In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Career Day Just after “psycic” and “tatooist” [sic], and well before “truck driver” and “tailor,” the high school juniors select “poet” in their list of most likely careers. They’ll take the exotic over the exacting, the dangerous over the daily, the forbidden over the required. They must imagine themselves musing for a living, amused, prophetic, the needle of inspiration burning its way into their Xeshly lives. And who are we to tell them about hauling a cargo of images down whatever toll way they come to, about the importance of seams and cuVs, about stitching up rends and loose ends? They’re young, and until the world, with its needs, Wnally Wnds them, they’ll be whatever they want: misspelled, unmetrical, conWdent, they’re dealing out their tarot decks, the future tattooed on their palms. 75 ...
