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Guidance Counseling (after Breton and Eluard) When the woman, her shoulders on the bed, lifts her pelvis into the standing man, it is called Dentist Office. When the man, after an hour hiding in a closet, couples with she of the silk flowered dress, snug in the bodice, it is called Representational Democracy. When the woman licks her burnt finger, Tiny Garden Hose. Often, as we grow old, life becomes a page obscured with too many words like the sea with too many flashes. Like my screaming may obscure my love for you. How will we ever understand each other? When the woman sits on the ladder and the man churns like a lizard, stiff in melting ice cream, it is called Many Dews. If the man is able to lie on his stomach and somehow penetrate the woman who lies on top of him while she devours his head, it is called Preying Mantis. In the event of a water landing, your seat becomes a flotation device. What happens continues to happen more or less until we die in some sudden or slow way. It may be Bull Fight, it may be Wind in the Trees. You will need at least two dressy outfits, one for rehearsal, the other for actual. When the woman pushes the man down in a chair, rubs her breasts in his face and all is rich and fleeing, risen and slain, enmeshed in the hour’s russet locks, surged, 61 wet with, it is called Laughing Inside the Go, called Cathedral Hidden or Cloud Done, Long or Sudden Done, Last Exhausts Blown to Sea, Tolling of Everything Empty, Diamond Empty, Chest After Sobbing and when the woman is combing and the man is asleep, when the woman enters an elevator, a gentleman removes his hat. 62 ...
