buridan’s Intellectio Theory 137 Jack Zupko x Contents part iv language, logic, and metaphysics 7 Can God Know More? A Case Study in Later Medieval Discussions of Propositions 161 Susan Brower-Toland 8 The Power of Medieval Logic 188 Terence Parsons 9 Iteration and Infinite Regress in Walter Chatton’s Metaphysics 206 Rondo Keele 10 Analogy and Metaphor from Thomas Aquinas to Duns Scotus and Walter Burley 223 E. Jennifer Ashworth Notes 249 List of Contributors 301 Index 303 ...
