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309 index Aderkas, M. F., 73 adultery, 39–40 Afanasiev, Alexander, 77, 269n1 Agamben, Giorgio, 234, 235, 245–46, 250 Aitmatov, Chingis, Farewell, Gulsary!, 187 Alafson, Mikhaila, 24 Alaniz, José, 13, 196 Alekseevsky, Mikhail, 6, 17–18 Aleshkovsky, Petr: Life of Ferret, 8, 13, 196, 199–218, 297n39; Nikolai Nikolaevich, 244; Seagulls, 210 amazonki (amazons), 192 anatomy, 12 animal diseases: case example of, 55–57; causes of, 47–49; conceived of as living creatures, 49; folk names for, 46–47; human diseases vs., 49, 55–58; rituals for curing, 50; treatment methods for, 52–55 Animal Party, 235, 248 animal protection, 95–112; adjudication of, 105; in contemporary Russia, 112; debates over, 99–100; degrees of, 101–2; issues in, 97, 99, 100; legislation on, 97–107, 112; and morality, 98–104, 107, 111; pre-revolutionary status of, 107–10; scholarship on, 97–98; Singer and, 247; and social control, 97, 110; Soviet abandonment of, 112; Western practice of, 96, 99, 103, 111–12. See also cruelty to animals; Russian Society for the Protection of Animals; violence: against animals animal studies, x–xi, 2, 78, 79, 97, 98, 36, 180–82, 223–24, 233 animal training, 14–15; for circus acts, 168–69; components of, 167; Durov and, 8, 164–77; effectiveness of, 167; emotional, 167; Hagenbeck method of, 172–73; incentive-based, 167; principles of, 165–67, 175; process of, 168–69; scientific interest in, 165, 170–72, 175–76; traditional, mechanical methods of, 166–67. See also bear training Animal Welfare Act (U.S.), 112 animal-human synthesis: futurism and, 143; and language, 143–44; Mayakovsky and, 143–44, 154; Russian culture and, 143 animals: chthonic, 47–48; church canons concerning, 37–38; cultural meanings of, 180–81; emotions of, 166, 167; as folklore tropes, 223; futurism and, 143; identification with, 157–61; laws concerning, 37, 64, 97–107, 112; legal and moral status of, 101–2, 111 (see also rights); Mayakovsky and, 138–39, 141–63; occult power of, 38; as other, 220, 222; in primitive cultures, 144–46; Note: Page numbers in italic type indicate illustrations or photographs. costlow nelson text4.indd 309 6/23/10 8:40 AM 310————index Russia associated with, 60; in Soviet culture, 113–15; stereotypes of, 204; suffering of, 146–49; trial and punishment of, 38; animism, 126 Anna Leopol’dovna, regent, 39 Anufriev, Andrei, 123 Apatity, Kola Peninsula, 135 Apollo, 25 Arkhipov, Kondrat, 123 Article 43.1, 97, 104–5, 110. See also animal protection: legislation on. Askoldov, Aleksandr, Komissar, 192 Babel, Isaac: “Crossing over the River Zbruch,” 185; Red Cavalry, 184; “Story of a Horse,” 184–85 baiting, of prey animals, 64, 73–75 Baker, Steve, 180, 204 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 26 Barykov, Nikolai Fedorovich, 35 Basinskii, Pavel, 294n2 bear comedies, 80–81 bear training, 77–84; background on, 79; ethnic groups and regions associated with, 79; human-animal relations in, 80–83; laws concerning, 79–80; method of, 79–80; and threshold-crossing ritual, 77–78. See also animal training bears: character of, 90; Christianity and, 5; cultural meaning of, 78–79; human correspondences to, 78–79; in literature, 80–94; rituals involving, 77–78; Russia associated with, 4–5, 5, 6, 14, 77, 93–94; scientific perspective on, 87–91; taboo on name of, 78–79; violence of, 92. See also bear training behavior: Pavlov and, 237–38; physiological roots of, 7, 12 Bekhterev, Vladimir M., 165, 171–72, 176 Belarus, 79 Belov, Vasilii, Business as Usual, 186–87 Benjamin, Walter, 233 Berger, John, 94; “Why Look at Animals?,” ix, 2, 204 bestiality, 37–38 blind-staggers, 46–47 Blok, Alexander, 189 bloodletting, 53 Bogdanov, Modest, 87–89; From the Life of Russian Nature, 87; “How Life Goes in the World,” 87; “The Wood Demon,” 87–88 Bolotov, Andrei Timofeevich, 30–33, 31 Bolsheviks: attitudes towards animals, 11, 12; Durov’s support for, 173; Mayakovsky’s attitude towards, 113, 114, 149, 152–57 Borenstein, Eliot, 184 Bouissac, Paul, 40 Bradley, Joseph, 106 brain helminthiasis, 46–47 Brantz, Dorothee, 98 Bredikhina, Mila, 234, 235, 237, 239 Brener, Aleksandr, 234 Brezhnev, Leonid, 186, 187 Brik, Lili, 138–39, 144, 153, 159–62 Brik, Osip, 138, 159–60 Britain, 97, 112. See also England Brooks, Jeffrey, 125 Brougher, Valentina, 210 Brown, Edward, 139–40 Bruno, Andy, 6, 8, 11, 114 Buck-Morss, Susan, 219 Bulgakov, Mikhail, Heart of a Dog, 235, 240–45 Bulletin (RSPA journal), 74 Burliuk, David, 149 Burt, Jonathan, ix businessmen, 194 byt (daily life), 141, 162...
