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INDEX Adler, zyxwvuts M., 112 Adorno, T., 226 Agacinski, S., 281 Alpha, 31,50,74, 83, 118, 136, 138, Anaxagoras, 13 Anaximander, 4,257 Aquinas, zyxwvu St. T., xvi, xx, 8/93, 105, 164, 187,189,190,211,232,242,244,288 zyxwv 174,191,217,234,248-49,254,257, zyxwvu Causa zyxwv sui, 2,9, 11,13, 23, 30,232,260Cornell , D., 220-21,226 Crease, zyxw R.,118,159 Creation, xiii, 86, 178, 246-47, 252, Critchley, S., 194,220, 237 Cynicism, 102,142-44,228,273 Cyril of Jerusalem, 28,270 61,266,275-76,283 290,294,300 283-84,295 Aristotle, XVI, 3-4, 11, 20,30, zyxwvu 38, 43, Dallmayr, Ast, E, 152 207,219-40,257,294 Augustine, St., XVI, xx, 8, 18,29, 40129 ,160,257-58,282,285,299 Deconstruction, xix, 183, 188, 194, Democritus, 89 41,43-45,55,103,105,141,177-91, Derrida, J.,xi,xiitxvii-xx, 22,50-51, 225,234,238,247-52,257,273-84, 300 68,70-76,80,83,125-27,130,132, 135-38,143,148,152,157-71,17374 ,176,178-97,200-201,204, 207-8,211-28,233-44,274,279, Ayer, A. J., 129,180 Bacon, E, x Barth, K., 8,18-19,45,177,192,193 Barthes, R., 185 Bataille, G.,207-17 Battles, E L., 174 Bellah, R., 179 Betti, E., 150,152,166-67,171 Bleicher, J., 156 Bonaventure, St., xx, 249-50 Bowie, A., 115 Brandt, L. E, 231 Browning, R., 248 Bruno, C., 242 Buber, M., 26 Bultmann, R., 21,43 Burnaby, J., 277 Butler, Bishop, 195,204 Calvin, J.,S, 103,105,174,177,190-91, Caputo, J., 4-6, 29, 30, 38, 40, 68-70, 257, 127,130,148,168,180-81,184,192, 216,257,278-79 291,293 Descartes, R., x, xiv, xv, 43, 47-48,67, 40,146,150,178,181,250,256,290 74,79,81,123,127,130,136,138De Vries, H., 5 Dewey, J., xviii, 51,291 Dilthey, W., 20,32-34, 37,40,43, 115, Dionysus, 144,145,233 Divination, 108-9, 120, 149,161 Dreyfus, H. L., 53,63,68 Duke, E , 177 Dworkm, R., 222 Eckhart, M., 231,235,238-44 Eco, U., 162 Edwards, E, 180 Eliot, T. S., 123 Empiricus, S., 291 Epicurus, 89 Fall, the, xiii, xvi, 84, 86-87, 102-5, 118,148-53,156-59,166-67,171 138,140,178,245-47,249,252-53, 300 304 zyxwvut INDEX Feuerbach, L., 23,103,230,269,287Fichte , J. G., 92 Findlay, J.zyxwvut N., 251 Finitude, xvi-xviii, xx, 84, 86-87, 88,293 102-3,105,138,140,142-43,155, 170,172,177-78,201-2,205,246, 290-93,296,299,301 Flay, J., 212 Foucault, M., xi, xx, 68,75, zyxwv 80, 130, Frank, M., 115 Freud, S., x, 22, 77, 104, 334,140, 178, 182,185,231,272,291,298,300 Gadamer, H.-G., xvii-xx, 50-51,65140 ,143,181-82,185 70, 72, 74,110, 115-16,130,132, 135-38,143,148,151-52,157-59, 166-67,171,173,186,218 GaschP, zyxwvut R.,168,190,220 Godel, K., 327, 220 Gregory of Nyssa, 269 Greisch, J., 273, 280 Habermas,J., 68,101-2,130,157,183, Hamaan, J. G., 7 Hanson, N. R., xviii, 52-53/63 Harnack, A., 43 Harvey, I. E., 190 Heelan, I ? ,118 Hegel, G. W. E, xiv-xvi, xviii, xix, 3-4, 241,265 6/15, 20-21/23, 33,39,50,69,7074 ,86,92,99, 106, 122-25, 127, 130, 133-38,144-45,753-55,163-64, 166,168,181,195,197-213,215-16, 218,222,230,240,242-44,246-47, 254,257-58,282,286 Heidegger, M., x, xi, xvi-xviii, xx, 2-24,29-42,51-67,69,72-76,80, 83,110-11,118,121,130,135-36~ 139,140,145-46,148,150-52,15658 ,162,166-67,171,173,185-86, 232-35,243,253,257-66,271-73, 277,28446,291 Hempel, K. zyxwvuts G.,63 Heraclitus, 146 Hermeneutics, xvii-xx, 1,3-4,17, 20, 33-36,38,49-53,55,58,65-66,70, 138-43,147-53,156,157,159,16567 ,170-72,175,177-78,225,296, 298,301 Hesse, M., 159 Himmelfarb, G., 176, 179 Hirsch, Jr., E. D., 150,152,166-67,171 Hobbes...
