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A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S The author gratefully thanks the editors of the following publications in which early versions of these poems, sometimes under different titles, first appeared: Askew (“Don’t Leave Me This Way”); Chaparral (“How’s the World Treating You?” “Responsibility”); Crazyhorse (“Arriving Late at the Birthplace of Pentecostalism ,” “Aubade with Eggs Breaking,” “Diet Frosting,” “John Lennon’s Lips,” “The Last Poem,” “A Series of Ernest Offers, for the Raising of a Man from the Dead”); : A Journal of Contemporary American Poetry (“If God Were a Wiseguy”);  AM (“American Fanatics”); Hunger Mountain (“Security”); New Ohio Review (“Spirit Photograph”); Pleiades (“A Selective History of Los Angeles, in Seven Turns”); Pool (“Dying Your Black Clothes Black,” “Ephebiphobia,” “Hell,” “It Is Good to Be amongst Catholics Again,” “Lucky Nails,” “Winter Nap, Late Afternoon”); Rattle (“Litany with Garbage Keeper and Bones”); Solo Café (“Where Will You Spend Your Eternity?”); Southern Poetry Review (“Summer Replacement: Pure Jesus, Early Morning Shift”); Southern Review (“The Backyard ,” “Spellbind”); Transformation (“Mollie Fancher, Marvelous Invalid, Lives without Food!”); TriQuarterly (“Blue Distances, Northern California,” “Face Lift, One,” “Small Casket”); West Branch (“Something in the House Was Beeping ,” “Stereotype”).  Barresi pages:Layout 1 5/12/10 1:44 PM Page 99 ...
