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WO R K S C I T E D Archival materials are listed in a separate section of this list, and are cited in the numbered notes. Bancroft, H. H. [188?]. Annals of the California Gold Era: 1848–1859. New York: Bancroft. Barth, G. 1994. California’s Practical Period: A Cultural Context of the Emerging University, 1850s–1870s. Berkeley: Center for Studies in Higher Education and Institution for Governmental Studies, University of California. Beck, W. A., and D. A. Williams. 1972. California: A History of the Golden State. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. Berlin, J. 1987. Rhetoric and Reality: Writing Instruction in American Colleges, 1900–1985. Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press. Boddam-Whetham, J. W. 1874. Western Wanderings: A Record of Travel in the Evening Land. London: Richard Bentley and Son. Brereton, J., ed. 1995. The Origins of Composition Studies in the American College, 1875–1925: A Documentary History. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. California Postsecondary Education Commission. 1983. Promises to Keep: Remedial Education in California’s Public Colleges and Universities. Sacramento: California Postsecondary Education Commission. Carpenter, G. R. 1895. Review of English in American Universities, ed. W. M. Payne. The Educational Review, November. Quoted in Kurtz 1943, 122. Clark, B. 1960. The Open-Door College. New York: McGraw-Hill. Cohen, R., and R. E. Zelnick. 2002. The Free Speech Movement: Reflections on Berkeley in the 1960s. Berkeley: University of California Press. Conmy, P. 1928. History of the Entrance Requirements of the Liberal Arts Colleges of the University of California. Berkeley: University of California Press. Crowley, S. 1998. Composition in the University: Historical and Polemical Essays. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. Curti, M., and V. Carstensen. 1949. The University of Wisconsin: A History. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Quoted in Douglass 2000, 83. Dalleck, R. 1999. Ronald Reagan and the Politics of Symbolism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Donovan, R. 1978. Bakke and “Qualified” Undergraduates. In Admitting and Assisting Students after Bakke, ed. A. Astin, B. Fuller, and K. Green, 85–94. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Douglas, W. 1996. Rhetoric for the Meritocracy: The Creation of Composition at Harvard . In English in America: A Radical View of the Profession, ed. R. Ohmann, 97–132. Hanover, N.H.: Wesleyan University Press. (Orig. pub. 1976.) Douglass, J. A. 2000. The California Idea and American Higher Education: 1850 to the Master Plan. Stanford: Stanford University Press.| 161 | Duff, S. E. 1945. Correlation of the University of California Subject A Exams. PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley. Ferrier, W. W. 1930. The Origin and Development of the University of California. Berkeley: Sather Gate Books. Fisher, W. M. 1876. The Californians. London: Macmillan. Quoted in Starr 1981, 129. Gayley, C. M. 1895. The University of California. In English in American Universities, by Professors in the English Departments of Twenty Representative Institutions, ed. W. M. Payne. Boston: D. C. Heath. Reprinted in Brereton 1995, 168–72. Gayley, C. M., and C. B. Bradley. 1894. Suggestions to Teachers of English in the Secondary Schools. Berkeley: University of California Press. ———. 1904. Suggestions to Teachers of English in the Secondary Schools. 2nd ed. Berkeley: University of California Press. George, H. 1871. Our Land and Land Policy, National and State. San Francisco: White and Bauer. Gitlin, T. 1987. The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage. Toronto and New York: Bantam. Hill, A. S. 1879. An Answer to the Cry for More English. In Twenty Years of School and College English. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1896. Reprinted in Brereton 1995, 45–56. Hittell, J. S. 1863. The Resources of California. San Francisco: A. L. Bancroft and Co. Quoted in Starr 1981, 129. House Un-American Activities Committee. 1959. Language as a Communist Weapon; Consultation with Dr. Stefan T. Possony. Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives , Eighty-Sixth Congress, First Session. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1959. Horner, B., and M. Z. Lu. 1999. Representing the ‘Other’: Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing. Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English. Hudson, A. P. 1938. The Perennial Problem of the Ill-Prepared. College English 27: 727–33. Hull, G. 1999. Alternatives to Remedial Writing: Lessons from Theory, from History, and a Case in Point. Unpublished manuscript. Jaehn, T. 1998. Four Eras: Changes of Ownership. In Sunset Magazine: A Century of Western Living, 1898–1998: Historical Portraits and a Chronological Bibliography of Selected Topics, 77–105. Stanford: Stanford University Libraries. http://sunset-magazine (accessed June 2, 2002...
