
The experience of researching the lives, the suffering, the losses, and the very few triumphs of the Lang and Ottenheimer families, as well as other Jewish families such as Lilo Guggenheim Levine's was devastating. The conclusion is that Humpty-Dumpty cannot be put together again, but continues to be broken, ruined like a trampled flower garden. Very recent positive outcomes are the 13 Stolpersteine that artist Gunter Demnig embedded into the sidewalk at 15 Hauptstrasse, the home of the Lang family and their faithful servant, Falk Sahm, so that the family will not be forgotten; the Holocaust memorial in the Stiegelwiesen cemetery in Süssen, the reconciliation of the Hugo Lang family with the local population which matters tremendously to Hugo; and the education of today's school children about the Holocaust and the Jewish citizens of Süssen by the local city archive director, Werner Runschke.
