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Index abolitionism, 14, 20, 368; A.L. and, 55, 59, 102, 103-4, 125, 147 abolitionists, 86, 146, 226. See also abolitionism; Liberty men The Abraham Lincoln Association, 351-53 The Abraham Lincoln Quarterly. 352 Adam and Eve, 150-52 Adams, John, 155, 283, 362 Adams, John Quincy, 361, 362, 364, 373 Adams-Onis Treaty (1819), 360 Africa, 251 African slave trade, 68, 69-70, 76, 112, 122, 167, 207 agriculture, 163 Alabama, 360 Albert, Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 360, 369, 383 Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, 377, 383, 386 "all men are created equal," 122, 283-84, 369; "except Negroes, foreigners, and catholics," 83; and right of secession, 185; self-evident lie, 79; as standard to reach, 117-18; as "stumbling block" to "despotism," 91; "white man's charter of freedom," 52 Allen, Julian, 216 Alton Weekly Courier, 127 "amalgamation" of races, 102 ambition, 41, 275-76 American people: A.L. on Constitutional rights, 194; A.L. on his own unimportance, 192, 195; and amendment to abolish slavery, 336-37; confidence in justice of, 209; fundamental beliefs of, 57; and preservation of Union, 337; and right to overthrow government, 208; rights and principles of liberty, 50; and rule of law, 19-20; "Their will ... is the ultimate law for all ... ," 332. See also public opinion American Republic: and slavery, 60-61; special destiny of, 57-58; as successful experiment, 63, 224 American Revolution, 22-23: Confederates' identification with, 183-84; and saving of Union and Constitution, 197; troops and money, 219 amnesty, 304, 305, 313, 386 anarchy, 206 Anderson, General Robert, 228, 382 Andre, Major John, 77 Anecdotes, Poetry, and Incidents of the War (Moore), 308 Angle, Paul M., 352 Annual Message to Congress: (1861), 231-33; (1862), 264-69, 384; (1863), 309-11, 345-46; (1864), 336-37 Antietam, Battle of, September 1862, 242, 255, 384 Appomattox, victory at, April 1865, 305, 306, 388 Arkansas, 286, 305 Armstrong, Duff, 95, 97, 379 Articles of Association (1774), 204 Articles of Confederation (1778), 66, 204 Asbury, Henry, letter to, 136-37 Ashmun, George, letter to, 177 Asia, 153 assassination, xxxviii, 306, 349, 388 Austria, 358, 372, 387 Autograph Leaves of Our Country's Authors (Bancroft), xxxiv 402 INDEX ballots, not bullets, xxx, 94, 224 Baltimore, Maryland, 320-21 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 362 Bancroft, George, xxxiv, 365 bank, national, 6, 25-26, 385 Banks, General Nathaniel P., 346; letter to, 286-88 Baptists, 323 Baringer, William E., 352 Barreda, Federico, 243 Basler, Roy P., xli-xliii, 121, 352 Bates, Edward, 382 Battle Cry of Freedom (McPherson), 3 Beecher, Henry Ward, 372 Belgium, 363 Bell, John, 147, 381 Bennett, James Gordon, 366 Bernhardt, Sarah, 371, 385 Bessemer, Henry, 377 Bible, 356, 361 Bismarck, Otto von, 359, 385 "Black Republicanism," 165, 168 Blair, Francis P., 305-6 Blair, Montgomery, 249, 303, 382, 387 Blondin, Charles, 380 Bloomington, Illinois, 376-77 Blucher, Gebhard von, 359 Bolivar, Simon, 361 Booth, Edwin, 387 Booth, John Wilkes, 306, 368, 388 border slave-states, 147, 226-29; and compensated, gradual emancipation, 239-40, 247-49, 318; those unaffected by preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, 292 Boritt, Gabor S.: Lincoln and the American Dream, 1832-52, essay, 3-9 Boutwell, George, xxxv Brady, Mathew, 139, 386 Bramlette, Thomas E., 317; letter to, 332-333 Breckinridge, John c., 146-47, 381 Bright, John, 276 Bronte, Charlotte and Emily, 373, 377 Brooks, Noah, 335 Brooks, Preston, 136 Brown, John, xxxix, 144, 169-70, 378, 380. See also John Brown's raid Browning, Orville H., letter to, 227-29 Bryant, William Cullen, 184 Buchanan, James, 84, 86, 87, 107-8, 110, 237, 378, 382; "all States as States are equal," 87; and Lecompton Constitution, 98, 99, 108; secession is ... "proof that man is unfit for self-government," 185 Bull Run, Battles of, 254, 383-84 Burns, Robert, 356, 363 Burnside, General Ambrose E., 275, 384-85 Byers, Abraham, 95 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 359, 361 Cabinet: A.L. remarks on freeing of slaves, 255-56; and first draft of Emancipation Proclamation, 249-50 Calhoun, John c., 374 California, 147, 151, 374 Cameron, Simon, 238, 246, 317-18, 382; letter to, 216 Canisius, Theodore, letter to, 156 capital, as related to labor, 160-61, 232-33 capitalism, 4-5, 238 Caribbean, 251 Carpenter, Francis B., 249, 269, 319, 325 Carroll, Lewis, 389 Catholics, 57, 80, 83 Cavour, Camillo, 376, 380, 383 Chancellorsville, Virginia, Battle of (1863), 386 Charleston, Illinois, debate, 1858, 102 Charleston, South Carolina, 186, 211 Chase, Salmon P., III, 255, 302, 382; appointed...
