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30 Disabled Power Steering 1. YOUR DUDS Are some duds, I spent menopause Thinking. Then gave my dog a sponge bath Out of sheer laziness, gave cussedness A shove, and some thought to 2. WAITRESS CAPS Which have transmigrated (samsara, I think) To taxi roofs. BUT what happened to 3. TWENTY-ONE SHRIMP-IN-A-BASKET? No more do shrimp regularly achieve Their majority, leastways not here, where I was led By a true impression—a most hazy one—of 4. CAVES HAUNTED BY WHINING BRIDES. 5. IN MY SEASONAL WINDOW Just thinking makes me laugh, though I’m far from Chinese, and my glittering eyes aren’t gray But bilateral. My symmetry is just about shot. I am still glad 6. THE GREAT SURGEON’s proclamation Lasted my mother till the end, and I think 31 7. Maybe we’d like someplace to chauffeur Our lives, or at least chafe them Over fresh Sterno, let the flames make us grin like early trucks Till night listens, and all together The ligatures tighten. ...
