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index Adorno, T. W., 45n26 Agamben, Giorgio, 37n34 Angelus Silesius, 42, 43n14 Aristotle, 57 Badiou, Alain, 44n20 Beckett, Samuel, 141–42 Benjamin, Walter, 12 Benveniste, Emile, 115 Blanchot, Maurice, 10–11, 13–14, 14; and ambiguity , 104 n43; Au moment voulu, 17–37; and the Book, 183; and criticism; 17–19, 156–88; and Char, 183; and death, 12–13; and difference, 168–69; and discourse, 5; ‘‘Discours sur la Patience’’, 172; and encounter , 6–7, 17, 22, 26–29; and Entfernung , 25–26, 29, 168–69, 183; and the eternal return of the same, 17–26, 35–37; and ethics, 5, 168, 179–88; and the event, 19–23; and fascination, 35, 107; and friendship, 155–56, 195; and Hegel, 10–11, 36; and Heidegger, 10–11, 19–20, 22–24, 26, 35–37, 51n35, 63, 167–68, 179; and Hölderlin, 63, 77; The Infinite Conversation, 11, 132, 176–77, 179–88; and image, imaginary , 27, 35n32, 131–34; and intrigue, 8–15; 16–18, 23–26; and Kafka, 17; and Kojève, 10, 177; and language, 10–11, 176–88; The Last Man, 163; and Levinas, 11–12, 131–34, 138, 155–56, 172–73, 177–88, 191, 194–95; and literature, 10–13, 18–19, 243 155–60; The Madness of the Day (La Folie du jour), 23–24, 136–37, 147–48, 150–54; and Mallarmé, 10, 17, 178–79; and narration, 11, 17; and the negative, 11–12, 132, 179–80; and the neuter, 11, 13, 132–33, 163–65, 179–80; and Nietzsche, 8, 16–20, 22–24, 35, 279; and the other, 11, 16–18, 33, 132–33, 137, 181–86; and the Outside, 8, 135–36, 172, 179–80; and passive relation , passivity, 11, 23, 28, 35, 189; and philosophical discourse, or ‘‘Le ‘Discours Philosophique’’’, 161–63; and Plato 183; and the quotidian, 31–32; and the récit, 11, 17–18, 26; and refusal, 17–18; ‘‘Le Regard d’Orpheus,’’ 34–35; and ‘‘relation of the third type,’’ or ‘‘relation without relationship’’, 7–9, 11, 13–14, 16, 26; and resemblance, 27, 134; and Romanticism , 158–59; and Sartre, 35n32, 131–33; The Space of Literature, 10, 17–18, 33– 35, 132–34, 178; and subjectivity, 17, 23, 28–29, 36–37, 85, 107–8; and teaching, 180–82; and the there is (il y a), 107–8, 132–33; and time, 16–37; Totality and In- finity, 179–85; and the un-narrative supplement , 11, 17, 23–26; and unworking (désœuvrement), 51n35, 158–59; and writing, 13–14, 16, 22, 26, 35–37, 131–32, 156–63. See also Levinas Calle-Gruber, Mireille, 26n24 Collin, Françoise, 159n10 244 Index Court, Rolland, 115–16 Char, René, 183 Deleuze, Gilles, 8 Derrida, Jacques, 9n15, 14, 21n15, 25–26, 31n27, 73, 86, 88n5, 91n11, 116n23, 151n9, 183n46–47 Descartes, René, 91 difference, 168–69. See also Blanchot; Deleuze ; Derrida; Heidegger eternal return of the same, 17–26, 35–37; and presence, 25–26, 29. See also Blanchot; Heidegger; Niezsche ethics; and Blanchot, 5, 168, 179–88; and discourse, 5–6; and the encounter, 6–7, 22, 26–29; and the ‘‘ethical turn’’, 5–6, 15; and Heidegger, 2–4, 38–39, 45–46, 88–89; and Kantian morality, 6–7; and Levinas, 1, 89, 91–93; and language, 91–93; and experience of the other, 7; and face, 5, 91–102, 110, 120, 189–90; and intrigue, 10–15, 16–37; and the other, 1, 4–10, 12, 14, 16–17, 19, 33, 85–86, 95–96, 132–33, 168–69, 189–90; and the question of the other, 9; and writing, 1–2, 9–15, 16, 22, 26, 35–37, 85–86, 132–33, 156–71. See also Blanchot; Levinas; Heidegger ; intrigue; other, writing event, 19–23, 24 n19, 115, 116, 134n20; and the encounter 22. See also Blanchot; Heidegger ; Levinas; Maldiney; Romano Fink, Eugen, 111 Fitch, Brian, 157–58 Foucault, Michel, 135n1 George, Stefan, 45n24 Hegel, Wilheim F., 9–11, 36, 71n18, 75, 169– 71, 177–78. See also Blanchot; Heidegger; Kojève Heidegger, Martin, 1–4, 35, 87, 98; and allegory , 75–77; and assignment or reference (Verweisung), 71, 76, 84, 123–24; and being, 3–4, 40–42, 62–63, 76; and being-with, 93–95; Being and Time, 2, 19– 20, 42, 56, 60–62, 71, 76–77, 167–68; and care (Sorge), 2–3, 20; and the Beiträge, 48, 72; and...
