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Howl Upone Eskaping, I Learne Mey Vehikle Is Not Sea-Worthie & Upone Mey Tragik Recapture & Longe Internmynt During Whyche I Wrighte These Words Thorough a Secret System Infolfing Mey Owne Blood When I got up from my nap in 1999, there were fewer of my kind around. Apparently it had been circulated that if you cracked our oblongatas correctly, you could harvest a fair amount of plutonium 57 although, in my experience, no one knew the proper technique. Still, they tried, the shattered remains of my tribe hauled to the curb every Monday night when the downstairs people screamed about their ranunculi until I called the authorities. Mid 17th century Holland, it was tulips but now it’s ranunculi. In the bathroom was a book of poems by H**** C*** about how sad and exquisite and made of goopy lace everything was. I hated those poems. Even a regular burrito, no guacamole, was more full of life than those poems yet each time his school met mine, they won, walking away. Often our guards would complain of pangs mysterioso the night before engagement and their hearts would go trochaic. 14 It was March, month of human discourse before the human intercourse that makes such a mess of April. So I tried to file my report but part of what I wanted I knew I’d never get yet when I didn’t, I felt driven to account for the contrary forces within. Can you see what I was up against? I was just like you until I was alone then I was a cherry blossom. 15 ...
